Thursday, December 22, 2022

Into the Mystical New Moon In Capricorn

Yay!!! The LIGHT OF THE WORLD IS COMING!  On Wednesday, December 21st at 4:48PM our star, the sun that warms and lights up our world externally, arrives in Capricorn the Goat.  Finally, daylight will begin to increase again!

Our little spaceship through the galaxy, EARTH begins to tilt back towards the sun/light in the northern hemisphere having reached her maximum distance/tilt away from the LIGHT.

This year, just two days later Lady Luna and her solar paramour meet up at5:16AM when the two are both at 01*32’ of Capricorn.  (December 23rd)

Here we get a double boost of Capricorn’s Cardinal energy preparing us for 2023, when ALL THE PLANETS WILL BE IN DIRECT MOTION for a good portion of the year, save for the planets that always spend some time in retrograde motion, like Mercury, which we do not escape 2022 without Mercury Stationing retrograde on the 28th at 24*15’ Capricorn.  (Should I stay, or should I go?)

With Mars still retrograde in Gemini at 09*43’, this can be a time of regrets, purchases being returned, relationships being revisited both for remorse and reconsideration or reassurance that this is the REAL DEAL.

Mercury brushes against a 27*32’ Pluto in Capricorn, creating a wave of remorse sort of like a large tide pulling back, even though this is an earth sign, we will see reversals, like a mudslide,

This can also be employment reconsiderations, and hopefully this is not buyers’ remorse for larger ticket items, particularly homes or automobiles that some may have got caught up into the Holiday ‘GIFT’ idea/energy.

This will DEFINITELY bring some homeland news to the shores of the US, as this is also the last Pluto US Pluto return on the 28th, which will be strongly felt both the last week and into January, but all year long (2023) we will see the US getting in and out of HEAT, with discomforting news slapping against our shores, and very likely some earth changes that will happen in the US too, including Hawaii and Alaska, as well as the US territory’s like Puerto Rico, and as stated, we should be watching for this the entire year of 2023.

Back to the new moon.  At 01* our sun and moon are tapping into the Galactic Center, the creative portal of the Milky Way.  She is going to pour in New Energy and what we have not seen yet...

On December 20th the day before the solstice, Jupiter leaves PIsces for good at 9:32AM and begins the rest of its trek through Aries the Ram.  A Cardinal sign, like Capricorn, this puts a lot of oomph into ‘Let’s get it started in here’, however, with Mars still retrograde, this is going to bring the drawing tables out, the planning sessions, for sort of a ‘soft opening’.

He will SQUARE the new moon that is at another NEW BEGINNING, CARDINAL POINT OF 01* Capricorn.  This is also hanging on the Galactic Center, or the doorway to the Milky Way, (27*Sagittarius) so Jupiter will be squaring this doorway too.

Jupiter expands what it touches, it is one of the benefic planets of the angels in astrology.  (As I have stated many times now, I am guided to believe that the planets are all living beings, just like our earth is a living being/organism.  Further, that they are all angels, messengers and the ‘Elect’ as referred to in ancient writings, including biblically. 
I can’t believe we are even still discussing whether a dog or a tree has consciousness, for instance.  In my view, EVERYTHING IS CONSCIOUS, IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF WHAT WE ARE AWARE OF, BUT NOT REMOTELY WHETHER.
Because EVERYTHING is some aspect, or expression of the God Mind.
In many cases, we are so broken down into a small version of expression, regarding what life and love is, that we miss the deeper truth, and that closes the big gate to true conscious awareness. 
If you read the story of Icarus (which keeps being brought to my attention) Daedalus makes a pair of wings for his son, Icarus, so they can escape.
The story has been told by many great philosophers.
It does speak volumes.
He taught his son Icarus how to fly and decided that the best way to escape from the palace was to fly up and over it. However, Daedalus warned his son not to fly too close to the sun, which would cause the wax to melt, or too low, which would cause the feathers to get wet with seawater.


Daniel Pinchbeck brought up the age-old story (one that Rudolph Steiner and others often use), as explanation of the battle the soul must experience down here (in the earthly dimensions) and Jesus refers to this as: ‘Going through the eye of a needle’.  Steiner et al, refer to this as navigating between Ahriman and Luciferic seduction.

It is all the same though.

I have tried to share some measure of distinction many times, but people will believe what they WANT TO BELIEVE.
So much of the teaching of ‘focus on the positive’ by MANY, MANY, FALSE PROPHETS AND TEACHERS are aspects of this very ancient forewarning.

I have lost many people over the years, who wanted to believe, WHAT I KNEW WAS FALSE TEACHINGS.  OR A FALSE PROPHET OR HERO.

And the hour is getting late.

So, I am once again, being guided to share this very simple, but deeply profound myth and those similar teachings, with the same message.

I know it FEELS GOOD to convince oneself that what makes you feel good, must be good.  It isn’t either/or, it is one of discernment.

It is a matter of partial truths.

You know the WAY through this?

Is to find YOUR TRUTH.


Just do your own check, look back into when you THOUGHT IT MUST BE RIGHT, because of A, B AND C?

And it turned out not to be so?

It truly is a matter of telling the truth regarding your own life.

The deeper the measure of integrity you have, the more resonance you will have with what ‘rings’ true in the universe.

That is just a FACT.

You have what YOU came here to do, and it is NOT copying someone else’s ideas, life, creations, etc.


If you can’t look someone in the eye, that speaks volumes.

I say all of this, because we are living in these powerful times.

Mercury stationing retrograde on December 28th at 24* Capricorn, while Mars is still retrograde at 8* Gemini (and spending around 7 months in Gemini, instead of his usual month and a half) is MAGNIFYING our words, communications, choices, beliefs, travel, and now magnifying our political beliefs, investments in corporate structures, policy, world views, etc.
This new moon at 01* Capricorn where Pluto has been busy since 2008, EXPOSING THE HIERARCHY’S, STRUCTURES AND SCAFFOLDING OF OUR BELIEFS AND SYSTEMS, POLITICAL, HEALTH CARE, EDUCATION, ETC., and is now at the last year of this mountain clear-cutting, bunker-busting, REVEAL, magnifies ALL OF IT NOW.


Do you know where Mercury will travel back to?  8*Capricorn before he begins to station direct on January 17th.  Did you see where I told you Mars is right now?  8* Gemini.

This is known as a quincunx or an inconjunct in astrology.  (150* angle)

It is not a comfortable relationship.  The planets are in different elements, in this case, earth and air and also different modalities, so they are not able to really exchange energy comfortably with each other.  There are MISUNDERSTANDINGS. 
Now consider what I just told you are the issues being brought up.

You may review past exchanges and SEE the misunderstandings you couldn’t see before also.  But now, it could be ‘water under the bridge’ or too late to make a difference.  NOW YOU SEE.
The same holds true for the confusion that can happen now too.

The universal architect can create a smokescreen of sorts. 
What you might consider, is to CONSIDER PERIOD.  CONSIDERATE.

We just might not have all the facts.

The jury is out so to speak.

Now, with planets in cardinal signs, Jupiter ingress into Aries, the lineup in Capricorn: Moon, Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Pluto, this can put some heat or urgency to move things forward, but it may NOT BE THE BEST THING TO DO, TO PUSH FOR ACTION.  Everything may not be in place.

Saturn at 21* Aquarius is also semi-sextile to a 22* Neptune, and still in the wake of the widening square to a still retrograde Uranus at 15* TAUrus who is conjoining a 12* North Node/Rahu, the head of the dragon.
So, while we look for guidance, that ‘north star’ to point our sails in the direction and move forward, this volatile and pressurized time, can throw up storms (much like the blizzard/storm with freezing temps coming from Canada, the west now.)  We may WANT to drive or fly west or somewhere for the holidays, but is that the best idea?  Driving into a storm?

Sure, you can get into your car, start her up, and begin that journey, but is it the best idea, just because you can?  Just because you have the ability to do so, to start a project, whatever…these signs are not conducive to making decisions.

Can you make a good decision now?  Sure.  It can happen.

Can you start a project now and be successful?  Sure, you can.  But guess what can also happen?  Every unforeseen obstacle can jump into the way, and THERE IS NO CONTROL OVER THIS.

This will break open some new ideas, some new insights, some new REVEALATIONS, and certainly, a perfect time to review your inner world, decisions, and connections to the Divine.

Like getting all the provisions ready for a long voyage.


I get it, CARDINAL ENERGY is pushy!  It needs this to get up the mountain.

A song comes to mind; 'The Carpet Crawlers', Genesis.  The line: 'You got to get in to get out'...
That is the perfect line for this time.  It isn't always about climbing up, but finding a way, THROUGH THE DARKNESS AND INTO THE MYSTIC.

Be back with more on the New Year, and the HUGE SHIFT IN STORE FOR US ALL.


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Psalm 46:1-2

God is our refuge and strength,
A very ready help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth shakes
And the mountains slip into the heart of the sea…

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