Saturn is the son of Uranus who is (sky/heaven)
{Sumerian god, Anu (aka heaven), the father of Enki and Enlil.} AND {Gaia
(earth) Sumerian: Antu, Ninhursag or Ki}.
In Greek, he is Kronos ruler of
time. The grim reaper with the sickle, which
through time, brings death to mortals.
Saturn is known anciently as Chronos, Phaenon or Falcifer.
As El, (masculine article, masculine noun) he becomes the masculine form of 'The' in the queens language, English. When we add the 'ement', we have ment which is mind. The elements, earth, air, fire and water, are combined as the God-Mind, of which we are all a part of, a perspective of consciousness within the Godhead. Every time we say; 'the' chair, or 'the' car, we are saying...God Chair, God Car. All is God. Further, we are masculinizing all of it at the same time.
One wonders just how much of the elements, are still being taught in ‘elementary’ school, and is it all ‘elementary my dear Watson?’ What son? The son of UR-ANU.
Thank God and Goddess (same energy anyway) that there are events and experiences that delight the soul enough to rescue us from the necessary un-pleasantries (or worse) experiences in the greater scheme of things. I am finally finishing the transit of Saturn through my 12th house and I feel the lightness returning to my being. I am not lacking in the hard won gifts of Saturn's stern teaching. It is no wonder Saturn is lead, it felt as though lead was poured into my being. Guess he wanted to weigh me down enough to keep me from running too quickly into another lesson?
It is beyond words, the feeling of surrender from the weight of the world taking one belly down, and then to feel the rescue of a Great and caring spirit, loving me enough to let me be aware of it all while it is happening, then releasing me just in time to get that drop of golden elixir. It is truly a bittersweet sorrow.
I must say, that I used to get satisfaction simply from doing the best I could, overdoing it in many cases for good measure and gratefully so. But it has been learning what it is like, 'not to do'...that has been rewarding in the strangest of ways, because it is a simple enough thing to do and to feel good for doing, to feel a sense of accomplishment. But when you just cannot....when the energy recedes like the ocean and pulls back, and the doer feels the guilt of not being able to do, all at once the same.....it creates a chasm that opens up new doors of trust....trust not in being able to do, and still being loved by something great, immense and ever present. When you just can’t be ‘sunny and warm’ and the universe still rescues you from your own darkness, the mystery truly begins to part her skirts and wisdom is birthed.

Because Saturn, though he is known as
the great taskmaster, is also Lord of the day of rest, the Sabbath, or the 7th
day, Saturday to which has been given his namesake.
The wisdom of our Great Creator….this universe is a deep mystery indeed.
During Saturn’s transit through the 12th
house, this lover of boundaries as the builder and the mason of the zodiac, is
not so comfy in the house ruled by Neptune/Poseidon that is all about dissolution
and dreams.
So, it became a most revealing
experience since I have a stellium of natal planets in my 12th House. The alchemy of the dross being burned off, or
shall I say dissolved, to reveal my true character and that of others, was
instructional to say the least.
Swimming through the Neptunian world of
the 12th house, while the Lord of the Rings is pouring 
lead into your being, becomes a negotiation with the will to live, whilst reasoning how that may even be a viable option, when the shoreline seems to vanish in the distance, disintegrating before your very eyes and then reappearing as if to tease the spirit with the life-giving stretch of the earth’s skin; becoming a mirage of space that one ‘dreams’ they could lie on long enough to simply breathe out of water…to survive.
It is a bubble encapsulating and saturating you with the living lesson of thermodynamics swirling slowly and grappling through your mind, just how much energy does one actually have? When to move forward, when and how to rest, when it seems as if you will never ever have enough rest again? Heavy with the leaden weight, the wall of resistance lying upon your chest, a millstone around your neck as you try swim just to survive.
Saturn, in mythology, swallows his children; in life when he is aspecting your sun or a planet by transit, he swallows you or that planets rulership. He devours you, but remember that means you are one of his children, God's children. Zeus/Jupiter will be helped by mother earth, Gaia to outsmart Cronus/Saturn again and cause him to regurgitate all the children up by having him drink an emetic.
It is true, it felt as though I was disgorged onto the shoreline of the first house, barely breathing after the long struggle with Saturn in the 12th.
This is why as an astrologer, one looks to Jupiter by house and sign to help someone with the transit of his father Cronus. The other place to look is to Chiron, Saturn's son from his affair with the nymph Philyra. Chiron is the half-brother of Zeus/Jupiter and is the wounded healer in your own chart, it is the key to the many doors of who you are, opening up the many mansions of your father's house.
Just remember, that Jupiter/Zeus's mother Rhea only gives birth by hiding in a cave...this is something that we don't take time for anymore, it is always the moving forward but without turning inward and finding ones own light, you cannot give birth to your own gift, the true god from true god. Rhea is the mother, the flowing river of life, and she will nourish you, if you spend the time in nature and retreat. It is part of the cycle of life, eating ones own tail and giving birth to a completely new yet deeper version of your own truth. You must peel back the layers of illusion to do this.
Resistance all by itself is a word that opens many doors of knowledge. Ohm’s Law, is often shorthanded to state: “The measurement of resistance” but a lengthier yet not complete version would be like this one from Wikipedia: Ohm's law states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the potential difference across the two points; Introducing the constant of proportionality, the resistance.
Then there is OM, which is loosely translated as, ‘The Eternal sound of God.’
It is here, I made the connection, that; “the eternal sound of God, is the measurement of resistance”.
Nothing would or could even know itself, without the secondary nature to witness itself. 'thou shalt not bear false witness' and also why 'witnessing' is one of the most essential aspects of healing, simply to be witnessed. No sound could be made, without the resistance that creates the wave. No muscle is created or built, without ‘resistance’ to build itself with. Indeed, one of the greatest obstacles to space travel, is the loss of muscle, because there is no gravity and therefore, no resistance.
If we take witnessing further, when the commandment is 'thou shalt not bear false witness', the higher commandment or Law by default becomes the power of bearing 'true witness' to another. 'See me', it is the first game a baby plays, 'peek a boo', and they cover their faces with their little hands, as if they are now absent. When they take their hands off of their faces, we say to them...'I SEE YOU'. These are powerful words, and the first aspect of being on this earth. The earth herself, wants to be seen and loved, she told me so.
There is currently an often repeated mantra of ‘go with the flow’, yet only dead things ‘flow down a river’ and life is created when the salmon swims upstream against the current.
There is a truth to finding your stream in life, and swimming inside of your own passion, but that will bring its share of work and study, if one is to hone their skills and become a maestro or master at their craft; It will not just ‘happen’ of its own, there will be work, plenty of it if you are going to find success. That is just the way this 3D earth world works and it is also part of the magic.
So, as Saturn is also called ‘Satan’, one can attest to the trials Saturn can and will bring, but it just may be, a necessary evil the resistance or temptation that comes along to teach discernment. What would you know of yourself, without the ‘free will’ to choose and make your mistakes?
As Saturn represents authority, discipline, contrary to the belief that it is the opposite of freedom, in my view in teaches us that discipline is necessary to bring freedom. Without the resistance, there is no measure with which to unearth your true gift, your own light. If you cannot access the gifts within you on your own, than Saturn will come along to teach you that you have more within you and that only a simple mind will take everything at face value, and concede if things get tough, and simply ‘go with the flow’. It takes us to another level of awareness, of discipleship to assess and review time/history and our past to make wiser choices for our future.
All humans must go through levels of awareness, and will therefore go through differing levels of what may seem like testing, there is no other way to create the dissonance that must be harmonized by tuning your own instrument and that never stops as long as we live, just another level or grade for our being to evolve.
One must like Jacob, wrestle with God, even upon seeing angels ascending and descending from Heaven to Earth, (DNA, spiral staircase of IN-spire-at-ION)to stand his ground, and find his way. It is only then, that he is renamed ‘IS-RA-EL’, The goddess IsIs, the central sun RA and of course, we come back to EL, as the male god.
It is the alchemical bonding, the mating of the male and the female and this is for all people, not simply people of Jewish heritage, it is a lesson, the guidebook to be 'the chosen people'. There are many guidebooks of wisdom, this is what I am most aware of and have been raised with the bible, it is for us to understand, to seek and to find, not simply to bow down to the abuse that has been done in its name, or the dogma that is preached as a punishing god.

As we travel higher, less and less people will accompany us as the trail becomes more and more narrow, only angels fear to tread or can access the very heights Saturn will bring us.
For me, bringing me to my knees, and making me internalize alone (all-One, a very Neptunian belief) was what was necessary for me, to understand the difficulty that comes with the course for many, and to access a stamina that did not mean always climbing for a change, but to learn to take the day of rest. In the silence, I found the golden essence and swimming into the very depths of Neptunian waters (my own) was how I found the pearls buried within me, to write these very words. Glistening in the depths, where no outside light can find its way, are the pearls formed within the oysters shut tight, holding the treasure to be released, only to the very best deep sea divers.
Now, in rulership of the 10th house, Saturn stands guard at the gate, the Cardinal cross of the midheaven, whilst just on the other side, lay Sagittarius the archer.
Janus, with the two heads facing one way, and the other, sees the two sides of the coin from atop the mountain, surveying from the heights the land all around, like the Eagle who can fly to the sun. Janus as the door-keeper of heaven stands erect, bearing a key in one hand, and a rod or scepter in the other hand.
Here, we find the duality of Enki and Enlil from Sumerian lore, Enki being the kinder side of the Gods on Mount Olympus/Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius and Enlil being Saturn’s sterner form of teaching. ‘What, you wouldn’t listen and the people are still sinning? Okay, I will send a little flood…now you must work to stay afloat!’
Enki/Jupiter comes along and whispers into Noah’s ear, ‘build a big boat, AN ARK/ARC of the Covenant, and you must enter ‘two by two’…so you see, we must marry the pairs of opposites within our own being, using the luck and benevolence of Jupiter/Enki/Zeus and the stern discipline of Saturn/Cronus/Enlil finding the divine feminine within us (no balance, no ticky) Mary, (Hear the wind crying Mary yet?, She might be all along the Watchtower…two riders were approaching and the wind began to howl!) So as we ride the ‘MARY GO round’, we must find the balance between work and play, night and day and to all things are a season.
The stone that Jacob rests his head upon becomes the foundation stone to build the temple of Solomon. Again, we see here the marriage of the pairs of opposites, (Sol as the sun and Mon which is the moon) OR we can see this as the soul of man.
Either way, the stone of EL, becomes the cornerstone of the ‘temple’. Here, I Would break down the term temple further and ask you to rub your own ‘temples’…do you tithe 10% to the temple? In Greece, the stone that Cronus swallows, believing it to be ‘Zeus/Jupiter’ becomes the foundation rock, the ‘cornerstone’ (the 10th house is a corner house on the axis of the Cardinal Cross) of the Temple at Delphi.
In the Christian version, we are told it is 'Peter the Rock' but once again, we have the stone the (church) faith is founded upon. Peter holds the keys in Vatican Square. The stone is the foundation, the Philosophers Stone.
When it came to Zeus, the sixth and last, Rhea resolved to try and save this one child at least, to love and cherish, and appealed to her parents and we have Saturn as the 6th planet from the sun, after: Mercury/Hermes, Venus/Aphrodite, Earth/Gaia, Moon/Luna, Mars/Ares, Jupiter/Zeus and the final planet that is visible with the naked eye, Saturn/Cronus.
Saturn the ringed planet, which is EL, is well known as the LORD of the Rings, HE IS the LORD of the inner dimensions and the foundational rock which we must build upon, before we can be a ‘master’…”NO one gets to the father but by me” to admission into the heavens, ‘UR-Anus’ of the higher forms of thought and knowledge.
It is only after we learn the form and function of the building blocks and have tempered the vessel, do we give birth to the ‘son of God’ the benevolent LORD/Jupiter, or Zeus, ‘JE-ZEUS’. But, we must appeal to the MOTHER along with the father. This will end the cycle of the devouring father god, and the birth of the Oedipus complex.
This is a ‘jealous’ god, thou shalt not have strange gods before him.
So, learn to play by the rules in this daemonsion, and you might get a pass to travel with the 9th house and Jupiter/Zeus.
Zeus was known as the king of the gods, or as a ‘singular god’ above the others just as Jesus is referred to mockingly as ‘the king of kings’. Where Saturn/EL eats the stone and believes it to be Zeus/Jupiter, we now eat communion, as the representation of Jesus, body and blood. (I go much further into depth with my book, so hang in there).
Are things written in stone? We can certainly wonder.

Picasso, one of the pioneers of ‘cubism’ shows us the method of building in a painting, and the art of perspective that dimension builds. He along with Georges Braque, followed the dimensional works of Paul Cézanne, and a multiple version of perspectives was born.

This preparation is all to take the new person into the second house of work, of bringing the reformed or amalgamated version of a higher self into new work or higher calling.
The thing with Saturn is he collects not just our individual Karma, but it has been in a collective...especially after opposing Uranus (collective) starting in 2008. So once Saturn began that opposition, sitting in the maiden/virgin at 18*. He was in a stern place of being frugal, of being individual and hidden as the Hermit; finding that light buried within.
Also, Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn the Goat by sign and night, and also the co-ruler of the 11th house and Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) by day.
As we evolve, the lessons must become harder for us as individuals and also as a collective, or we have nothing to help us in measurement, as resistance to open us up and forge our PHI-lo-‘sophers’ stone.
The world turns and we must gather further reserves of strength and ‘re-solve’ or RE-SOL-VE. Here is where Saturn is indeed our master, and all men/women serve a master…
He is the old man, father of time, the measure of success.
He rules the bones, the structure our flesh is built upon and holds up our carriage and he rules the knees and teeth, what we chew the solid of this world to have energy.
His element is lead, and lead is stored in the bone tissue. IF you could only see where lead was stored in the body, you would literally see a skeleton. As father time, traditionally Chronos was shown as a skeletal figure with sickle in hand, reaping his harvest of souls.
Of the seven known metals, it is the slowest conductor of electricity.
This brings me to the concept of power and energy, thermodynamics.
As we exercise, we build muscle, as we walk and stand upright, gravity creates muscle definition. This burns calories. What are calories?
In spite of its non-official status, the large calorie is still widely used as a unit of food energy in the US, UK and some other Western countries. The small calorie is also often used in chemistry as the method of measurement and is fairly straightforward in most reactions, though the amounts involved are typically recorded in kilocalories, an equivalent unit to the large calorie.
The calorie was first defined by Nicolas Clément in 1824 as a unit of heat,[2] and entered French and English dictionaries between 1841 and 1867. The word comes from Latin calor meaning "heat". ~Wikipedia

Energy expended (MARS)=Time (Chronos/Saturn)=Money=Calories expended=currency (Currency being both money and the value of electricity or energy)
Now, this all relates of course, to Einstein's Theory of Relativity, which is: E=MC2 OR
Energy=Mass X's the Speed of Light squared.
Gravity is the result of mass impending upon the space/time curvature as shown in the picture on the right.
Here is a definition from that Wiki website:
Two-dimensional analogy of spacetime distortion generated by the mass of an object. Matter changes the geometry of spacetime, this (curved) geometry being interpreted as gravity.
We can see this as the fabric of space-time.
In Cherokee and other native American traditions, there is a saying: 'Mitakuye Oyasin' which is losely translated as: 'To all my relations or All things are related'.

We learn this equation of energy, through the sharing of money equated with our work output/value.
Here I insert a simple explanation from Wikipedia again about electrical currents:
An electric current is a flow of electric charge. In electric circuits this charge is often carried by moving electrons in a wire. It can also be carried by ions in an electrolyte, or by both ions and electrons such as in a plasma.
(Blood plasma is also found in the interstitial fluid as well as in our blood)
The SI unit for measuring an electric current is the ampere, which is the flow of electric charges through a surface at the rate of one coulomb per second. Electric current can be measured using an ammeter.
Electric currents cause many effects, notably heating, but also induce magnetic fields, which are widely used for motors, inductors and generators.
And as we are experience an ‘energy’ crisis, and we are willing to go to war (Mars/Ares which rules energy) this has a direct result in our caloric intake and our reliance on fossil fuels for energy. Most people don’t realize the average meal travels 3,000 miles before it sits in front of you to eat, let alone the fuel/energy necessary for plants or animals to become the food we eat.
These are calories, related to food, related to fuel, related to energy and this all relates to our time. How much value do we exchange for our time? It is all energy.
Saturn is teaching us how to measure, how to control and how to discipline and put order into our world, to learn who we are.
As life loses its luster, it decays, also the realm of Saturn who rules death as the grim reaper (where PLUTO/HADES has a more modern astrological relationship to death and rebirth and the underground that we resolve unto before rebirth, or all things buried in the ground).
“I am Isis, queen of this country. I was instructed by Mercury. No one can destroy the laws which I have
established. I am the eldest daughter of
Saturn, most ancient of the Gods.”

Saturn is in detriment in Cancer & Leo.
In exaltation (by sign & degree) in Libra - 21° and in its fall (sign & degree) at Aries - 21 °.
He likes graveyards, churches, deserts, woods, caves, holes, mountains, ruinous buildings, coal-mines, sinks, dirty or stinking muddy places, wells and houses that have offices as well as dens.
Saturn’s nature is melancholy, serious, masculine, diurnal, cold and dry, malevolent, the Greater Infortune, and at the top of the mountain, is a solitary being.
His colour is black and his number is 8 for infinity.
This is why we see the black 'square' cap and gown for graduate students, judges, priest's and nuns. They are now in the 'ELect' Saturn group that have climbed the mountain or are in service to God/El. The square is the basis for building.
Now, even though I have expounded on the transit of Saturn in the 12th, in a watery Neptune house, the same energy of Saturn as Lead and teacher, the stern task-master is true in all the houses, bringing either reward or strife and differing in experience by house energy and lessons as well as planets being aspected. You may feel
empathy for Sisyphus, and have to start all over again.
He is PAN, the earthy goat man, who roams the earth and has
a randy sex drive. (Pandemonium and
Pandemic in the imbalance comes from this root). He has the hindquarters, legs, and horns of a
goat, in the same manner as a faun or satyr. With his homeland in rustic
Arcadia, he is recognized as the god of fields, groves, and wooded glens;
because of this, Pan is connected to fertility and the season of spring. The
ancient Greeks also considered Pan to be the god of theatrical criticism.
You might have a different perspective watching ‘Lord of the
Rings’ again though now won’t you? 

At this turn of the Cardinal Cross, we have the opportunity to make the Great Cardinal Turning Point, in our favor.
Which way are you headed?

Soon, you will give rise/birth to the Philosopher's Stone, the Sword and the Stone.
Ultimately these words from the Gospel of Thomas say this all more explicately:
"If you bring forth what is within you, what you
bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what
you do not bring forth will destroy you."
Wisdom, is only found in the center of that cross, in the heart.
There, it is wise to make sound and just decisions. Keep the home fires burning, and home is where the heart is.
Why does St Peter hold 'the key' in Vatican Square?
Ultimately these words from the Gospel of Thomas say this all more explicately:

~From the Gospel of Thomas
When you make the sign of the 'cross', remember you are also making a sacred circle, pointing north, south, east and west, the four cardinal directions.Wisdom, is only found in the center of that cross, in the heart.
There, it is wise to make sound and just decisions. Keep the home fires burning, and home is where the heart is.
Why does St Peter hold 'the key' in Vatican Square?
Hint: Chiron is 'the key' to the chart.
What doorway into the galaxy does this open? Between the 'rings of Saturn' and Uranus? UR ANU
Make way, follow the wake, for this makes for a much easier transit.
ReplyDeleteVery kind of you, just passing through the information. Thank you.