Sunday, January 30, 2022

Crossing the Great Divide, A Forced Leap of Faith

Crossing the Great Divide, A Forced Leap of Faith

As the sun greets the new day earlier and earlier now, bringing us more much-needed LIGHT and giving us longer days, the crescent moon flies low over the southern horizon waning into the new moon on February 1st just 45 minutes after midnight on the east coast.

She’ll meet up with a 12*19’ Aquarius sun just a few degrees away from Saturn at 15*30’ Aquarius.  They are all in a stressful square to Uranus who is at 10* 53’ Taurus the Bull.  Saturn and Uranus will keep square dancing all year.

We also recently had the shift of the lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu on January 18th beginning their 18-month movement in Taurus and Scorpio axis respectively, which is electrifying the FIXED CROSS of Taurus, Leo (missing leg of the T Square, where the energy ‘runs to escape/discharge’) Scorpio and Aquarius. 

Uranus being the planet of TRANSFORMATION is ‘Lightning in the Tower Card’ of the Tarot.  Sudden intuition, ‘AHA’ moment, when the left and right hemisphere of the brain works in tandem.

Saturn is the former or traditional ruler of Aquarius.  Uranus assumed that role when he was discovered

by Herschel in 1781.  Herschel’s discovery earned him a membership in the Royal Society and its coveted Copley Medal.

The nodes have finished their journey in Gemini and Sagittarius, so we are taking all that mental energy of travel and organizing our newly revealed insights and higher knowledge into a functional revision of the future.

The mutable signs, Gemini, PIsces, Sagittarius and Virgo have been through a ‘honing’ of their higher purpose.  Though many would prefer to think evolving is nothing but love and light, they obviously have not been through the process.  More like tumbling gemstones/crystals after first ‘cracking open’ the encasement, now onto the ‘buffing and polishing’ of their own, inner light, shining through their coloured garment shards in the stained-glass window of their temple.  Their countenance now more brilliant, they become ‘way-showers’ as their projectors dial past simply ‘reflecting’.

Perfect example of the end of the nodes in Gemini/Sagittarius.
WOW! Way To Go Canada! - YouTube Long Haul Truckers for Freedom!

This is not coming easy in many cases as people may cling to the illusions of the past that will haunt them for as long as they refuse to adjust and have FAITH that the rapidly increasing CURRENTS are taking them to their own DESTINY.  Our collective destiny.  Taurus is all about LUXURY and VALUE, she is a SENSUOUS and SULTRY GODDESS ruled by Venus/Aphrodite who began her station direct on the 28th at 11* 5’ Capricorn.  This is a FORCED reevaluation of what we VALUE and for those with exact points being activated now by that north node, they will ask themselves, what is their spiritual calling?  The north node triggers the ‘eye of the needle’, your spiritual purpose.  Collectively this transit asks us where the true light can be found.  Without finding your own true north, rudder, tumultuous times can crash the vessel upon the rocks, as the deeper mystery evades those trapped in maligned truths, misshapen by the impure that have gained POWER in the material world.

What really MAAT ERS?




How does it FEEL?  How do YOU FEEL? Take the temperature of your surroundings, test your own decisions, asking for the HOLY SPIRIT to help you make the decision.  Your heart will guide you. 

Imbolc (February 2nd) was believed to have originally meant “in the belly of the Mother” or just “in the belly.” This is the ‘half-way’ point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.  St. Bridgit’s Feast Day. We can feel our own ‘winter weight’ gaining as we slumber and hibernate in a very natural cycle.  It is a time to look forward to the season to come.

Venus and Mars are beginning their little dance together at 11* and 5* Capricorn respectively.  They are both trine Uranus in Taurus and forming a sextile to Jupiter at 7* PIsces.  This is really nice energy setting up THE fomenting Jupiter conjunct Neptune in PIsces in April.  This is the time to dream, to DREAM REALLY BIG.  DREAM JOURNALLING, ALL MANNER OF DREAM WORK, MEDITATION, YOGA, PRAYER GROUPS, MUSICAL/VIBRATIONAL TRANSENDENTAL WORK/DANCE (SOME WILL BE INVENTED NOW), etc.
Mars is making his way to conjunct his lover, Venus on February 16th at 16* Capricorn just a couple of hours before the moon is full at 27* Leo), this is like the SHEKINAH RISING.  You can feel the COURAGE of the LEO full moon building already.


There will be many new relationships/partnerships that arise during this time.  That will be both on a personal and professional, government and rulership/country level.  New players will emerge, and some unsuspected partnerships between countries and elected officials, forming private/public partnerships.  This will become its own tsunami, like the takeovers of the 80’s and 90’s.

With both Mercury and Venus moving out of retrograde periods, all the reviewing and reassessing of partnerships, work relationships has revealed new territory and the need for new agreements.

The universe has sent us all we need, people of all ages ready like wine for just their time and THIS TIME. 

This new moon at 12* Aquarius, aside from conjoining Saturn, wanting to restrict this new growing phase, of just how we find balance between community, individual rights and civics in society, what is the cost of individual freedoms and the benefits, all this will be debated moving forward.

That said…

It doesn’t take an astrologer whose been practicing for 40 years to see the tremendous times we are living.  The struggles, the pain and the agony and so many deaths.  This is deeply painful at best, in many cases. 

This time can and will unwind even the most stalwart souls as we are at the ENDINGS OF SO MANY CYCLES. 

Even forecasting this time, including the pandemic hitting big in 2019, all the way back in early 2010 and 2013.  Witnessing how the Great Architect/Gd has designed this shift of the AGES, is nothing short of spectacular.
You see, I am listening to my GUIDES, (everyone has guardian angels, everyone) which have been extremely accurate, so many predictions we have shared now, twin towers, Fukushima, Haiti and Chile earthquakes, Katrina, etc. and all the personal predictions and guidance...

I would like to try and take you back through a little journey to help you comprehend to the best of my

ability, what is going on now.
If you look back, wet your finger and put it on the pulse of your life back in 2008, you might acknowledge a 'quickening' taking place yourselves.
Pluto entered PAN/Capricorn the Goat, master mountain climber that he is, he is taking us with him...up that mountain and showing us a PAN-orama, Janus has two heads, one looking forward and one looking back.  That began in many cases, a very difficult stretch for Capricorn's in particular, but across the heavenly seas the House of Cancer started to feel the effects of that powerful opposition as well as the other two cardinal signs, Aries and Libra.
Pluto and Uranus did their own square dancing on the High Jewish Holidays starting in April of 2014 and into 2015.  Do you see the tumblers falling into place?  
Those cycles came on the spiral scaffolding of the Star of David and we sailed through the breaking waves of the 5th sun in 2012.
Pluto will have done all his powerful destruction of the hierarchy's that have no integrity, by the time he leaves Capricorn the first time in 2024, he also makes an EXACT conjunction to Venus at 00* Aquarius. That means he will spend the next two years, scraping out the mountain like Smaug, to finish up his work in Capricorn (Governments/ruling elite/EL-ite) EXPOSING THE SHADOWY POWER BEHIND THE THRONES...)
We witnessed all the inner planets along with Pluto and Saturn line up back in Capricorn in January 2020, trying to give us 20/20 VISION.

Neptune who IS THE RULER OF PISCES/12th house, has been in transit of PIsces, since April 2011, where HE is LORDING OVER THE WATERS. All things Neptunian are coming to a CLIMAX.
Spiritual beliefs, (the ability to control the masses using polluted spiritual truths) DRUGS, POISONS, CO-RULER OF VIRUSES, MEDIA/ENTERTAINMENT, WATER, WATER, WATER.  Drugs will move away from pill form to vibrational implants and many different versions of frequency attunement, attenuation and adjustment.
Saturn/EL is now in transit of Aquarius, ANCHORING IN THE NEW ENERGY MATRIX.
I just read this from Clarissa Pinkola Estes, PhD.
Totally hits the nail on the head, describing this time:   Sacralized Mercy [Remember anything that exists that has had the sacredness stripped from it, athletics, food growing, sexuality, education, livelihood, religion, science, child birth, illness struggles, .... too often comes to  no good end by those besotted with vices; esp greed, hubris, rage, drive to thieve and kill whatever stands in their ways, especially the powerful sacred roots of all things.



The Moon's Nodes, Rahu and Ketu will also enter the Aquarius/Leo axis mid 2026.
All of this is preparing us for the NEW AGE OF AQUARIUS.
We are now learning self-discipline, to better manage this influx of energy which will push more people into madness, drug overdoses, suicides will increase...all until enough people ANCHOR in the new energy.
There has also been a lot of misinformation spread, many teaching 'false prophecy' or 'fake spiritual teachings', with little to nothing left to hold the lies together, those have been spinning out for a few years now, exposing those who push these deleterious falsehoods, that simply 'massage the ego/mind', called: 'Spiritual Bypassing'.
The command you give to the universe is as simple as: "Do unto others as you would have done unto you."...THAT IS THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL.
As we ingress into the True Age of Aquarius, this CARDINAL UNIVERSAL LAW, will become more and more apparent.
We must keep the intelligence of the strong foundational architecture of Saturn, 'LITERALLY THE BONES', hold 
#energy the structure together-TIME.
Saturn, traditional ruler of Aquarius. If you don't have the discipline of Saturn down?
It won't be pretty...Saturn rewards hard work, steady climb, the slow and steady pace of the turtle.

Pluto is only this month returning to his position when the US was founded.  Thus we see the uprising and ‘REVOLUTIONARY’ times, and he is now at 25* Capricorn and still needs to find his way through the last 5* of Capricorn, (blowing up the mountain of hierarchy) for the next 2 years, when he ingresses into AQUARIUS.  See the set up? 

The nodes will also enter that Leo/Aquarius axis.

We have the last gateway of the GREAT USA FIRE ECLIPSE in April of 2024.

Saturn will enter PIsces and give Neptune a boost for her last days ruling in THE AGE OF PISCES.

Neptune will leave her domain of PIsces in 2026, she is also in the last decanate of PIsces, she entered back in 2011.  The last time Neptune made her transit through PIsces?  1847-1862

Planets must ‘FINISH THE JOB’ at the ending degrees, this can become even more intense.  So, what we have seen thus far, is a prelude to this culmination.

The end of one age and the beginning of another.  THE GREAT TRIBULATION.


 There are 30* spanning each house in astrology (for those who may not know this) and these TITANS are making their way into the FINAL DESTINATION DEGREES, and like a starving bear hunting for food while winter's frozen grip has come overnight, they can become more DESPERATE. So you see we must be prepared as these RAPIDS QUICKEN. These Great Angel's/Angles are in a spiral dance ending the 2,160 year AGE of PIsces. This is our CROWNING.  CORONA19 IS A CODE.  THE VIRUS SHOWS US HOW CONNECTED WE ALL ARE.  WATER IS THE MEDIUM BETWEEN WORLDS.

Don't you see, even the statues are being town down around you?  The past is already being ERASED.

The tools I have shared with you, definitely aromatherapy, all of which you can find at:
But most importantly, time in nature, meditation, prayer, light candles, KNOW YOUR INNER LIGHT.
There are many other wonderful tools, but those listed cost nothing.

 We will keep you posted along the way.

Going up? we KNOW THE WAY. #aromatherapy #astrology



  1. Whom knows the way of a serpant over the ground,? Can you number the stars and call the heavenly host out by name,
    Whi knows mercy and judgement that breeds rightousness, or who may predict the future of any one of the sons of man?
    Whom voice spoke light into creation and whom gave us the ten commandments as a gift and a standard that brings true peace between all and even G_d the creator of all things? Shall I asend to the mercy seat above the arch angels of יחךח, that is not a place for me to sit , and I know I can not even stand up before the King if king and the Lord of Lords Yeshuah Ha Mashiach is his name.
    What then can I hope for living in this world if sin? Thus is my hope that Yeshuah Ha Mashiach will return and heal us and teach us to farm and to clean up the world which we have messed up, I can hope to be transformed into his likeness hoping for his grace. That he will take me by my right hand and lift me out if the pit if death. I am seporated from my G_d the creator of everything, like a baby I Nan not even stand and I need my father to lift me up and to teach me everything new. I would gladly exchange my life just to behold his holiness and to look upon the unseen eternal creator that is worth every thing I am or could ever be to see יחךח אתTs Tseboath through the eyes of Yeshuah Ha Mashiach and fell the breaze of his breath for a moment that has no end. You servant Cyrus awaits you giver if life that has no end.


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