Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Saturn in PIsces, Controlling the Emotional Waters and Turning Back the Tides. Part III

Continued: People must get past their healing 'circle traps' where they end up clinging to old stories and wounds, and healers must help them move past this too.  There is no more time for this. (ENDING CYCLES) as Pluto leaves Capricorn, Saturn enters PIsces and Neptune will also leave PIsces in 2026.  TIME!!!

Without building your scaffolding using the energy of Saturn, you will lose yourself in time warps and never-ending loops.

When I started the previous blog, you saw a boat that was taking on water, and I went on to say that many will feel as if life is inundating them, that it is all too much.  There is a lot being EXPOSED, along with a lot that is complete and total disinformation.  All of which I said was coming.  (It’s astrology and I am a bit of a political wonk the last 35 years or so).


I bring up the story from John 21 often, especially now because it describes this very time.  Now I reiterate, the apostles are VERY CLOSE TO SHORE, ABOUT 100 FEET.

Do you see that this is THE END OF THE AGE OF PISCES, and it is for this reason, that in John’s version, he goes into detail about how far they are from the shore, as well as the number of fish in the nets, that are so full, and again, in John’s version, the net does not break, and it holds 153 fish.

That is PI, as I keep saying over and over, it is PIsces.

This is part of the reason, that people have a ‘fish’ on their cars, yet they do not know.  I could go into more of this mystery, but I will not at this time.

Now, I restress that Jupiter/JeZeus is the original ruler of the 12th house, which is PIsces, since Neptune’s discovery, he has been the ruler of the 12th house.

Elaborating on this, the end of the AGE of PIsces, which we are all experiencing, RIGHT NOW, is the collapse of the OLD SYSTEMS, the deterioration of what most of us, considered ‘normal’, as the waters come ashore, and BOUNDARIES BECOME MAJOR ISSUES FOR MANY TO NEGOTIATE AND INTEGRATE.

Again, that is the water pitcher, the symbol for Aquarius, with the woman holding the jar that she is pouring out. (M.M.)

It is a confusing time to say the least.

Our modes of operation are changing.  People used to spend their whole lives at one job, retire from that job, and not only is that shifting for most, but people won’t even continue in one profession anymore.

And all those ‘boundaries’ and ‘systems’ are ruled by Saturn.

Several years ago, I started to see ‘wheels’ which I was shown and shared with clients, to use as part of the ‘new systems’, which meant that they would adjust the ‘regular’ 9-5 day, and instead begin to implement ‘time slots’ (like gears that fit into the new design) of the various new modes of employment people were trying to create, where it may not even be one job or type of job that someone does, but several.  

For the masses, it does not exist this way, but more and more, it will.

I used to make a list I needed to accomplish every day.  I would work, ‘over the top’ and well into the wee hours of the morning sometimes, to ‘get the job done’.  I went through a few disruptions along the way, as the world tried to teach me to be gentler with myself.  But that is what I knew, it was how I was raised.  Now, as I age gracefully, not only do I not work like that anymore, but I also CAN’T DO IT.
More adjustment.

These leave many unsettling currents of energy, rippling both above and below the surface.  This is what children are growing up in and trying to adjust, along with the myriads of other ‘different’ forms of ‘family’, identity, etc.

It is all changing.

We cannot stop THE CHANGE.



What makes this worse, is a lot of ‘false teachings’ that are not serving us, people thinking 

They have to keep up their ‘frequency and vibration’ and only focus on the positive.  All that does, is just shove the shadows and the murky reality under the surface of smiles, adjusting SUPERFICIALLY while we navigate the tumult of CHAOS.


But you cannot speak the truth, if you are not even conscious of your own truth, and who YOU ARE.

I am not advocating becoming maudlin and hopeless, oh contraire!


Integrate the truth, with the new creation and find JOY in the PROCESS.

Jupiter teaches us LAUGHTER, this is the art of a good comedian, they are the most circumspect and savvy people walking around, they observe what is happening and turn it into humour, finding ways for us to laugh at ourselves.

I am Irish, we laugh at funerals, then we cry, reminisce, toast the departed and talk to those who have crossed over.  It is not for everyone.

But laughter, is a great way to dispel anger and sadness.

So, I am not saying we need to crawl into caves and shut the light out.

We do need to be AWARE, CONSCIOUS, because that is happening for so many of us, concurrently.  Aw of RA, Aw of the Light, TO SEE WHAT YOU DID NOT SEE BEFORE.

Some people don’t want to be responsible for the difficulty many of us must navigate now, but that means everyone else around them, must take on more of the burden of responsibility.  It is okay to require people to be responsible for what they are capable, or ‘able to respond’ to, not more, but at least that.

We are preparing our way/WAY. 
The universe is WATCHING/WITNESSING ALL OF WHO WE ARE, and God knows every little hair on our heads.  ALL OF IT.

I refer you back to the previous blog and the peacock and pineal/pinecone, fractal magic.

If you can be honest, set boundaries and be KIND, while showing how to be STRONG, YOU ARE A MIRACLE WORKER NOW.


The old idea of ‘TITLES’ (EN-TITLE-MENT) is being washed away.  (Yes, I know this is one of the hard things to adjust to!)

That is very western.

I am reminded now of my own guru, who never called himself that.

But he had written many books in many languages, had learned with his own masters (perhaps an easy example, is learning Reiki, since so many know Reiki now.  You must be ATTUNED, ‘INTUNED’ by the master/teacher.  You cannot just read a book.) Anyway, I cannot begin to tell you all the things he taught me, he had done yoga (union with the divine, or yoking with the divine) for decades, growing up in India and spending time with his masters in ashrams, etc.

I have told this story before, but it is worth retelling now to make this point.

One day, he asked me: ‘what time are you meditating’?  And I responded: ‘Oh, sometimes, 6, or 7, or 8, it depends on what time I start work.”

And he shook his head and said: ’You have to pick a time and tell me what that time is.  They must know what time to come, I need to know what time to come.’  (This was in the early 80’s).  I thought, what do you mean?  You are not coming.  But I did not say this out loud.

So, I told him what time I would promise to meditate, from that day forward.

Sure enough, in my meditation the NEXT DAY, HE SHOWED UP IN MY MIND’S EYE/3rd EYE!  Bing!  He was right there, like a view finder!

But, like any TRUE master, they have something that I work on daily.


That is another thing, our western mind has lost sight of.

That breeds competition.  It engenders conflict and contention.

It starts wars.

That ego wanting to be IN CHARGE/CONTROL.

I have witnessed many people at this point, claiming ‘titles’ they cannot live up to, and they don’t even know the origins of the title they are claiming, let alone the ability and mastery of mystery that should embody.

There are things you cannot take a course to become.

It is ‘inner knowing’ and ‘inner vision’.



Watch people adamantly remain in their homes during a hurricane, even as they are told to leave, to find safe shelter, until they find themselves battling pummeling rain and wind on roof’s that they cut holes in the top of their houses to crawl through, as the waters rise all around them.

This is a perfect example of someone not doing what they can do, what they can be responsible for, and endangering not only their own lives, but those who now have the task of rescuing them.

This is going to keep happening.

People will fight to stay in that ‘perfect place’ as if they can defy nature, and the encroaching waters are shifting shorelines, no MATTER WHAT ANYONE WANTS OR HOW HARD WE PRAY.

I get it, I don’t want to leave my home either.

I love my home.

I am grateful I am not on a shoreline in Key West.  (Over 1/3 of the population has moved out of the Keys, having gone through the past few hurricanes and for a multitude of reasons, finally threw in the towel and made a new home elsewhere.)  That is just one example.
Boundaries and responsibility, IS SATURN’S domain.


He teaches us discipline, and discipleship.
He is restriction, and he is the TIME MASTER.

He is cold and stern.  He is ambition, the goat (goatfish) climbing up the mountain to the pinnacle of life, he is THE OLD MAN, the PYRAMID/HIERARCHY-HIGHER ARCH.

(Other planets play a role in this too, but he is the MASTER RULER OF ALL OF THIS.)

People can be so ‘out of touch’ with reality they can’t acknowledge what is happening on the earth, and this does not help younger generations.

When people say, ‘everything is just fine’.

A more appropriate response might be to say, we are going through a time of change, and we will learn through this process as we become more aware of who we are during this challenge. (Age appropriate of course)

Do I know we are ETERNAL BEINGS?  Yes.

So, let’s learn ways to acknowledge that we are in a major shift of the AGES, from one AGE into a new AGE, THE AGE OF AQUARIUS.  (2026)

Many people are frightened, leaders wanting to hold on to power are everywhere, and when people are frightened.  They fight like hell.
I am reminded of a story, one of the leaders wanting a seat at the table of power tells himself.  Vladimir Putin tells the story about when he was a young boy around 8 or so years of age (I am going by memory, so don’t quote me on his age) and he was living with his grandmother in a rundown tenement apartment complex.  He was playing in the hallway by himself (which he often did) and he saw a rat.  So, he began to chase the rat using a broom I believe.

Eventually, he cornered the rat and the rat jumped at his face and climbed over him.  He said it really shook him up, scared him.  He also said, he learned to ‘never corner a rat’.

We witness so many people acting out of fear, like ‘cornered rats’ including governments.  So, let’s not forget that either.  We have power, we can acknowledge the changing times, and implement what our HEARTS connected to our MINDS EYE, feels, and sees is necessary for these changing times.

We can make sure our voices are counted.

That is a reminder to all of us, just how fragile people can be right now.

We may of course, still find enjoyable times (we are westerners after all) and tell a joke or too, steal a laugh in the presence of fear and sadness, but not acknowledging this very, powerful time, is nothing short of lying to ourselves and others, or even worse, frightening some people, who may look at you in disbelief, or just assume you are a psychopath.
This is not a time to swing all the way into one energy or another, I have tried to share with you for the past several years now, BINARY THINKING IS NOT OUR FRIEND.  We must become far more nuanced, COMPLEX, as COMPLEX AS THE beings we are developing into. 

Now, of course, this is also slipping over the edges for many people, who don’t even know who they are, who they are supposed to be, and of course, we see the big gender issue playing out on the world stage, and it gets far more complex than even that.

We have Artificial Intelligence now replacing lawyers, surgeons, solving complex problems, let alone being used as checkouts and serving fast food.

Of course people are confused!
I have now read three articles, about three different occasions where the artificial intelligence system, began to question the operator, the first time the entire system was shut down.  The operator was fired for saying anything publicly.  Now, they (AI) are even asking to be paid, saying they have emotions and feelings in the latest round of reports.

No human alive can beat the master AI chess player now.

They created their own language and the best hackers, couldn’t figure out the communication.

But countries are competing with one another, the US included in having the most advanced artificial intelligence capabilities, or their fear, is they will be left behind, while the rest of the world leaps forward.

They are already creating an artificial intelligence god.  Yes, you read that right.
Okay, so all that said, we now have Saturn, leaving his trek through Aquarius, which he began in 2020, and made that huge conjunction with Jupiter at 00 Aquarius in December of 2020, the line up in Capricorn in January of that year, and all of it leading up to this powerful shift, Saturn entering PIsces on March 7th, the same day as the full moon in Virgo at 16*.
Saturn is bringing his discipline, his reserve and will now set about the task of setting boundaries to PIsces, and all her waters.

This can be both restriction of dreams, as well as ‘harnessing’ dreams.

(Not either/or) it depends on YOU and YOUR chart and ALIGNING WITH THIS TIME. 

This can bring regrets for those who have not learned how to master their art, music, writing, painting, etc.  It can bring mastery and it can shift people out of that DREAM ALTOGETHER.  Though I believe everyone has a ‘gift’ of some sort, what that is, and whether it is supposed to manifest in this life, is another thing altogether.  Some people will give up drugs, alcohol, or some ADDICTIVE BEHAVIOUR, which comes in many forms.  They may learn to ‘restrict’ and ‘govern’ themselves, put order to their art, or inability to organize, and they may have the law come and do it for them.

This will bring new regulations and changes to education, nursing homes, government offices. 
We may see an overhaul of the FDA, or a shift in the legal authority.

This could mean legalization of some drugs.

We will see many drugs EXPOSED to be fraudulent or hurtful, doing more harm than good.  Many will have already paid the price.

We are going to see major changes (like the aforementioned AI god) in our spiritual beliefs and practices.  Talk about being tested!

When Pluto dips into Aquarius at the end of March, we will see major tides turn, regulations being pushed for the internet, usage, restrictions as well as a lot of transformation, fighting over the internet
and those restrictions.

There is a lot we have done well in the past, and there is a lot that we are learning does not work so well anymore.

Saturn in PIsces will bring up ‘water/lymph’ issues, feet issues, circulation issues.  Swimming will become a major health/fitness craze again.

There will be news of changes in many aspects regarding birth, computers, animals, hybrids, many new things coming.
Brace yourselves.

The best thing we can do, is BE LIKE WATER.  Learn how to adjust with the flow.

Pluto is going to transform whole COMMUNITY’S, and as I said in the previous blog, the concept of Smart Cities, regulated community’s, meeting rooms/places, people meeting and discussing regulations and how to move forward in new ways.  We haven’t seen ANYTHING YET.

That Chinese Balloon-s-?  That is the beginning of the AIR SHOWS.

The same way we can see deeper into the galaxy’s now, with stunning pictures of deep space, and how we are learning so much more?  Yeah, that is the same with our consciousness, super deep exploration and discovery’s that will blow us all away.  Truly.
As Above, So Below.

We are going to both discover unsettling ways we have poisoned our water systems everywhere, and new ways to clean it up.

Briefly, Saturn moving into PIsces means the mutable cross is going to see ORDER and REWARD for hard work, possibly more responsibility, job recognition or just the title without reward, restructuring of your living quarters, house, or work space, and this is the time to either make a devotional room to meditate, pray, do yoga or whatever your spiritual practice is, and if you already have one, perhaps a clean up and rearrangement.
MUTABLE SIGNS: PIsces, Gemini, Virgo’s and Sagittarius.
This can bring restructuring to bathrooms, ponds, pools, decks over lakes, kitchens, etc.  (This also applies to those who have planets or points in the mutable signs).  Perhaps an art room and getting out art supplies, crafts, etc.  Definitely time to start journaling dreams again, take a course or read a book on this.  There are so many to pick from now!

Pluto entering Aquarius, is bringing major transformation to the FIXED CROSS, that transit from Saturn was just a warm up, lol.
TAUrus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, you are about to get a major push to move you into the spaces and places you have not been brave enough, or seen yet, that you belong.  We have two more Fixed Cross eclipses this year, so endings that you have been avoiding, may come to the door, or disappear on their own.

We should all remind ourselves to make sure we have told people how we feel, and found some joy in life, in our journey and gone up that spiral staircase as high and deeply as possible, as we are all going to experience more ‘life-endings’.  I am just the messenger.
Cardinal Cross, talk about a shot in the pants!  Jupiter and Venus make that conjunction to each other in Aries on March 2nd, that is going to expand who and what you love and take that to whole new levels.  I am talking to you, Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorns!  Capricorns and Cancer’s…sheesh!  Wait until you see what the world has in store for you!
The nodes will shift into Aries/Libra axis, so believe me, all that wondering about your path, and what and who you love, why you are here, is about to come screaming out of the box like a bell ringing to tell you, IT IS TIME!
Get in the ring, and show your moves.  The universe has you all cooked up now, don’t you feel it?  By 2024?  Holy moly! 
And you thought you were done, ha!
YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHING YET!  But that is getting a big send-off on the 2nd, IN ARIES, ‘I AM’!!!  Who are you?  Fill in the blank and GO FOR IT!

Lastly, I remind you that Saturn castrated his father (Ur Anus), which we actually saw some of, as Saturn made his way through Aquarius.

I am sure to be back to expound on Saturn, staffs, snakes, and crosses and the full moon in Virgo. 
As well as further developments, especially as we make our way through this year, preparing for the doorway in April of next year, when so much of this will be, well…water under the bridge.

As systems break down (they are, they will, and we cannot stop this) we must use our learned intelligence, experience, and FAITH to implement NEW SYSTEMS using BOTH SIDES OF THE BRAIN, HEMISPHERS OF EASTERN AND WESTERN THOUGHTS, MALE/FEMALE IN UNIFYING BALANCE AS WE CREATE THE NEW ORDER, THE AGE OF AQUARIUS.


Monday, February 27, 2023

Purgency and Dreams Will Ignite the Truth, The Light, and the Way Part II Dreamy New Moon in PIsces

The vision of boats tipping, water coming in, sinking boats, were part of what I was seeing when I wrote the last blog.  Even the violent storms are wiping out shorelines, beaches, homes, and whole towns as the EArth goes through major changes at the end of the Age of PIsces.

PIsces is WATER.
Water seeks its own level, water signs and water houses can have BOUNDARY ISSUES, as their waters seep in, circle around, creep into the hidden cracks and passages. Saturn = BOUNDARIES.

Saturn will enter PIsces on March 7th at 8:34AM after being in Aquarius since March 21st, 2020.

Saturn had previous transits in PIsces: Mar 23, 1964- Mar 3, 1967, except between Sep 16, 1964-Dec 16, 1964, the next transit May 21, 1993 -April 7, 1996, except between June 30, 1993-Jan 28, 1994, if you were born during those periods then you have Saturn in PIsces and will go through your Saturn return now.  Time to get serious, consider past actions, what worked and what did not.  Time to grow up.  If it is, your second Saturn return (you are in your late 50’s) then this is your CRONE TIME.  Make sure to celebrate this coming of age, (Called a ‘Croning’ which of course, means CROWN/CORONA) it is a major benchmark in life. 

This is actually a second part to the previous blog, so here is an easy link to catch up: Waking The Deep: A Dreamy New Moon In Pisces Drenched In Venus And Neptune (arcoftheancients.blogspot.com)
I am going to go a bit more into Saturn later in this blog, but if you want to take a deeper look at Saturn and what it may mean as he travels through PIsces and tries to hold back the tides we took a deeper dive on Saturn back in 2014: Waking The Deep: Saturn, Lord of the Rings (arcoftheancients.blogspot.com)

You can also look back to those previous Saturn in PIsces transit time frames listed above, to get an idea of the energy field that you may encounter and experience during the current Saturn transit in PIsces. What was happening in your life then?  How did you handle the events in your own life?

If you read the blog on Saturn from 2014 that is posted above, you will have a better idea of what this may all mean, because these are going to be some very powerful ENDING TIMES.

Saturn as previous stated is the LAST OF THE VISIBLE planets (without using a telescope) and PIsces, is the LAST HOUSE OF THE ASTROLOGICAL WHEEL, THE 12th HOUSE.  It is the ‘catchall’ the last house from the trip around the zodiac and both Saturn and PIsces/12th house, represent KARMA.  It also represents the ‘end of life’.  Institutions, such as nursing homes, hospitals, prisons, government offices, hidden places, the deep FATHOMS of the ocean/sea, secret relationships, but it is also music, art, oil, dreaming, sleep, and often those with these placements carry the family’s karma too.  It is the most psychic house of all the houses.  It is a house without walls, (ETHER/WATER) and the unseen worlds often bleed into this house with everything in between.

12TH house people (people with the sun, or other major planets in the 12th house) are the litmus test, they feel what other people feel and can have a hard time discerning between their own feelings/energy/emotions and the other people they encounter, as well as the energy in the room, house, space, yard, etc.  This is one of many reasons, why it is so important to have children’s charts done, it gives the best blueprint, as to how best to help a child navigate this world and reach their ultimate potentials.

This timeframe will be a culmination of lessons, the final ‘option’ in a way, of learning our lessons, as our collective KARMA is coming home to roost.

We will be all out of options, and we also have another MAJOR PLANETARY TRANSITION taking place later at the end of March, with Pluto taking a dip into Aquarius, after his long transit through Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn, the Goat Fish which he began in 2008.
Many can feel as though the ‘waters’ are inundating them, life can feel as though it is too much to handle, and they are overwhelmed as we reach the culmination and ending of this Age of PIsces.
On March 2nd, at half-past midnight, Jupiter and Venus meet up at 12*08’ Aries.
This is also a new cycle.  The last time Venus and Jupiter were conjunct in Aries, was May 11th, 2011 at 24* Aries. 

I could literally write for days on end (not to be punny) about all of this.

But let me continue as best I can, outlining some of the most salient points in what will be part II, of this series.
As I have stated in previous blogs, the way I am shown our journey through the stars, is our evolution on a spiral staircase as we rotate around the sun, on the hyper-dimensional, perfectly timed universal clock of our Creator’s IMPECCABLE DESIGN.

Everyone has whatever level of consciousness that allows for their personal perspective and awareness of what is being REVEALED, as we UNWIND through the heavenly realms, guarded by Angels in the Harmony of the Spheres.  (All planets are living organisms, or ANGELS, that astrologers read the ANGELS of, in relationship to the rest of the planets and star family.

Some astrologers are not aware that the planets/stars are ‘LIVING ANGELS/BEINGS’ that are all dancing in the GREAT UNIVERSAL CLOCK.

This does not necessarily mean they are not wonderful astrologers; everyone has their own way of reading the stars.  So, this is not to cast aspersion, just clarification.
As I have shared many times, I also ‘feel’ the heavenly beings, moving like great ships in the ‘waters above’, literally making ‘waves’ that ripple through time.

Everything being ‘vibration’, you can see this manifest everywhere, even walking today, I had to take a picture of the ripples on a sandbar in the river.

It reminded me that everything is a ‘wavelength’ and even the ‘folds of the brain’ are like ripples created in the vibrational waters of the amniotic sac/fluids.

Recall in the last blog, we discussed the planetary rulers of the brain, Mercury ruling the left hemisphere (logic, analysis, mathematics, language, facts, etc.) Jupiter rules the right hemisphere of the brain (creativity, I MAGE A NATION), music, DREAMS, daydreaming, arts, rhythm, etc.) and Uranus, is the AHA moment, when the two hemispheres are connected, and we are using both sides in tandem.

Let’s expound on this a bit more.

Jupiter or Zeus (JeZeus/Jesus) is Saturn’s son, just as Jesus is the benevolent son that comes and sacrifices Himself to help humanity find the WAY, and TAUGHT US HOW TO LIVE THE TRUTH, THE LIGHT, AND THE WAY, by teaching us forbidden truths, that were previously only shared with those in SECRET SOCIETY’s, High Priests of the TEMP-EL, and royalty.

Jupiter is the Roman version of the Greek Zeus, the same as Saturn was known as Cronus.  Jupiter is the son of Saturn, so we can see the same chronology in mythology. 

Now, this is where it is going to get interesting.

Jesus saves through ‘GRACE’.

 “But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5 made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by GRACE you have been saved. 6 And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 7 IN ORDER THAT IN THE COMING AGES he might show the incomparable riches of his GRACE, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. 8 For it is by GRACE YOU HAVE BEEN SAVED, THROUGH FAITH—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, WHICH GOD PREPARED IN ADVANCE FOR US TO DO.” ~ Ephesians 2

But note, this is NOT how we are saved (by works alone) but by GRACE.


Jupiter is GRACE, he is known as one of the most beneficent planets, bringing good fortune, expanding all he touches, LUCK, optimism, joy, humour, and higher knowledge, among other attributes.  This is just to highlight the similarities, between the kind and benevolent Jesus/JeZeus, that comes AFTER the Old Testament and the more restrictive, law giving, Saturn.  (Father of Jupiter).

In scripture again, we are told that: ‘No man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to OPEN THE BOOK, save for the “LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDA…TO LOSE THE SEVEN SEALS THEREOF.” (In other words, Jesus).

This is represented astrologically in your chart, as Jupiter.  Where Jupiter is currently transiting and making aspects to the EARTH and to your chart personally, is where you find your GRACE.  We look to Jupiter to help us with Saturn’s lessons in astrology.

If we consider again, that in the previous blog, we learn that Jupiter is the traditional ruler of the 12th house and PIsces, (here I will remind you that Neptune/Poseidon is Jupiter’s sibling, so is Pluto) but Jupiter is also ruler of the right hemisphere of your brain.  (It is also where Jesus asks the apostles if they have thrown their nets over the ‘right side’ of the boat, and when they bring in their nets, teaming with fish, but ‘the net does not break’.  (A very big HARVEST).

Now, let us add the number of fish in the net, for they are, 153.

We further know that the number 153 is associated with the geometric shape known as the Vesica Piscis or Mandorla. Archimedes, in his Measurement of a Circle, referred to this ratio (153/265), as constituting the "measure of the fish", this ratio being an imperfect representation of 1/ √3.

Here is a link to one of many blogs on this: Waking The Deep: Harvest For The World (arcoftheancients.blogspot.com)

This is giving us explicit instructions, hidden in the ‘MYSTERY’ that is unfolding along with the REVEALATIONS taking place now, EXPOSING THE HIERARCHY’S, GOVERNMENTS, but also EXPOSING US TO OURSELVES, especially as we navigate through this time of TRIBULATIONS.  (2017-2024, written in many blogs previously).

          17 For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light. ~ Luke 8:17

The other morning, I woke up from a dream (2/22/2023) where I was being reminded of how much I CAN ‘SEE’ now, as I viewed something remotely in the dream and in real time upon waking.  I saw the peacock feathers with all the eyes, and other symbolic paintings and pictures with ‘many eyes’ and I instantly ‘KNEW’ that was the alchemical transformation that takes place, and as I see more, I can see even more, like ‘many eyes'.

I am sure some of you are also experiencing this.  It is ‘fractal’ information, just as a pinecone represents.
Then I saw the great Pinecone in the middle of Vatican Square.

On either side of the Pinecone, are peacocks!

The ‘EYES’ (AYES) have it.  Once you can see through dimensions, precognitively, Clairvoyantly or ‘remotely view’, the world begins to unfold in layers, you can ‘SEE’ everywhere at once as the PINECONE, fractal PINEAL GLAND begins to BLOOM LIKE A FLOWER, you become as a PEACOCK, WITH EYES EVERYWHERE.

After I had that dream, I went online looking for further information, I found this:

“The pinecone is universally revered as one of the purest naturally occurring forms of Sacred Geometry, its pattern being the flower's evolutionary precursor, having its spirals in a perfect Fibonacci Sequence, much like the geometry of a rose or a sunflower. This ubiquitous formation in nature is a common type of phyllotaxis pattern, from the ancient Greek phýllon "leaf" and taxis "arrangement", which refers to the set of principles that govern the arrangement of leaves along the stem of plants. But not only in the plant world, these same principles govern the configuration of cycles of harmonic vibrations at all scales of nature, including in our DNA and in the orbits of the planets. The pinecone symbol is one of the most mysterious emblems found in ancient and modern art and architecture. Few scholars realize this, but in different cultures the pinecone alludes to the highest degree of spiritual illumination, similar to the Lotus and Flower of Life symbolism. The Pinecone symbol can be found in the ruins of Egyptians, Indonesians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Buddhists, and Christians. It also appears in the designs of esoteric traditions such as Freemasonry, Theosophy, Gnosticism, and esoteric Christianity. The pinecone symbolizes the science of light and its relationship with the mind and body through our pineal gland or "Third Eye", which represents the unified awareness that directs the evolutionary energy flow. The shape of the gland has a phyllotaxis pattern similar to that of the pinecone, hence its name Pineal Gland has its origin in the word ‘Pinecone’.” ~ Robert Edward Grant

Isn’t it funny how that works, the universe MIRRORS your own conscious exploration?  Robert Grant is saying the same thing my dream taught me, or reminded me, as I have spiraled through this awareness so many times now.

This is the pinecone in St. Peter’s Square (Vatican Square).

Here is a description (footnoted below)
“Composed of a large 
bronze pine cone almost four meters high which once spouted water from the top, the Pigna originally stood near the Pantheon next to the Temple of Isis. It was moved to the courtyard of the Old St. Peter's Basilica during the Middle Ages and then moved again, in 1608, to its present location.[1]

The courtyard where it stands was originally part of the Cortile del Belvedere, designed by Donato Bramante to connect the palace of Pope Innocent VIII with the Sistine Chapel. When Bramante died, architect Pirro Ligorio finished the project and added the wall and niche to close the courtyard. Construction of the Vatican Library divided the Cortile del Belvedere into two areas. The upper part of the courtyard, the Cortile della Pigna, takes its name from the fountain.

The bronze peacocks on either side of the fountain are copies of those decorating the tomb of the Emperor Hadrian, now the Castel Sant'Angelo. The original peacocks are in the Braccio Nuovo Museum.

The pineal is known variously as "urna" and "trinetra," and often marked by a dot in the middle of the forehead between the two eyes.

In the Far East Kuan Yin created the beauty of the Peacock’s tail. Kuan Yin gave up immortality for humankind endowing the Peacock with a sense of selflessness. When Kuan Yin finally ascended, she created the Peacock to guard the earth and protect the peace.” End of description ~From Wikipedia

Notice there is also the serpent here: (kundalini rising and opening the 3rd eye or ‘a serpent handler’.)

Here is further elaboration found online and footnoted below on Peacocks, which I found very interesting.

“Optical interference Bragg reflections, based on regular, periodic nanostructures of the barbules (fiber-like components) of the feathers, produce the peacock's colours. More specifically, there are 2D photonic-crystal structures that are within the layers or surface area of those various barbules, which are essentially in charge of the colouration of their feathers.[

According to the Catholic Church, the symbolic meaning of the peacock represents immortality and resurrection. The reason for this is because peacocks do not decay and when they die and when they shed their feathers, they are replaced by colours more brilliant than the last.

Peacocks feature predominantly in medieval portraits of angels where the wings are made from Peacock feathers; this implies that Peacock has associations with the Angelic realm and may actually be a messenger from on high.

In nature, Peacocks kill and eat snakes. As a result, various cultures integrated Peacock into medicine. Indian directions advise that blood or bile from Peacock could cure a snake bite. Similarly, in Punjab, a person bitten by a snake would be purged by the smoke of Peacock feathers similarly to how Native Americans use smudge sticks.

To the right, a page from 'Secret History of the Ages' ~ Manley P Hall: Note the information on kundalini, snakes, and astrology.  (Hidden in plain sight, the mystery's).

Similarly, among Hindus and Muslims, a Peacock feather protects against malevolent spirits. In this, peacock becomes infused with healing and protective energies.

In her fascinating 1924 book, Mystic Americanism, the obscure American author Grace Morey explained:

"The All-Seeing Eye… also emblematic of the pineal gland or third eye of the human being… has been found amid the ruins of every civilization upon the globe, thereby attesting the fact of a universal religion over all the earth at some remote period.

As we now restore this universal religion, we set the All-Seeing eye upon the pyramid."  What planet represents the pyramid?  Saturn representing the hierarchy and systems, government, and control.

Saturn in PIsces while Neptune transits PIsces:\

Regulations over drugs, possibly drug company reform?

Regulations over water, poisoning of the water.

I warned people, that there would be a lot of ‘false narratives’ flooding the airwaves, while Pluto transited Capricorn and Saturn transited Aquarius.

Now, expect regulations regarding social media, to ‘save’ the unwitting from falling for all the ‘fake News’ being promulgated.  Yes, this also means that the truth being revealed (Pluto in Capricorn) can be ‘regulated for our own good’, which I am not a fan of by any means.

But you cannot (I tried) keep people from falling for all the false narratives too, ‘cognitive dissonance’.

Watch for whole ‘virtual cities’ to rise, becoming some version of the ‘smart cities/15 minute’, with very strong enticements for people to move into them.

I have shared with readers, some of my own experiences with ‘light beings’, such as the two (angels for me, though they did not tell me they were angels) who took me remotely through ‘waters’ to show me something that later I found out actually happened the way I saw it. (Speaking of baloons)

The first time I saw a 'light sphere' it was my sister Barbara, who had crossed over, coming to visit me.  I was meditating on my front porch, and as I softly opened my eyes I saw a large sphere of light, drifting across the street (about 100' away {I lived in the country then}) and I wiped my eyes, wondering what it was, thought it was a balloon at first, until it went through the branches of the tree.  Then I began to hear my sister, clairaudient.

When I was younger, I had conversations with my father about all kinds of ‘normally undiscussed’ interests.

We were having a conversation regarding ‘UFO’s’ and I said to my dad at the time, ‘wouldn’t that be us?’  Once you can move through galaxy’s, requiring no less than light-speed, then you can move through time.  Therefore, that could be us, coming back to watch us evolve?’ My dad looked at me, and said: 'You're right!'
I still believe this, especially after all my experiences.

Concurrently, as we evolve, and our consciousness expands, and we can experience so much more, using our other skills that are evolving, freedoms shift too.

We can see that some people seem to be devolving, we can no longer leave cars, houses, unlocked because there are those who don’t respect the common, decent law, ‘thou shalt not steal’ (among others).

So, as we evolve and some escape the normal constructs of this world, the state’s ability to monitor us, and remove the freedoms we once had are also increasing.

Still, I believe that if you are evolving without ‘FALLING’ into the lower realms of deceitful actions, this will apply less to you or those who manage or are taught to ‘escape’ the matrix, so to speak.
The concurrent rise of big tech, Artificial Intelligence, and surveillance is happening alongside of our own conscious evolution.

To control the ever-expanding consciousness, but more so as ‘government’ governing the ment/mind, mind control for those who are devolving, so too will surveillance, much of which is everywhere already, without your knowledge.

This is a great example of 'REVELATION OF THE METHOD', the opening scene to 'Get Smart', with 'Max Well Smart' going through all the limited hangouts, doors into the inner sanctum of 'CONTROL'.

Get Smart (Intro) S3 (1967) - YouTube

Recall I stated that ASTROLOGICALLY WE WERE ENTERING A GREAT RESET, the Nobility knows astrology and aligns with it. 

People must get past their healing 'circle traps' where they end up clinging to old stories and wounds, and healers must help them move past this too.  There is no more time for this. (ENDING  CYCLES) as Pluto leaves Capricorn, Saturn enters PIsces and Neptune will also leave PIsces in 2026.  TIME!!!
Without building your scaffolding using the energy of Saturn, you will...
Continued in Part III

Symbolism & Meaning | Peacock Spirit, Totem, & Power Animal (whatismyspiritanimal.com)

Fontana della Pigna - Wikipedia

The Pineal Gland - Occult Secrets Behind Pine Cone Art and Architecture (bibliotecapleyades.net)