Monday, February 14, 2022

Holy Communion The Lion Of Winter's Full Moon

Unsettling change, as the sun at the very last minute of the 27th degree of Aquarius, he forms a semi-sextile to Pluto at 27* Capricorn.  Floating across from her warm lover’s beam, Lady Luna waxes into fullness on February 16th at 11:56AM at 27*59’ Leo, forming an uncomfortable inconjunct to lord Pluto, king of the underworld unsettling emotions and causing some to question…many, many, things, including the very meaning of life and existence.  Did their intuition lead them down the wrong road?  Or did you just not listen and honour YOUR OWN TRUTH AND INSTINCTS in the first place?  Have you found your BRAVE-HEART AND ARE YOU READY TO ROAR!!! SHOW UP ON PLANET EARTH NOW!!!

There can be a resoluteness with these aspects, and caught in Pluto’s lasso, (just like Balrog’s whip) one can feel as though they spent an awful lot of time climbing the wrong mountain.  They can look up at what is now a very small stretch, of a long, steep, climb and think: ‘I just can’t make it’.  You don't even know if you want to anymore...

27* may I remind you, is also tapping into that 27* Sagittarius, Galactic Center.

Recall, that was where Saturn and Uranus began their little adventure together back in 1988, right, smack, dab, on the Galactic Center.  We have been tripping that degree with all the full moons since October 20th’s full moon at 27* Aries and continues through April 16th’s full moon in Libra, when she drops down to 26*.

Now, this level of adjustment moves us all a few degrees past our comfort zones, as Leo Moon demands to be SEEN AND ‘UNDERSTOOD’, and a sun who seems to be uninterested in the emotional turmoil.

Aquarius, already the ‘ice queen’, just ask her paramours, learns that they are different very early on in life, as their struggle is often in dealing with others who submerge themselves in the nonsense, and the poor Water-Bearer must build their patience.  “Why spend time on something that is not logical?”  What is important?  Think, Spock.

On the flip side, they may literally create a ‘false drama persona’ if they overrule their true, inner-wisdom, and get sucked into the need to ‘fit in’, as weird and illogical as the behaviour may be (to their true inner-observer) they may feel their ‘weirdness’ is just too much and not worth the risk of living authentically.

Now, you can easily transpose this onto most children who fall for ‘peer pressure’ and that would be true, but it is not quite the same leap.

Here we get a glimpse of the inner workings of that Leo/Aquarius dynamic, and we also get a view of the year to come, since this also falls on the ‘Fixed Cross’; Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio, and the nodes/eclipses are in the Fixed Signs this year.

Fixed Signs, by their very nature, are less flexible than the other signs.  Their job is to take the ideas of the Cardinal signs; Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn and ‘fix them’ into permanency now that the ideas have shown merit.

This is where that ‘control’ issue comes up because the fixed sign inherently feels responsible to make sure things are in place, IT IS THEIR JOB.  That means the RIGHT PLACE.  Now, we all have different planets, points, and aspects, that can bring this lesson along with it to varying degrees, literally.

But the fixed signs, have this in spades.  All in their differing EL-e-MENTS.

Taurus = EARTH, Leo = FIRE, Scorpio =WATER, & Aquarius = AIR (She is the water-bearer, not a water sign! We’ve explained this in videos and past blogs.)

Sun and moon also square the nodes at 26* Taurus and Scorpio.

Once again, the stars ask us if we really are following ‘the hidden quest’, and ‘can we make it’?

Not wanting to leave the past yet, and not quite feeling prepared enough for the future and all the ‘unknown’, we are forced along whether we like it or not.

In the meantime, Mercury who stationed direct on the 2nd at 24*26’ Capricorn has ingressed into Aquarius too, now at 1*.  He met up with Pluto on the 11th, exchanging tales and secrets.  Some of these secrets have been pouring out onto the airwaves (Aquarius) already but believe me…what is coming will even worse. 

Mercury is happy in Aquarius, he forms the basis for all the communication that grows up when his higher octave, Uranus takes it to another DIMENSION.

Mars and Venus meet up at 15* Capricorn the same day as the full moon.


This is a lovely, supportive, trine to Uranus at 11* Taurus, just slightly wide but their fusion broadens their scope and sweeps in the waves to Uranus.

These two dance together nicely for the next two months, giving us the energy to roll up our sleeves, and finally open the door to our true ambitions.  Buried within all of us, is the treasure that Pluto has been exhuming now, since he seduced us into ‘The Mountain of Doom’ when he entered Capricorn in 2008.

We will see the rise of many new creations, as people have been putting their ideas together behind the scenes for quite some time now.

This also is evidenced around us in all the people leaving service jobs, and all the way up the ladder of life, people are making changes, that they feel better reflect some inner mirror that

 they can no longer look away from…

Now, they are finding kindred spirits in both the physical and the spiritual world and truly, those who have crossed over, all adding their herculean efforts to this ‘GREAT SHIFT OF THE AGES’.  From one Age (Pisces/Water) into another (Aquarius/Air/Community).

Listen, no matter what anyone says, this GREAT RESET is happening and culminating in the coming two years.  It’s ASTROLOGY, WRITTEN IN THE STARS.

(Only the 'profane' are not allowed to listen to the Angelic Messenger's/living beings we know as the heavenly spheres.  Every major government building all over this globe is aligned with the stars, including churches and cathedrals.)

You cannot avoid, you can ONLY ALIGN YOURSELF with the direction you believe is right for you that is within the streaming current's direction.  All other ways are FUTILE.  Add the energy and action of Mars and Walla, you have CREATION.

Mars and Venus will meet up again in Capricorn in March and then head into Aquarius too, but not before gathering all of Pluto’s TRANSFORMATIVE ENERGY IN CAPRICORN, to set the stage for a more PROGRESSIVE AGENDA/FUTURE.

So many heavenly spheres entering Aquarius this year, along with Saturn’s anchor in that harbor will bring REVOLUTION…REVOLT…A HOT SUMMER!

The Canadian Truckers are simply the beginning, they will bring this energy to a city near you as they make their way through the states.


There is going to be a lot of new inventions and business groups rolled out in Spring/Summer this year.

Talk about magic, this is really cooking up some serious frequencies to tap into, this kind of energy has not been so readily available in quite some time, causing some on the path to fall into despair, loose their ‘mojo’ and generally traverse the bowels of the ‘dark night of the soul’.

Not to worry, she is pouring out the Heavenly Balm of the Holy Spirit generously now.  Go get you some!

Pluto is also heading into his return in the US Constitutional Chart, from July 7th1776.  We wrote extensively on all this back in 2013.  That time frame was the beginning of the people demanding the right to ALSO be able to GOVERN.  Do you see the connection to the very question of government and what is happening right now?

The Bill of Rights was not established until 1791!

Now, once again, the PEOPLE are gathering (Aquarius/Community/ 11th house of the 2nd (II) month).  TWO THOUSAND AND TWENTY-TWO. 2022.


These two dance together as they announce the morning light, Mars riding in his chariot alongside “Lucifer the Light Bringer” as Venus is called when she rises in the morning before the sun.

Ever hold a hot coal?  Well, your about to get the chance…

 Go find your pride and joy!





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