Sunday, January 2, 2022

Where Two Or More Are Gathered, No Longer Fools


We enter the year, Two-thousand and twenty-two, 2022 just after Zeus dives into WATERY PIsces on December 28th.  On February 1st, the Chinese New Year opens the floodgates of a WATER/Tiger year.


“Where two or more are gathered in my name, I AM there in the midst of them.”

Zeus (Jupiter) is the traditional ruler of PIsces, replaced by the discovery of Neptune (Poseidon) in 1846.  Neptune is currently at 20* PIsces and the two titans meet up on April 12th at 23* PIsces.

Jupiter magnifies everything...including the rays of the sun which he reflects 3X’s as powerful.

Jupiter is also king of kings, king of the gods, replacing his father Cronos (Saturn/EL) in their famous clash, whence Jupiter released his siblings, Poseidon, and Hades and the three cut up the universe into three rulership’s; Hades would rule the underworld and all its wealth, Poseidon the oceans and waters, and Zeus?  The rest!

Jupiter sees everything.  So, he is bringing about the magnification of your spiritual comprehension of the ALL and the CONNECTEDNESS OF ALL THINGS.  ONE

Jupiter as ruler of Sagittarius and the 9th house, takes aim by focusing the fire, pulling back his arrow, his aim is just and true.  He is a professor, the search for higher knowledge.

He is gregarious and enjoys raucous laughter.

Neptune is an octave above Venus and ruler of the 12th house and the unfathomable depths of the seas, that is of consciousness too.  She is music and art at her highest level.  She has no boundaries.  She is the teacher of the soul.  Her chariot’s can be found in the hippocampus, or ‘sea horse’.

She is also addictions, institutions, oils and poisons.

Everything has a higher and a lower vibration, it is all a matter of where YOU ARE VIBRATING.


I don’t know how we make it into summer this year, without a very, very, wet, spring.  A very stormy…spring.

Deluges, mudslides, tidal waves, riptides, and certainly a very strong possibility of a major tsunami.

Like a rising tide, a wave building, we shall see and experience the cresting

of religious beliefs witnessing and reviewing their historic expansion into all our VALUES.  As the two separate, this will dissipate the false beliefs and teachings that are exposed.

This will be true for many things coming to light, with Pluto continuing to shed the skins occluding the false constructs spun into reality in his transit through Capricorn that began back in 2008.

Expect a flurry of music, videos, and media altogether as we get further into the year all trying to describe the phenomenon that is, this time on planet earth.

As we cross into the new year
and into the 2nd day, a Venus RX at 22* is running away like Persephone, from a bereft Hades who is at 25* Capricorn.  That is SERIOUS BUSINESS. 

Mercury the messenger god, negotiated a short release of Venus and is simply BRILLIANT at 00*Aquarius, once again activating the memo to the brave inhabitants of planet earth, we are indeed on the cusp of a Brave New World, The Age of Aquarius.

This new moon on January 2nd at 1:33PM EST, the sun and moon meet up at 12*20’ Capricorn the Goat.

For many, the new year is customary to make ‘New Year’s Resolution’, this is natural at this time of the year, since Capricorn, ruled by Saturn/EL, is the MASTER PLANNER, always ready to climb the mountain, as PAN the Goat, he is sure-footed.  Ambitious Capricorn often achieves their goals because they make very realistic, achievable step by step, plans.

At 12* they form a supporting trine to 10* RX Uranus in earthy Taurus. 

UR ANU, is beginning to puff his chest out, knowing that on July 31st, he meets up with Rahu, the Head of the Dragon at 18* Taurus…tapping into the 7 SISTERS, the Pleiades.

This will START BREAKING THE LAST TIES to the OLD WORLD that is dying.    Uranus and Saturn will come within 1* of exact square the end of September when RX Uranus is at 18* Taurus and RX Saturn is at 19* Aquarius.  The shift these two are triggering in this epoch is so monumental, they must dance back and forth until finally, Saturn can no longer restrain his father ANU, whom he castrated after all, and the regimented old world and systems disintegrate under the strain of this new world being born.  This new moon supports this revolution from Uranus.
Even Saturn at 12* Aquarius is forming a semi-sextile back to the Capricorn new moon, signaling his release on the previous world and those systems that a 26*Pluto in Capricorn began imploding back in 2008.

If you become still enough and listen, you can hear the tethers snapping under the stress, as the great titanic ships, the gods of old spin these wheels within wheels.

Mercury at 00* Aquarius is also giving his own push to a 00* Gemini North Node (Head of the Dragon), he will carry his message up to 10*Aquarius until on January 13th he begins his station retrograde.  This adds support to all communication, writing, journaling done now in support of your soul’s progression in this extremely powerful year of MANIFESTATION.

There will be a growing voice in matters pertaining to the earth and her ability to sustain herself, and us…all of life…into the future.

What kind of future will that be?

The past several years has had us shedding many skins, including those that occluded us from our own deeper truths.


HADES (whose name means “the unseen”) has until the end of 2024 to finish demolishing the systems that are not sustainable into the foreseeable future.

During this time, it is also customary to do a bit of cocooning, hibernating up north of the equator.  After all the work and obstacles, we have overcome, all the losses, those dear to us who departed, the emotional rollercoaster, the very real FEAR that has become palpable, as the turbulent world cranes and strains to stay on its feet, it is NECESSARY to REST AND RESTORE.


Fill your planners

While you sleep, what are you DREAMING?

Yes, take precious care.  Naps?  The new normal.

Forgive yourself.

You’re getting a nice polish now.

For those who follow this blog, you know this is a ‘22/0’ year, or…THE YEAR OF THE FOOL/MASTER.

What have you foolishly believed or not believed?  Have you learned damning truths about a special ‘leader’ and now feel foolish?  OR, have you become sentient enough, to not need an ‘external leader’ anymore?

Do you see, this is part of this cocktail?


We are now entering our 3rd year with CORONA19, which as stated previously is all about finding your own ‘inner light’ like the Hermit, IX and all that ‘hermit/seclusion’ that Corona forced upon an entire world, enmasse.  That was to find your own ‘identity’ and leadership.  Thus, the I, in the 19.
19 is the Sun Card, again…IDENTITY, YOUR OWN SUN.

Most people can only see their ‘corona’, not the burning eternal light within.

The fool begins he passage down in this plane of existence oblivious to the precipice below and his DOG/GOD, trying to get his attention.  Will he walk into an imagined path that magically appears?

He can also fall…and must begin the climb up that mountain of wisdom and knowledge to find his own true light.

The next card is, The Magician, I.

The magician stands at a square table of existence with all the EL E


He needs to take responsibility for his shelter, food, and water.

He will learn along this arduous path back up the mountain, that he IS THE ELEMENTS, THE GODMIND.  HE IS WALKING CONSCIOUSNESS, CONNECTED TO ALL CONSCIOUSNESS, ALL LIFE.

The magician first learns to go to the GODDESS, THE CREATOR.


One must learn to seek to find.

As Jupiter and Neptune are magnetically attracted to each other, there will be a lot more disclosure about the false teachings of the past, those who maligned the MYSTERY TEACHINGS and many will have a difficult time as much of what people have anchored their world to, was not the eternal truth.
In fact, Many of what is called, ‘sacred truths’, mysteries and secrets being ‘revealed and taught’ were not truths at all, but perversions of them.  This created a toxic and CORROSIVE Field.  It also may be very difficult for some to unbind themselves from false beliefs, without losing their own tether to that inner, magical, eternal, connection to the Divine of which we are all a fruit. Di-vine. 

While there will be a lot to overcome this year, as we are more DI vided, rather than realizing that we need to tap into our own DI VINE ITY.

This year, more than ever…we will realize how much we rely on each other, how integrated we all are on planet earth, and finally, find soul’s rising in humanity’s cries, to shine the TRUTH, THE LIGHT, AND THE WAY…FORWARD.

There will be INVENTIONS, we will be able to design and create cars, houses using new technologies that will utilize the latest in environmentally friendly designs.

What we VALUE in exchange for WHAT WE DO DAILY, is also continuing its overhaul, as people quit jobs and long-time careers, finding a lot more contentment in trading off less time at work, or at a job/career that is sucking the life out of them, to hours at home making less money in some cases (not all, some make more) but the choice is TIME OVER MONEY.  LIFE OVER WHAT YOU WERE TOLD WAS LIVING THE DREAM.


Jupiter meeting up with Neptune, is the MOST AUSPICIOUS TIME TO TAP INTO YOUR OWN INNER DREAM.

When you are the most connected to that inner/witness self, WHO IS SHE/HE?  WHAT DREAM DO THEY HAVE?

Venus will make her way back to Hades (they do say Persephone may have actually been a little smitten by Hades, he set her a lovely palace underground, meeting all her needs)after she stations direct on January 29th at 11* Capricorn, she begins her flight back to Hades and catches up with him again on March 3rd at 27* Capricorn with Mars activating this atomic energy/fusion a day after the 12*Piscean new moon.

After all those veils have been stripped, baring your shiny soul deep within you, Venus is dropping by with the energy of Mars to put into ACTION what you VALUE for your true self.


The world is simply trying to shake us awake from this cycle of excesses that ARE THE VEILS TO THE TRUTH OF YOUR SOUL.

All the energy you put into ‘HAVING’, is you telling your soul it is NOT WORTHY OF TIME. 

Saturn and Uranus will be certain to shake YOU FREE.

This year, the nodes move into the fixed cross, with the head of the dragon moving into Taurus and the Tail moving into Scorpio.

The head is spiritual destiny, the tail is the past and karma.

They are winding their way to Aquarius in 2026.

This year, they tap into the revolutionary power of the Saturn square to Uranus, with Uranus transiting Taurus and Saturn squaring from Aquarius. 

T Square again!  This alone will become very forceful as they get closer and closer to the nodes and the conjunction Uranus will make to the north node on July 31st at 18* Taurus.  Snap, crackle…POP!

Jupiter and Neptune have jumped into fill the void the nodes are leaving the mutable signs of Virgo, Sagittarius, PIsces and Gemini to fuel up those dreams the nodes unpacked, giving the mutable signs more fortitude and conviction than they are accustomed.  YOU HAVE YOUR NORTH STAR NOW

Fixed signs, Taurus (especially), Scorpio, Aquarius, and Leo, you are now REALLY GETTING ACTIVATED THE NEXT YEAR AND A HALF.


This includes planets in those signs…look to the house by activation.  The eclipses are in Taurus/Scorpio this year.  ‘What will you eclipse out’ of your life?  Who?
There is an old song, ‘Please release me, let me go’…that might be a bit of a running theme for you the next year and a half.

Cardinal signs; Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra you have been on this MAJOR EVOLUTIONARY SHIFT since Pluto started climbing up the mountain of Capricorn back in 2008.
You have a little under 3 years left, but the last degrees become the most critical, when you have struggled against the changes being demanded.
Pluto’s job is in charge of your soul’s EVOLUTION.

This is an ‘INSIDE JOB’.

This year will find us clearing up more detritus, cleaning up after calamity, wiping more tears and for some, this year is when we start to see the toll this PANDEMIC and shift of the Ages is taking.

Please have ArcAncient’s helpers on hand!  Stress Angel, Breathing Easy, Immune Up, Sleep, our Salt’s to help clear, cleanse and balance the magnetic field and fill you will the necessary minerals your body needs during these shifting times.

The earth will crack and moan and as stated previously, spring may bring the DELUGE.

But the SECRET is building your inner fire.

People have become far more accustomed to working out of the house, ‘Virtual Reality’ glasses are being used for meetings.

Aquarius, ruled by Uranus…is an octave above Mercury…and is all about technology and invention.

We will hear a lot more about Artificial Intelligence and merging our own natural organism with artificial intelligence/computers to create what will be called a ‘Master Race’.

You can count me out on that, btw.

At this time, I am going to share a bit from a previous blog, but it bears repeating, about the ‘6th Sun’.

Waking the Deep: A Full Bloody Moon In Sagittarius Gives Birth After 9 Year Gestation (

Saturday, May 22, 2021

A Full Bloody Moon In Sagittarius Gives Birth After 9 Year Gestation

The brightest and largest full moon of 2021 is now just days away.  At 6:13AM EDT on May 26th, the moon will wax into her fullness at 4*47’ Sagittarius and turn blood red, as the May flower full moon.

The moon will move into the deepest part of the Earth’s shadow causing this blood-red eclipse, it is the first of two lunar eclipses this year, the only full lunar eclipse of the year.

The deepest part of the earth’s shadow…

Our shadows…and the moon is gathering like a wave…this energy builds as she moves through Scorpio and eclipses at 4*47’ Sagittarius.  She will be full at 7:13 AM EDT at 05*25’ Sagittarius.  Wherever this falls in your own personal chart/house, is where you will find an ending or culmination.  You will cut away or leave behind the old patterns or situation/issue, a carcass, snakeskin, warm on the ground beneath the sun.  Look for this Gemini/Sagittarius axis in your chart/wheel to find the action.

Like an emotional balloon filling, our shadow and wounded selves are exposed as the ‘cover’ is ripped off.

Surely you must feel the energy building.  Wrestled with decisions, been flattened by the wave of energy coming in like a Tsunami?
Let us retrace a bit, shall we?
We have been dealing with a world-wide PANdemic and all the fallout since the beginning of 2020.  Corona19, which as we have broken down for you in the past, is a I and 9, the Magician and Hermit card leading up to the Sun/19.
Corona is obviously also the sun, (only visible during an eclipse) which the virus is named after.

All of us going through this mass ritual together.   

The Magician card references awareness of the El-ements.  Earth, Air, Fire and Water.  The chemistry set.  He has set about the path of enlightenment.

The Hermit, must take refuge to find the inner light, the inner sun.

All of this we have shared with you in the past.

We have also shared the increasing dream state and subsequent energy and dreamwork resulting from Jupiter’s ingress into PIsces, where he will remain until July 28, when he retrogrades back into Aquarius and remains in that house again, until the end of the year.  Neptune is the current ruler of PIsces and is currently transiting PIsces at 22*, but Jupiter was the traditional ruler of PIsces, until Neptune’s discovery.  This magnifies all things Piscean/Neptunian.
Expect the lines to blur as the universe parts her skirt and unveils this new revelational energy to catapult our own evolution.

During the pandemic we were sequestered and tasked with turning inward to find our own internal light, the lantern of the Hermit.

We made the comparison between the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn last December 21st which formed the Star of the Magi and seeded a new time frame at 00* Aquarius, and the end of the Mayan Calendar on that same date, December 21st~ NINE ‘9’ (endings) years ago.

Wonder of wonders, I happen to be searching for something else entirely different and came across this one result, that stood out.

An article discussing the Mayan/Aztec Calendar date of 2012, written in 2013.  Sergio Magaña, author of, “The Dawn Of The Sixth Sun”, is interviewed.

Here are some excerpts, starting with Sergio’s response tof Carol Bedrosian, the interviewer when she asks him about his predictions about this time we are now living, the ‘Fifth Sun’:

          Sergio Magaña: "According to tradition things are going to become extreme. So I think all the extreme things that are happening… are forcing us to change. A lot of people will suffer and some of them, of course, will die.

The main transition between the Fifth and the Sixth Sun is that the Fifth Sun is the sun of light. What does that mean? Light and darkness for us isn’t good and bad; it’s a completely different interpretation. Light is the tonal, and in the tonal how are your eyes? Opened, when you are awake. So where do you see? Outside. Where is God? Outside. Where is the medicine? Outside. Where is satisfaction? Outside.

The Sixth Sun into which we are entering is the sun of the inside. Like open and close, like

dreaming. So, God goes inside again. The medicine goes inside. Satisfaction and the conquest will be from your inside. We see a lot of things are changing, religions are falling, a lot of things are moving from the sun of light to the sun of darkness.

But all these external things are the first stage of the change because the change for us started in 1991 and got to the climax in 2012. The first stage was twenty years of external change where a lot of our environment modified. But now comes the nine years until we finish the transition to 2021, where our own consciousness — the inner part humankind — will change. 2021 is the end of the transition. For us it’s when the cycle ends. (The total lunar eclipse on May 26th).

There is a transition. So. for this transition, it started in the full eclipse that happened in Mexico in 1991 and will finish with another eclipse in 2021.

The transition will finish with an eclipse and that’s when we will be immersed totally in the Sixth Sun. It is not exactly that it all will happen in one day; that is more like the Mayan count. For us it has been happening and will keep happening that religions will fall, that a lot of the medicine systems won’t be very effective, and people will begin to look at how to self-heal, that a lot of the satisfaction that was outside will go inside.

I think we are lucky to be able to see and to experience the transition from a sun of light to a sun of darkness because the next period will be thousands of years in the other order — interest about dreaming, interest about the unconscious, underworlds, and what cannot be seen." ~end excerpt

We will be back to update you along the way.

For now, pull the covers up and get cozy…settle in for a long, winter’s nap and dream…GET LUCID.  The seeds were planted a very long, time ago.

You're going to need the rest…

The whole thing is a miracle you are waking up...

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