Friday, January 10, 2020

The Shift of the Balance of Powers

If you have kept up with this blog, then much of what I say here has been written, save for what I am now going to put the cherry on top, because we are LITERALLY LIVIN GIN THE TIME OF REVEALATIONS.
The Lord of the Rings is finally arriving to his much-forecasted rendezvous with Hades.

“For there will be signs and wonders in the heavens.”  The recent solar eclipse that took place the day after Christmas, created quite the spectacle in the heavens indeed.
You can also go back to this blog, written back in 2013, PREDICTING THIS VERY TIME, PANDEMIC, PANDEMONIUM and the years leading up to this, in the previous cycle of Pluto in Capricon, starting in 1762.

Look at this picture snapped in the middle east as the sun was rising, creating a red cast drenching the sun as he is being swallowed by the moon, reflected on the ocean.

I immediately, recalled the moon and star from the old Turkey flag.  The image of the moon and star having its origins in Greece and quickly adapted in Turkey and currently several Muslim countries now use the image as well.

Old coins also bear the image.  Devil horns is another way of looking at this.
Eclipses have a long historic tradition of predictive traditional meanings.
According to a Pauranic legend, the solar eclipse is the day when the two planets Rahu and Ketu, two

parts of the same demon, Svarbhanu take their revenge against the sun god, Martandfo for complaining against Lord Vishnu the creator.
Mohini transformed herself into the Vishwaroopa of Vishnu and used his Sudarshan Chakra cut the demon in half, head and tail.
The head came to be known as Rahu and is benevolent and the tail of the snake was called Ketu as malevolent.  Ketu is where we discard the past.  It acts like a drain.
That eclipse was dancing on the tail of the dragon, Ketu.

All of this is being matched as the planets tripped over the GC. (Galactic Center/birth of creation).  This opens this new chapter in a historic line up of astrological events.  This starts a 6-month, inner cycle leading up to the mid-summer eclipses.

Here I would add that this daisy chain of events, really started to ramp up with the Uranus Pluto squares and the blood moons on the high Jewish Holidays that happened back in (2014-2015.)

Pluto/Hades entered Capricorn on January 25th, 2008.

He doesn’t leave Capricorn until March 24, 2023 when he ingresses into Aquarius for the first time, before he turns retrograde and does not re-enter until January of the following year.  You can review those dates and match up salient events giving you further indication of the magnitude of the times we are now living.

Another extremely powerful astrological configuration heralding the import of these times was the Great USA fire/eclipse doorway, which began in August of 2017 and closes in April of 2024.  (see image)

We can see that ‘X’ marks the spot.  We can also see a ‘Fallen Cross’.  The St. Louis Gateway 
becomes the eye of the needle both eclipse path’s cross through.  We can also see; the US being drawn and quartered, but more on that later.  (Find the value for X/+)

The new moon, solar eclipse on December 26, triggered open the immediate time frame we are now in as I write this.  Through this window, we shall see where we are and what we are seeding on the planet at this time.  We can see the planets all lined up in Capricorn.  Magnifying the energy of Capricorn, the Goat.  You can read about the new moon in the last blog.

All that energy in Capricorn. 

It gave us the view of where we are headed. 

The day before the full moon on the 10th, Uranus (ANU as in ANNUNAKI as I was told in a dream) stations direct.  This will give the full moon a super-charged energy, amplifying Taurus (the earth, I have, VALUE).
This can inspire innovative changes in harnessing different and kinder forms of power on our earth, harnessing her power in different and more evolved ways.
It is also as stated in previous blogs, a part of the aspects (Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn) in changing forms of currency, money how we trade (cryptocurrency?) and we will see the beginning of giving the earth more value, not in the sense of her riches for money, but in how valuable she is to our own existence and many will begin to see her in a new light, as humanity gathers and marshals forces to protect her as Pluto the mob.  It will be about what we can give to HER.  This can also manifest in the future as control measures of the planet/resources.

The Weight

Now Lady Luna will come into her fullness on January 10th at 20* of Cancer at 2:21PM EST MOTHER and ruler of the moon.  Her solar paramour, our ambassador through the heavens eclipses her, as the shadow of the earth occludes grandmother moon, our identity and trajectory will come into full view.  Also known as the wolf moon.
Emotions might be more in control (which is perfect for this time). This also amplifies all the players that have lined up in Capricorn the Goat now opposing the moon and the head of the dragon, Rahu.  We will cut away old emotional baggage as what is truly essential and necessary in life begins to take precedent, the old petty WEIGHT will drop off, having done its job.

Just two days later, with the energy of the eclipse infused into this lineup in Capricorn, Saturn and Pluto meet up exactly on 01, 12, 2020 literally at High Noon, (12:00) at: 22 degrees.

Gd knows we need all the help we can get to ‘have the eyes to see’…and if this is not as obvious as it can possibly get, that we are literally going through a ‘de-coding/re-coding’ cycle RIGHT NOW.  A global reset is coming, no matter what people want, it is on its way.

Saturn is the last of the inner (personal) planets, thus: “The Lord of the Rings” and we often see Saturn depicted with his rings. Pluto is the last of the ‘outer planets (bigger picture/higher octave of the lower planets: Uranus/Mercury, Neptune/Venus, Pluto/Mars). 
As a reminder to those who may be just joining this blog: Long cycles
Saturn and Pluto last conjoined at 4* Capricorn in January of 1518.
The last time Jupiter and Pluto met in Capricorn, was at 18* on February 24th, 1771.
The last time Jupiter and Saturn met up in Aquarius, was at 23* on January 16th, 1405.

Now that Jupiter/Zeus (Jezeus) has also joined the line-up in Capricorn, he is in his father’s territory.  His father, (Cronus/Saturn) as we recall mythologically, tried to kill him but his mother Rhea tricked
Saturn/Cronus with a stone wrapped in a blanket.  Jupiter planet of expansion, benevolence and largess is not comfortable in the restricting energy of Capricorn.  He will have to cut the head of his father off when they meet up, but the two wisely wait until they are entering Aquarius at the end of 2020.

So why is this so significant?

Let’s look back at a few things that happened when they last met up in Capricorn.

You see, back then there was a major shift of power on the planet too, from the orient into Europe and the New World that was discovered, at least historically by Columbus in 1507 and Ponce DeLeon founding Caparra, Puerto Rico’s first European Colony from Spain.

Europe was just a congested, group of backwards colonies and towns compared to Asia at the time.

We also had the Reformation, Martin Luther, now standing up to the authority of the church and fighting back on their implementation with things such as ‘indulgences’.  Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses to the door of All Saints' Church in Wittenberg on 31 October 1517.
As stated in previous blogs, we also had the origin of the dollar.  One of the most resonant names among modern currencies, that of the dollar, derives from a somewhat later coin - the large silver Joachimsthaler, widely known as the thaler, which is minted from 1517 in Bohemia and is named from the silver mines at Joachimsthal.
This provides another clue that our own forms of currency will be changing.  We will have a different economy, brought about by the necessary tightening of the budget and the very real possibility of an economic crash.  If we manage to get through this year without that happening, it will be very difficult to get past the Saturn Squares to Uranus that begin next year, right after what may end up being the most hotly contested elections in history…IF…we even have an election.
Relating to the last Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions we again can see relationship to money/currency. 
1407 Casa di San Giorgio, one of the first public banks, founded in Genoa.
1415 Henry V defeats French at Agincourt. Jan Hus, Bohemian preacher and follower of Wycliffe, burned at stake in Constance as heretic.
1400s: Plague, War, Turmoil, and the start of the European Renaissance
The 1400s started out with things going well in most of the Old World, and chaos in the New World. Often, at first contact, native populations melted away seemingly overnight, and the colonizers gained new territory. Japan gained much land and riches but was increasingly at odds with China and Korea. The Chinese tried to call a conference with the leaders of Japan to carve up the New World into separate spheres of influence, but the Japanese felt that they were in a good position and declined the offer. Japan, after all, had a large head start in the New World. Because of Japan's unwillingness to cooperate, China declared war in 1411.
In August 1768 Saturn managed to find his way into the opposition or ‘full moon’ aspect of that
initial conjunction Saturn and Pluto made to each other in Capricorn back in 1518.
So here we can see the ‘full moon aspect’ in this cycle.  Saturn was in Cancer at 11* opposing Pluto at 11* of Capricorn.
Clearly, we can see that time frame as a major upheaval and battle for POWER AND CONTROL (Pluto and Saturn).  We had the American Revolution!
This leads us to the IMPORT of this day and this conjunction between Saturn and Pluto, then Jupiter and Pluto and then Jupiter and Saturn meet up at the end of this year.
This is a BIG YEAR.  It is a year when you are choosing which path you will follow for a very long time. 
In previous blogs and in a chapter in the book I am writing now for over a decade, I reference my experience climbing on a sacred Native American site, where there is a burial ground.  As I hiked, so many deeper secrets written in the bible started to REVEAL themselves to me. (2008?)
I reference the first miracle, Jesus turning water into wine at the HOLY WEDDING, the marriage of the pairs of opposites.
Because of course, Jesus isn’t trying to show what a great magician He is, He is teaching you in parables, the MYSTERY’S.  On this day, I was told: “He took the clay and breathed life into it and created Adam and Eve.” (paraphrasing)
The point is, that WE are that clay vessel that must marry the pairs of opposites.  In my book, I detail MANY MYSTERIES that have been revealed to me this way.  The very clay vessels He instructs His mother Mary to bring, so He can change the water into wine.  We are around 80% water.
As so many things opened up to me, I was then told: ‘You are living in the time of REVEALATIONS’.  WHEN ALL IS REVEALED.
I was so excited, at first.
Because initially, the idea of the mysteries opening up to me, through the Holy Spirit was everything I seek to know, to KNOW GD.
I looked into the word Apocalypse and for the first time, found out that it literally meant: “the thinning of the veil” ‘To reveal”
Also: History and Etymology for apocalypse
In my usual naivety, I thought: “Oh, it is not bad, we are going to finally get to learn the mysteries! 
Yay!  I was giddy with delight.  (Of course, I always feel I am in a different zone, when I hear these things.  When Ang-EL’s come to visit and teach me.) 
Additionally, so many other things open when the Holy Spirit opens your ‘eye’ to see what was right in front of your eyes, if only you had the eyes to see.”
I see and hear these things, very similar to how I could see and hear when I died and crossed over, you don’t use your usual senses we have down here in this dimension.
I also have posted that this year will bring, 20/20 vision.
Because the other thing I was told before we began the year 2000, or MM (Mary the Magdalene) is to use the major tarot for all these years now, starting with 0 the Fool.
You can go back and read about that now too if you want, it is important to know who the fool is and there is much to be learned by watching or reading the highly mystical book/movie: The Hunchback of Notre Dame’, I have several hours just on this I have been teaching.  That old black and white movie opens with the 'Festival of Fools'.

That leads to this year, ‘The Judgment Card’.
See the cross?  EL is the cross.  It is 4 X 90* Ang-EL’s.
El-e-ment=Gd Mind.
EL/Saturn/Lord of the Rings/Cronus: Gd of the Old Testament.
The square, the black cube (the black cube in Mecca), chessboard, (We begin to square the circle for stability), kabba/kabbala, foundation stone.  Frugality, reserve, restriction, discipline (there are 12 disciples and 12 tribes of Israel.)
Saturn teaches us where we must learn discipline to master discipleship to be able to hold the light of Gd at the center of creation.  (Holy of Holies)
Integrity.  Any time we fall from being seduced by any one of the 7 DEADLY SINS, we corrupt the structure/integrity and will not be able to hold the light to experience the Glory of Gd.  Little by little the soul is occluded with each transgression.  You cannot hold the inspiration of Gd and ascend the grand staircase through the heart to the king and queen’s chamber.
This is your own inner, spiral staircase.  (In-spire-at ion/inspiration)
It is Jacob’s Ladder.  It is in our DNA.
He is the ruler of the sign of Capricorn the Goat.  The 10th house in astrology.
Corporations, rules and regulations, government, leaders, management, pyramid (fire in the middle btw), the top of the ladder, ambitions.
He is meeting up with Pluto/Hades, Gd of the underworld.  Hades is the son of Saturn/Cronus and brother of Zeus/Jupiter.  (but El ate Hades).  His partner is Persephone that he rapes and drags down into his lair. 
Persephone is the daughter of Demeter/Ceres.
When Ceres/Demeter finds out Hades has stolen her daughter, she is very upset.  She stops the earth from blooming.  Mercury/Hermes is sent to the underworld, to try and negotiate her release, so the earth can bloom again.   Hades agrees to allow her to live on top of the earth for part of the season, if he can have her through the cold winter months.  Asteroid Demeter is at 15* Cancer, squaring this lineup.
Eris, the Greek Goddess of strife and discord is now at 23* Aries so she is squaring this lineup in Capricorn.
Now that I have given you a little reminder of who the players are, let’s look at the lineup in Capricorn:
Leading the pack, we have Mercury/Hermes at 23*, Pluto and Saturn at 22*, Ceres/Demeter at 22*, Sun (our solar ambassador) at 21*, Jupiter/Zeus 9*, and finally we have the tail of the dragon, and the south node at 8*.
Knowing more about the mythology is key to transcribing and interpreting the events.
Hades has been ravaging and destroying all sorts of systems, governments, and corporations since his entry into Capricorn.  As I have stated before, he is like a bunker buster bomb.  He is a raging inferno inside that hierarchical system and one great analogy is Smaug from the Hobbit series living inside the mountain with all the gold. 
Our sun brings our solar being’s identity into the mix, EN-LIGHT-EN-MENT, lighting up the mind to see what you could not see before.  He is shining his light into the depths of our being, showing us the hidden treasure that is within our own mountain.
Hades has now excavated and thrown the dead bodies up onto the shores, we even witness so many
of our sea animals literally beaching themselves.
Gd keeps showing us so many signs for those who have the eyes to see.
Saturn/El is now going to HARNESS THAT POWER.
This is new forms of governments rising.  New systems emerging out of the death of the old systems that no longer can survive through this shift into our new IDENTITY.  The very HEART OF THE MATTER.
Ceres is casting a knowing and watchful eye and is bringing to the table of these Gd’s, her own plea’s and showing us all right now, what we are DOING TO HER GARDEN.
Hades is death.
This is also why we also see so many people leaving the planet now.
When Hades was conjunct my own natal sun by transit, that is when I died and was given my Last Rites.
He is also the phoenix, that rises out of the ashes.  

We see the horrible fires that have been ravaging the planet, California and South Korea and of course, Australia where 1 billion animals have died.
Literally the fires of Hades are setting the world ablaze.  
He rules the treasures buried beneath the ground.
Look back through the years and see just how much more you now see about your own darkness and witness the darkness that is hidden in tunnels and basements (Hades) is being revealed, such as the pedophile rings being exposed.  The Epstein and Weinstein’s.
Who would have ever thought such a thing even existed?
And so, I bring your attention back to the myth of El/Cronus who EATS HIS CHILDREN.  He is depicted as such in iconography that I have shared with you over the years now many times.
Hades rapes Persephone.  RAPES her and drags her into THE UNDERWORLD.
Fun Facts:
#Epsteindidntkillhimself.  #Metoo  
Harvey Weinstein used an organization called, ‘black cube’ to harass and threaten his accusers into silence. (Reminder, just the messenger, didn't like waking up to this going on myself)
As I have told you previously and in this very blog over the years, Saturn is the black cube.  Kaaba, Kabala. Kaab-ala.  Al is also El, thus Al-chemy is Gd’s light coming out of the darkness.
Recall Gd asking Abraham to sacrifice his son, until Gabriel the messenger angel comes and stops him?
Saturn is also associated with the color black (as in the cube).
Oil (Hades and Neptune ruled) is often referred to as, black gold.
Gold is alchemically symbolized by the sun.
Oil=black sun/black gold.
A false Gd.
What Gd to you worship?  The one who turns to dust or the eternal Gd?  
Janus, for January, is a two-headed Gd.  Choose which one you wish to rule you wisely.
Recall the parables of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness, and His response is always, no, I don’t want that I am going to my Father’s house.
He will not be tempted to be a ‘false ruler’ in the kingdom of darkness.
El will have us tightening up our belts.  Using his sickle, cutting away the dross to see the golden light within, the fire inside the temp-EL. 
This is happening because we are not HONOURING THE MOTHER.
The EARTH, our home, our space station through the universe that revolves, evolves around the sun: “I am the Lord the God, thou shalt not have strange God’s before me.”  It is the first mystery Jesus teaches to the disciples.
You cannot have any other light occluding the great, central sun, the Holy of Holies.  In my book and on this blog, I have told you that She came to me and told me: Magdala/Amygdala…She is the Holy of Holies. 
It is the return of the fisher king, the marriage of the sacred queen and king, the marriage of the pairs
of opposites, the sun and the moon.
Solomon: Sun and moon, soul of man.
I have told you they are rebuilding Solomon’s Temp-el and have been for quite some time, preparing every single part, tool, sacred garments, walls, vessels, all of it, so it will go up in 3 days.
Mike Pompeo just stated how excited he is, that they are bringing about the time of the RAPTURE.
So, you see it does not matter if you believe in any of this, what was written or why it is the way it is now.
The people that are running this planet believe and are actively working to make it happen.  The monsters behind the scenes.  False God’s.
What are they using and fighting over?  Black Gold, the false Gd.
Ceres is now negotiating on our behalf and on behalf of this planet.
In my vision of the twin towers coming down, before it happened, it was Her they were trying to get around, the Magdalene, Holy of Holies.
When they took down the twin towers (built by the Solomon Brothers)
(I could write a book on this alone, so just look into the connections yourself, so I can keep this very long blog, just a little bit shorter.)
But that was symbolically taking down the connecting pillars (symbolically heaven connecting to earth) and opening the pits of hell, releasing daemons.  It was a black majik ritual, done right in front of you.
You must find your inner light, you must rebuild that staircase, those pillars.
As the old systems/structures die away, we must have the integrity to rebuild things on a solid foundation…a rock.  Jacob falls asleep on that rock; it is the Philosopher’s Stone.
Therefore I have been telling everyone to prepare their own temp-El’s. for a very long time now.  That is why I cashed all my retirement in back in 1997 when I had that vision of the towers imploding.  They told me: “the energy centers are imploding; the energy centers are imploding” in that dream.  It was the twin towers, the WORLD TRADE CENTER.  That is when I learned the relationship of money to currency/energy.
I co-founded the first, alternative school for healing in Cleveland with that money.  It was everything I had.  I have been doing what is in my power to help people wake up, because Gd allowed me to return to earth, to live again after that death…for a reason.

Hermes the messenger Gd in the mix, recall he is who negotiated the release of Persephone.  He is the Gd of the crossroads.  He is the trickster, ruling Gemini the twins, Remus and Romulus, duality.  Gemini’s face an incredible task of integrating two very separate identities.  When they don’t, they are only the trickster and can become the best cons on the planet.  Gemini by its very nature is duality.
For a long time, there has been some mixed up teaching about spirituality and only focusing on the good.  This is not being honest and it is not the truth that sets us free.  It is another version of Stepford Wives.  With everyone walking around, in this dual nature, ‘pretending’, it created a huge dark shadow that has erupted onto the planet as Donald Trump.  The 'Trickster' will charm people down his path, and expose people unwittingly, then the rug will get pulled out.  Everything, includng the bits of truth will be pulled with it.
He is the epitome of WHAT NOT TO DO.  Gold toilets?  Saying he is the ‘chosen one’.  He is the very image of everyone of the seven deadlies.  The more you have allowed your own vessel and integrity to be corrupted by these very same ‘idols’, the less of the truth you will be able to see and that is very sad for your soul at this very important time on the planet.
Donald Trump is the example of IMMORALITY
We all have our own darkness to transmute.  It is the light of day that shines witness upon things, and just like evil in the horror stories, vanquishes the darkness.  En-LIGHT-en-ment: lighting up the mind to see what you could not see before.  You don’t turn the light off and then pretend you don’t see it.  It needs to be healed and integrated.  We must be AWARE.  AW OF RA, AWE OF LIGHT.
On the 12th, prepare to set into stone, the spiritual eternally living being that you are, this time is activating your codes (your astrology chart/blueprint/electrical panel) to show up NOW.
Many of you are having a hard time handling staying in a corporate structure, unless it was built upon the light, it is going to disintegrate but now it is pressure, making it very hard for many to even go into work.
Many of you have lost your jobs in these very institutions that were literally making you sick.
Now is the time to do what YOU CAME HERE TO DO.
Let us help to make each other whole/Holy.  Holy of Holies.
Witness each other.  The first game we play with a child, is: “I see you”.
This is the higher octave of the commandment: ‘thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor” and is the Holy version of the Sacrament of Confession.  Sacrament=sacred mind.
Pluto in power with Saturn, can bring two things: Dictatorship OR The mob, as the people UNITE AGAINST THE MONSTERS IN CHARGE.
Otherwise, we will be divided and conquered, while all forms of security, spying, and laws are put into place to CONTROL/Saturn us.
If we do not unite, it will get very, very, ugly.
Martial Law may be implemented.
You may be required to have a chip implanted to be able to buy or sell goods.
And we will definitely know, we are witnessing the end of America as the leader of the FREE world.
Don’t let the false gd’s, lure you into their charms.
Use forms of polarity to balance.
Use Aromatherapy, the living ESSENCES, Esse=to be or to exist.
We are the Ark of the Ancients.
Two by two they entered the ark, the vessel that would survive the deluge (disillusion) and marrying the pairs of opposites, enter a new world, out of the destruction and chaos of the old.  It is the reason we called our company this very name.  We were told this name from two angles who parted the veil and poured the name/elixir into the earth.
We are entering a new age.  At the end of this year, we will hit the last window of opportunity to change your course.  It is the center of the Great Fire Eclipse window in the US.  We have written extensively about that on this very blog.
On December 14th that window opens, just before Jupiter/Zeus comes along to meet up with El on
December 21st at 00* Aquarius.
This is a new world beginning.  Zeus cuts the head off of his father and releases the rest of the titans, Pluto/Hades and Neptune/Poseidon being two of them.
If we establish a form of benevolence and truly sharing while honouring this planet and learning to be wise as serpents, gentle as doves as we again discipline ourselves, coming often to the inner temple/sanctuary then we will know we are on the right track.  It is about ALL OF US TOGETHER.
That is what She told me in the Twin Towers vision: ‘All you have to do, is love one another’.  If on the other hand, we see the continued rise of dictators and authoritarianism, we are on the WRONG TRACK.
All sorts of security and laws, rules and restrictions will be implemented.
Eventually, no-one will be allowed to own a weapon.  One by one your freedoms will be taken, because we will be told, we are all living in sin or 'noncompliant' by the new ‘authorities’ and since we didn’t not master/Saturn our own temples, with discipline, that discipline will be implemented, forced upon you.
If we turn to honour the mother and all she offers us, both as in the earth and as in our own earthly mothers/women as true equals deserving respect TOO, we have a chance to fix the imbalance, and heal division.  Otherwise, this time will not go well.  EARTHEARTHEARTH  The same name.  EA.
In between, we will have other major astrological aspects happening, because this is such a monumental time on our planet.
On February 23rd, Saturn meets up with the USA natal Pluto.  This is new rules being implemented, even if it is behind the scenes.  This is Saturn, whispering into Hades’ ear and letting him know he needs to prepare.
In March, Mars has joined the lineup adding fuel to this cocktail, it is imperative to know your
direction at this point. 
Saturn begins to push into a square to Uranus and this often portends financial loss, historically.
By mid-summer, the eclipse window is finding her way out into the June/July eclipses.  This is an EXTREMELY POWERFUL AND INCENDIARY COCKTAIL.
July 4th eclipse is at 13*.  Putin’s sun is at 13* Libra which squares the 13* natal sun in the USA birth chart.  This is how I know Putin has something to do with what happened during the new moon eclipse, because it blooms this summer.
This may be the rise or absolute fall of Russia.  But make no mistake, he is pulling many strings as a MASTER CHESS PLAYER/EL in the game.
All the people in power, know about this time.  They have astrologers that are extremely well-skilled.  They know they need a seat at this table of power, for this 500-year cycle and the possible lockdown on this planet that will occur, if we don’t wake up to each other.
Don’t you see how the people in power almost don’t even care anymore?  Right out-front acting abominably, killing Epstein in prison and saying: ‘He killed himself’ when we all know that is not true.
Allowing the political leaders, baby Gd’s that we ‘EL-ect’, to get away with crimes against humanity, raping little girls and boys. 
Making sacrifices to the ‘false Gd’.  Both sides exist and everything in between.  Who is your master?
Did you ever in your wildest thoughts, think you would have to contend with such awful truths coming out, who would believe it?
All year long, we will have major aspects forming to the USA natal Pluto (power) and sun (identity) as well as all her other planets.
I will write about the rest of the aspects happening this year in a later blog.
It is also the year; I was told to release my book.
I share many mysteries in that book, this is just the tip of the ice-burg, but it is REVEALING.  I will share with you my experience swimming in the light and love of a very real Gd and walking in the garden with Jesus.
Gd is real.  Heaven is real.  You are an eternal being of light, that is wearing a cloak of darkness in your human suit.
Angels and many who crossed over are now here to help us, please call upon your better angels.
It is the nightmare that wakes us up.
Trump is the ‘Great Awakener’.  This is one of the many reasons I knew he would win the election in the USA, even when so many people insisted Hillary would win.  She would NEVER be able to create ILLUSION and appear as if they are ‘telling it like it is’…that is the master deception.  But they have the same boss.
Abaddon the Destroyer, the Great Deceiver.  Apollyon.
We either wake up to each other and love, or become seduced by the illusions that HOOK you, taking you deep into the sea that does not let you SEE.  The US is being IMPLODED from the inside.  The power is shifting away from the US.
Oh, what times we are living now?
Pray, meditate, pare down your needs and possessions.  Use the liquid light of essential oils, go to:
Breathe, walk in the park, spend time in nature, with children, with animals.
The powers are shifting on planet earth.
Find your power, find your light, harness that light and commune/communicate with nature.
Be well my friends…
PS, It seems redundant and obvious to me that major earth changes come with these aspects, since we are already seeing so many.
Next up: Transits for the year, Mars square,
Jupiter conjunct Saturn: The particle and the wave become one.
Looking for tools to help?

References: (Connecting the dots)
Middle English Apocalipse "Revelation (the New Testament book)," borrowed from Anglo-French, borrowed from Late Latin apocalypsis "revelation, the Book of Revelation," borrowed from Greek apokálypsis "uncovering, disclosure, revelation," from apokalyp-, stem of apokalýptein "to uncover, disclose, reveal" (from apo- apo- + kalýptein "to cover, protect, conceal," of uncertain origin) + -sis -sis
Greek kalýptein is associated in older handbooks with Indo-European *el- "conceal" (see conceal), though neither the vocalism nor the supposed extension *-up- are easily explicable.
The Kaaba (Arabic: كَعْبَة kaʿbah IPA: [ kaʕ.bah], "Cube"), also referred to as al-Kaʿbah al-Musharrafah (Arabic: ٱلْكَعْبَة ٱلْمُشَرَّفَة, lit. 'Holy Ka'bah'), is a building at the center of Islam's most important mosque, Great Mosque of Mecca (Arabic: ٱلْمَسْجِد ٱلْحَرَام, lit. 'The Sacred Mosque'), in the Hejazi city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia.[1] It is the most sacred site in Islam.[2] It is considered by Muslims to be the Bayt Allāh (Arabic: بَيْت ٱللَّٰه, "House of God"), and has a similar role to the Tabernacle and Holy of Holies in Judaism.
The Holy of Holies (Tiberian Hebrew: קֹדֶשׁ הַקֳּדָשִׁים Qṓḏeš HaQŏḏāšîm) is a term in the Hebrew Bible which refers to the inner sanctuary of the Tabernacle where God's presence appeared. The area was defined by four pillars which held up the veil of the covering, under which the Ark of the Covenant was held above the floor. The Ark according to Hebrew Scripture contained the Ten Commandments, which were given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai. King Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem, where the Ark of the Covenant was supposed to be kept.
The Crusaders associated it with the Well of Souls,[1] which is located under the Foundation Stone of the Dome of the Rock.

The American Revolution was a colonial revolt which occurred between 1765 and 1783. The American Patriots in the Thirteen Colonies defeated the British in the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) with the assistance of France, winning independence from Great Britain and establishing the United States of America.

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