Monday, January 18, 2021

2021 The Great Awakening Of The World From The Lawless One

Donald Trump has his natal sun at 22* Gemini, his north node at 20* Gemini and Uranus at 17* Gemini.

Uranus is known as the Great Awakener and the planet of revolution.
Gemini is known for its duality.
The north node is your soul’s purpose.

He was born on a lunar eclipse.  So, all of that, opposes his natal moon at 20* which is conjunct his south node at 20* Sagittarius.

Donald Trump’s soul purpose is as the GREAT AWAKENER to DUALITY, living as a LIE and as a misogynist, marshalling forces of the dying, old patriarchy against the natural rise of the balance of yin and yang, male and female principals on this planet.  He is sparking a revolution of the soul.

He is the Nightmare that literally wakes you up.

He is the LAWLESS ONE.

His devastation as the Great Destroyer that he is, will continue, through the minds and souls that he has corrupted.

They are activated as Uranian and Plutonian agents of change, though they are ignorant of this, believing instead that they are saving their precious self-righteous power over others.

The lies and the abuse that has taken place, that has corrupted so many into believing the illusion and lies being woven, will be counter-balanced by LAWS AND REGULATIONS. Vice President Harris, is a former prosecutor and Attorney General for the state of California and President Biden an attorney, long time senator and obviously Vice President with President Barrack Obama.
Saturn/Jupiter conjunct at 00* Aquarius, then both squaring Uranus and in the case of Jupiter, Mars conjunct Uranus, followed the next month by Saturn squaring Uranus.



It is control and restriction of the internet and the AIR WAVES.

It also may precipitate economic collapse, and the need for regulations and implementation of many new social programs (Aquarius/11th house Community) and participation in community.

The inaugural date of January 20th, when the sun ingresses into Aquarius, there are highly contentious energies at play, including the aforementioned Jupiter (7* Aquarius) square to Uranus and Mars conjunction at 6* in Taurus.

The moon is also adding to this square and will catch up to Uranus and Mars just after midnight on the 20th.
All this happens while the sun, having now entered into Aquarius is fusing IDENTITY, The GREAT LIGHT ILLUMINATING the square and on its way to catch up to a 3* Saturn in Aquarius, after having just been infused by the planet of EVOLUTION, Pluto, also the planet of death and rebirth, ruler of sex and drugs, and other peoples money and resources.
Resources (Re-source) will be front and center the coming year, with those who have, being regulated to share with the many who do not have at all.

Uranus is Ezekiel's 'Angel of Man' the Water Bearer/Aquarius in his 'wheel within wheels', the fixed cross that adorns most church's. 
We will be forced to finally contend with the resources on the planet, and their ownership, distribution, and management.

All of this will begin to take center stage and increasingly so, for all the years to come.

This will also spark great inventions, and most likely unearth many inventions from the past or those that were buried by the current and past managers of commodity’s, such as oil, water, gold, and other precious minerals.

In April, Pluto comes very close to his return to the US natal Pluto before he stations retrograde on April 27th at 26*48’ Capricorn.
On April 19th, relating back to when the country was undergoing its founding, (Because we are entering that Pluto return and Pluto represents, birth, life, death.) in 1775 the first shot was fired against the British soldiers, many died and there were over 300 soldiers who were injured or disappeared on their trek back to their ships.
Next year marks the actual return or 1776.
We already see the uprisings happening, expect this to come to a head again at this time.

People will not like many of the new regulations and will fear the worst.

By May, the sun will square both Saturn and Jupiter when he journeys through Taurus and activates the energy of the earth, her possessions and ‘I have’.

Saturn squares Uranus three times this year.

It will be a tumultuous year with highly charged emotions, and very likely literally explosive consequences.

Pluto will make its return landing to the US foundational chart in February of 2022.
Because we literally SPIRAL through the universe, circling around the sun.  That is also representative (In my view/theory) of our own lifetimes.  I also believe that pillars in temples and cathedrals are representative of this, as I have stated in previous blogs.

We leave the corporal body, the mortal coil in death and return in most cases to live another life.

So the majority of us have lived many lives, to return at this very time, with whatever gifts, memories we have, to hold the light of truth, learn and activate others as well as be activated by others and the evolution of the planets, which in turn aspects us triggering open the evolution of the soul.  (And why the word ‘trigger’ is such a popular word now), but many people are stuck in a lower level of awareness, not always seeing the magnitude and truth of what that word actually means, on a soul level.

This year equates to the World Card according to the system I was guided to use starting in the year 2000.  Card 21.  We are literally navigating how we will evolve with the world, or have her evolve without us.

There are many minor aspects, as well as lunar and solar squares, trines and sextiles, inner planet activity that I have not gone into the specifics of in this writing at this point, I will in the coming monthly blogs.
As a reminder again, the Great Conjunction that took place on 12/21/2020 at 12:00 EST, is the EXACT date that was projected in 2012 as the end of the Mayan calendar.  Did we fall into this time warp for 8 years or is this the actual end date?  One can only wonder.





  1. Very well written. Thank you! I, unfortunately, agree with your perspective. Here's hoping peace will prevail and we're wrong :)

    1. Thank you for your response. Yes, here's hoping peace and cooler heads will prevail.


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