Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The Great Awakener Powers Up Change On The Capricorn New Moon

A beautiful world is on its way.  You may not see it yet, you may feel the fear and anxiousness permeating the planet right now, but it is the energy and agents of change, clearing and opening the way for the new world that is coming.  It will take time; it won’t come tomorrow or even this year.  We will see snippets of it, some of us can see it clearer and clearer, it is coming.

As Martin Luther King Jr., said: “I may not get there with you, but I want you to know, that we as a people will get to the Promised Land.”
On January 13th seconds after midnight in EST, Lady Luna will have circled the earth and met up in her darkest phase with the sun at 23* Capricorn the Goat.

They will be one degree away from a 24* Pluto in Capricorn.
They will also be only one degree away from that fateful 22* conjunction of Saturn and Pluto that triggered open this cycle of shadows on January 12th of this year.

The lights illuminate the issues that were being revealed, especially regarding government and

regulations, privacy and security.

This is not just on the world stage, but in our own private worlds.

This will drudge up those energies and memories for a revisit, clarifying thoughts, concerns and insights that were revealed to you at that time, and in the months following. 
Expect changes both personal and internal, and also on the world stage in the form of possible earthquakes or volcanic eruptions this month.

You may find yourself putting things in order, cleaning out the excess again, and organizing.  Purging.

This new moon will emphasize how order, responsibility and discipline can bring freedom, the resounding theme being hammered into our psyche’s over and over, especially since Saturn entered his own rulership of Capricorn on December 19th, 2017.
When someone is not responsible, he calls the outside world in to bring that discipline (discipleship) and authority that the individual has not become sentient enough to manage themselves.

Pluto is POWER.  It is extremes.  People already think in very opposite positions and beliefs.  It is stunning how the same issue or event (such as the recent sad day at the Capitol while the senate and the house were meeting to make the presidential vote for Biden/Harris, official.

Mars at 2* Taurus is flying up to meet Uranus (The Great Awakener) who is at 6* Taurus and begins to station direct mere hours after the new moon.
That is like a sling shot of energy as Uranus stations, the waters are electrified, rippling into tides of change.

Both Saturn at 3* Aquarius and Jupiter at 5* Aquarius, both still in the energy of the conjunction are now pushing into the square to both Mars and Uranus.

Are you ready to be AWAKENED?

The square will have people feeling boxed in or cornered.  It can be a highly contentious energy where people in fear cling rigidly to what they perceive to be reality.
This energy will be especially true or more acute, personally affecting Aquarians and Taurus, between the degrees of 0*-9* and to a somewhat lesser extent, also to the other signs on this fixed cross, Scorpio’s and Leo’s.
Leo’s will feel the seeding taking place, because the full moon will bloom into Leo on January 28th at 9* Leo.
That will bring up issues of self-esteem and security.  A longing to play may be a healthy outlet, as well as creative ventures.
We are being asked to move forward and integrate the waves of the new energy of Aquarius.

Change can be scary for people.  This divisiveness is a taught rope, fraying and in some cases, there is reason to be concerned.  It is good to use rational judgment in considering whether changes are good or bad.

I urge you all to use evidence, not hyperbole or confirmation bias as we move forward.

These powerful squares, along with the sun and moon’s conjunction to Pluto the power player, and that square to Uranus the Great Awakener, means that POWER WILL BE USED TO AWAKEN PEOPLE from the slumber of comfort they may have found a cozy corner to hide inside.

Mars is going to push it all into ACTION and the resulting CONSEQUENCES.

Mercury has also joined Saturn and Jupiter, moving into his own shadow on the 15th, as he stations retrograde on January 29th at 26* Aquarius.
This adds fuel to the fiery communication as people all feel they have so much to say.

Mercury will tell us what is coming if we listen now.  Listen to what others say, pay attention, they are foreshadowing events to come.

Many people feel disempowered and this can feel like a further attack on their power, provoking some into acting out in the next 2 weeks.

Especially when Jupiter is exact square to Uranus on January 17th.

This can make many people feel like they have nowhere to go, cornered they may act out in ways previously unheard of, contrary to past actions, or inactions.

The Cardinal new moon might provoke, the cardinal signs: Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra’s into action to thrust forward out of any rut in which they may have been struggling.
We do build with squares.

Be cautious over words and ACTIONS you may regret later.

Mutable signs, Virgo, Sagittarius, PIsces and Gemini are in that square from the nodes of the moon to Neptune, being pushed into 'what is my passion' and 'why am I here?" and quite possibly escaping through any means, drugs, dreams, music or even through binging TV.  Pay attention to those dreams, ask the questions before you go to sleep, write them down.  Have pad and pen to write down quick notes upon arising, you will get your answers.

People will make BIG decisions right now.

Walk gently and reach out to those who can be weak at times, or who suffer from depression, some people will feel as if the times are darker than others.

Whatever positive thing you can do, know that it goes a long way, it is MAGNIFIED in dark times.

As the moon waxes into her full LEONINE MAGESTY, know that what we do now can become very public in a couple of weeks.

Light your candles and pray, pray for a nation undergoing some dark days, but one that is on her way into the LIGHT, and we will walk into her full glory…it is just over the horizon.

Working on the connection between that end of the Mayan calendar date of 12/21/2012 and the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction on 12/21/2020
More to come:

1 comment:

  1. In the news on Friday, Jan 15.2021
    The 6.2-magnitude quake on Friday morning came just hours after an earlier, smaller tremor.

    Hundreds of people were injured and thousands displaced by the quake.


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