Saturday, December 31, 2022

Puff The Magic Dragon 2023 Continued


The Above picture, is from: The Secret Teaching of the Ages, Manly P Hall

Ever see a flock of birds flying and squawking?  You just know something is chasing them away, especially when it is a scene in a movie.
Well, by the time Pluto makes his way into Aquarius this year on March 23rd at 8:13 AM EDT, Saturn will have already cleared the decks and escaped into PIsces, which he does on March 7th.  They will find themselves in an uncomfortable semi-sextile then, with Saturn at 01* PIsces.
More people will see why the birds were flying...
As we sang Old Lang Sine on New Year’s Eve, Pluto and Venus were huddled together infusing us with a love for this new transformation of the hierarchy and systems. The bell has been clanging loudly on planet earth, heralding a very new time.
Pluto finds support in a sextile from the sun at 2* Aries, helping us with a new body image and in many cases, ‘total makeover’, of the ‘I AM’.
What will the new identities be of both us and the countries all around the world?  
On March 21st, just two days before Pluto ingresses into Aquarius.  Lady Luna and her solar paramour the sun, meet up at 1:22 PM at 00* Aries, so the fusion of the sun and moon will both be offering support to this transformational energy, emotionally and integrating that with our identity at the same time.
Remember we told you in the last few blogs, that the US was going to experience its final Pluto return on December 28th, 2022?  Look what is happening!
Now let me remind you that Saturn will have made his way through Aquarius and only 2 weeks previous, left the AIR WAVES to submerge into the waters of PIsces. (In March)
As stated in the previous blog, part I, this will bring new spiritual and religious structures and quite possibly agreements between different religious beliefs, possibly exposure of more uncomfortable truths.
But we have had Saturn teaching us the lessons and discipline of Aquarius, (which Saturn traditionally rules) since March 21st, 2020.
This anchor created the scaffolding, IF WE LEARNED THE DISCIPLISHIP, Saturn/Lord of the ‘RINGS’ was teaching. 
Then we have the understructure to masterfully create the transformation our shiny soul now wants to reveal.  This is the way forward.
I shared a ‘tree connection and meditation’   
Waking The Deep: Falling Away, Breathing With Trees & Forest Bathing (
I also mentioned in the last two blogs, Icarus melting his wings as he tried to navigate between the earth/water and the sun/fire/air.
Really, a tree is one of nature’s examples on how to live and navigate through the universe.  If we have our roots dug into the ground and the connections deep into our past and our ancestors, appreciating their lives, their evolution and work, that we now stand on, our own lifetimes, then we can absorb the light, bringing it deep into our roots and reach up, branching out and ‘leaving’ our legacies and shade for those who will come behind us.
Then, much like Isis, we will all put Osiris back together (our active principle and why we are incarnated now) while we are ‘underground’ in this dark time of the year, when there is ‘hibernation’ until spring.
How do we build such ‘scaffolding’?  We learn the discipline that Saturn teaches us in our own natal chart and by the transit of Saturn, to ‘master’ our own inner demons.  (I have elaborated on what a daimon (Greek) or ‘genius or genii’ for the masculine in Roman, and the feminine is ‘muse’.
What does a ‘MASTER’ do?  He learns to ‘serve’ the greater good, service to others, NOT service to self.  ‘Do unto others as you would have done to you.’
It is a matter of how we served.  What we have done for others.

I found that quote from, George Bernard Shaw, yesterday, from Connie Schultz.
If you wonder, what is your path, question the Holy Spirit.  Ask for help to tap into your ‘genius/muse’.
Or, what in the Catholic Faith, we were taught was the Guardian Angel.
Saturn’s last transit through PIsces: May 21 1993- Apr 7 1996.
In March 1994, Saturn was in PIsces and that is when the first 32 women were ordained as priests in the Church of England.

Even with this connection, we may feel as though we are living into an Edgar Degas “Absinthe’ painting. L'Absinthe (English: The Absinthe Drinker or Glass of Absinthe).  Of note, Absinthe contains ‘Thuja’ or thujone essential oil. We must reach deep into the silence now, into oceans of stillness stretching into a quietude that roars like thunder.  Let the rivers of light animate and enliven our ancient star dust, the abiding promise that can dismantle the tentacles of desire and attachment to the external distractions of this world.  The spirit finally cutting the cord/chord of the maligning conception and the ravenous wolves.   Now we experience the magical time of ‘The Feast of the Epiphany’ also known as ‘Three Kings Day’, when the MAGI/MAGICIANS/ASTROLOGERS followed the stars to be present and bring presents: Frankincense, Myrrh and Gold.  Head on over the and you will find both the magical moon blend and just Frankincense & Myrrh blend, to help you open up the LIGHT WITHIN YOU and give birth to the SACRED, which we so desperately need on planet earth right now.  Anoint those around you.  
There is Frankincense and Myrrh, as well as some other additions in the ‘Moon Blend’ for this month, with a twist of the Holiday Blend, so it is rather yummy.  The more mindful we are of birthing our own Christed being right now, the more we, like the ‘wise men’ can be prepared to help ‘anoint’ the Newborn King, with the sun as he rises and daylight increases.
On January 6th, we look for the epiphany, that aha moment as the three kings orient (Orion) and align our trinity of soul, matter and mind to achieve the Wisdom found through compassion, we are given the virgin birth of grace, to wash away the past and restore our spirit anew.  From our perch high atop the mountain of Capricorn the Goatfish, what new insight is revealed to us?

This is an excerpt from this blog: Waking The Deep: The Epiphany Of Illusions (
Epiphany is a Christian feast day that celebrates the revelation of God incarnate as Jesus Christ. In Western Christianity, the feast commemorates principally the visit of the Magi to the Christ Child, and thus Jesus' physical manifestation to the Gentiles. It is sometimes called Three Kings' Day, and in some traditions celebrated as Little Christmas. Moreover, the feast of the Epiphany, in some denominations, also initiates the liturgical season of Epiphany tide.
Epiphany tide is a season of new beginnings.
What very real way, can you give birth to your own sacred being/your Christed self?  What can YOU do on this planet to help a season of new beginnings?
I wrote about the Feast of the Epiphany and the vision I had that opened up the actual ‘new year date’ for me:

Now, we are also experiencing a full moon in Cancer on the same day as the Epiphany, January 6th at 6:07PM EDT at 16* Cancer, the mother/people.
How we ‘mother ourselves and others’.
It is also the ‘home’ or what home means to us.
It is the most emotional full moon of all the full moons, so the more it aspects your own chart personally, the more emotionally intense this will be for you, ESPCIALLY, for Cancers, but also the rest of the CARDINAL CROSS, Libra, Capricorn, and Aries too.
Remember when I brought up the full moon in Gemini last month, that was also at 16* and conjunct Mars retrograde (which will finally begin to station direct next week on the 11th at 8* Gemini.) phew!  This is the same degree, that Venus made her inferior conjunction for all the world to see, back in June 2012.
This is the perfect time to pay attention to your dreams, the difference between your ‘waking state and dream state’, and to ask for insights, ON THE EPIPHANY!
You can get a vision/glimpse into the year ahead, ASK!  
Do you know who your guardian angel, muse, genius, genie is?
This is the seed and source for, brilliance, for genius, for the great insight.
Especially as Mercury retrograde is coming back just far enough to meet up with the sun, just one degree away at 17* Capricorn!

To help with this epiphany, sun and mercury are forming a lovely trine to a 15* Uranus retrograde in TAUrus and a wider trine to an 11* North Node, pointing the way forward in TAUrus also.
We also have a 4* Venus in Aquarius forming a nice supportive trine to that retrograde 8* Mars in Gemini, so this is really cooking up the perfect combination to open your own safe, to put the pieces of Osiris together and see the bigger picture, and YOUR PATH.
January 5th is the 12th day of Christmas, which represents the 12 points of the Apostle’s Creed, before the Magi Arrive on the 6th.
So much more to share, we shall be back with more, still working on the individual signs for the year, to add to the last post.


“I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the community, and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live. 

Life is no ‘brief candle’ to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for a moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to the future generations.” ~ George Bernard Shaw

We can see that with Saturn entering PIsces in March, he will activate the MUTABLE CROSS, PIsces, Gemini (you can't dance fast enough now), Virgo and Sagittarius are all in major 'holding patterns' and do-overs.   Be ready when Mars kicks it into forward thrust when he begins to station direct on January 12th at 8* Gemini.
Fixed Cross, TAUrus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, you will feel as though you are squeezing through the narrow gate, with plenty of frustration as Saturn is finishing up with you, Uranus remains in activation and AWAKENING, and you go through the last two gates of the FIXED CROSS ECLIPSES this year. 
For everyone, this is going to be a major year of transformation, and a quickening of the EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS, even as more frightening news is revealed both in personal and public matters, but ultimately, we will look back and see just how necessary such REVELATORY experiences were for our activation and AWARENESS of the star beings, the LIGHT BEINGS we always have been.
How we operate while cloaked in this human vessel can become more and more amazing, as we race to discover abilities and FREEDOMS before they are removed.
Who will win this race?  It is UP TO YOU.  ALL OF US.
Your chariot awaits you...

Still working on the coming year, and the individual signs, come back...

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