Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Great Lights Lining Up To Point The Way Home

Lady Luna waxes into fulness12 minutes after midnight tonight.  Do you see the code? 12/12/12?  ONE TWO ONE TWO ONE TWO, UP/DOWN/UP/DOWN BLACK/WHITE/BLACK/WHITE, ODD/EVEN/ODD/EVEN. THE I CHING using 1 and 2 rather than 0 and 1.  How the internet works, and we are automatically looking for the principle of magic 64. 

The 12 must come together, gathered around the ONE.

There she will be, brightly shining at 19* Gemini and for the Eastern US, she is right up at the mid-heaven, standing across from a beaming 19* Sagittarius sun.

All kinds of parties and gabbing going on as it is and then we throw in Neptune/Poseidon who forms a T-square at 15*PIsces and we have a slippery lunation tugging on the watery world as the line-up has now entered Capricorn with Jupiter adding his weight to this heavenly formation.

Jupiter at 2* Capricornus the Goat, is also forming a lovely earth trine
to Uranus who is at 3* Taurus the Bull and the two will meet up exactly mere days later on the 15th at 2*, as Uranus is in retrograde motion.  This will give Jupiter just the outlet he needs, in his newly uncomfortable leaden jacket.  So any new idea or concept regarding working with the earth in a sustainable way will have a lot of traction now.  We will see new advances in hip replacement while a rising number of people have the procedures.

Pluto/Hades has now made his way to 21* Capricorn leading the charge now just ahead of a 20* Venus/Aphrodite being swallowed by a 19* Saturn/EL.  That is heavy duty responsibility, especially with Jupiter having now entered Capricorn too.


Hades is all but flat out lighting people on fire, just like horror stories where the sun light instantly combusts upon landing on an evil person walking in daylight.

Exposing the dark that has been hidden or occulted for thousands of years, we are horrified as we see what has been right in front of our eyes since memory of this current time frame began.

Pluto/Hades is just not allowing the obfuscation that occludes the TRUTH BEING REVEALED TO US.

Hades is throwing up bodies all over the place.  Yes, the two dark
horses in astrology, Saturn with his sickle to harvest what has ripened and Pluto/Hades the planet of death and rebirth are exposing the detritus both within us (as we face our own fears and darkness) and without, in government, structures, corporations, even forms of commerce and systems of
currency as well as models like capitalism and socialism getting debated and reformed too.

Venus is love and money, what we have and Saturn wants to ‘restrict or structure’ that love/relationships and money or bring us the grim reminder of our disrespect in ‘what we relate to’, be it money, relationships, physical goods, etc.  What we VALUE is being tested.

Who are you WITHOUT anything that you value?
What is the operating system driving you?

You can bet, new systems, political, currency, governments are and have been preparing for just this time.  Pay attention to the forces of darkness coming out and EXPOSING themselves. 
This leads us into the winter Solstice which is on the 22nd, whence the darkness shall become strong and long.  Four days later, the day after Christmas, we have a solar eclipse at 4* of Capricorn, setting off the final fuse in a daisy-chain of events that will start coming at us with such a speed as to having many gasping for breath, a break, a moment to try to regain strength as the burdens of Saturn can grow very heavy at this time.

“Have you found the ending, good then you have found the beginning
also” ~ from the Gospel of Thomas.

The old systems are dying.  We will not keep old systems operating, eventually they will crash around us.  The United States, as I stated over a decade ago, will not look the same, the government will change.

The Uranus/Pluto squares in the blood moon windows really started to crank open the gates…yes…literally of hell sometimes.

Learning meditation techniques, time in nature, drink up as much of that and love her, tell her how much you appreciate her and ASK HER


You may feel lost, or that you cannot find yourself.  Where did you go?

Because the old is dying away.  As old versions/orders of yourselves dissolve away, or the dross is burned off, you will BE EXPOSED.


The Three Abrahamic religions are also being overhauled as even their darkness is exposed.  The truth that was occluded, hidden within the sacred texts is being revealed.

This will bring MAJOR EARTH CHANGES.

We MUST recommend, ArcAncient’s Salts with their special, exclusive 5 blend formula, or their Colds and Flu’s kit, so you have everything you need to help you keep healthy through this challenging time.

There will also be moments of awe and such bliss it will bring you to
your knees.

Hope you enjoyed your long sleep…the dreaming is about to wake us up.  EN-LIGHT-EN-MENT= LIGHTING UP THE MIND TO SEE WHAT YOU COULD NOT SEE BEFORE.

Once we go through the exposing, Jupiter/Zeus is bringing up the
rear to ring in the new systems at the end of next year.

This will really become operational in 2024.  We still have a lot more clearing to do.

The alarm is starting to ring now, can you hear it?

I Ching, See:

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