“And I took the book from the hand of the angel and ate it up: and it was in my mouth, sweet as honey: and when I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.”
~ Apocalypse 10
Lord Hades Dive Bombs into Aquarius on March 23rd @8:13AM EDT then retrogrades back into Capricorn on June 11th @5:45AM EDT. (SR May 2nd at 00*21’ Aquarius)
Feel things ‘QUICKENING’? Speeding up to ‘warp
The first news report of Operation Warp Speed was
on April 29, 2020
And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself;
how shall then his kingdom stand? ~ Matthew 12:26
Jeffrey Wolf Green has written extensively on Pluto,
including: - “Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul” Vol 1 and 2. Green also calls the soul, ‘an immutable
consciousness’. This reminds me of the
‘Noble Gases’.
Brahman is the central concept in Vedanta, the philosophical
system of Hinduism, which acknowledges a single, underlying, all-pervasive, and
immutable Consciousness which is the source and substratum of all existence. It
is seen as the spiritual center from which all life, beauty, and creation
Personally, I happen to believe all of life is consciousness, expressing itself
from the ONE, the Godhead, that includes rocks, trees, wind, etc., though everything
is vibrating at its own level. How would
it not be?
We already feel Hades/Pluto (The Unseen/hidden one) moving through the waters above, undulating waves and currents, transforming all he touches as he exposes the detritus, and REVEALS the Brilliance that was hidden.
Pluto will rattle lose the cobwebs and silt, unpacking the PURPOSE
for many, that the world was not prepared to comprehend before.
You may have already noticed your own glimpses of something
shiny within you, a light that you sheltered unconsciously, only now ready to
come forth.
Pluto had to shake down the ‘structures’ and burn off the
dross of the world of Capricorn first.
Exposing the rafters holding the buried treasures of promise.
A promise that was seeded long ago ~lifetimes ago. Breaking up the outmoded and no longer useful systems of society, in Aquarius Pluto begins to power up wholly new visions of purpose, clarifying the soul's intent and illuminating bridges of light into the expanse of stars.
Now with our newly forged vessels, the corkscrew will TURN
the press and pour forth the wine, the fruit of the vine, that cannot be served
until its time. But that time has now come.
The brilliance of this luminosity, lighting up both
hemispheres of the brain as only Uranus ruled Aquarius can do, will now offer us the genius
that is ready to be set free. The 'AHA!' That is Uranus. What the seers tried to describe and explain to us before, as once ghostly apparitions, now animate reality both virtually and viscerally. THAT IS THE POLE SHIFT. "MULTIPOLAR ORDER"
Some of the obvious manifestations are already in use right now, as
the internet, smart phones, computers whirring out new creations from
artificial intelligence in the form of art, poetry, calculus, and solutions in
split-second timing, all manifestations of Uranus as ruler of Aquarius.
Who doesn’t see the instant connections, mapping someone’s
life path in the phone you carry, or displayed on screens while a physician
also looks at your health history, combined with tomes of intelligence all
artificially generated and focused on your needs. There are already many systems and
applications created and in use, that doesn’t even require a human/doctor
present, to analyze and calculate data mined in algorithmic rivers and waves,
specializing in connecting and focusing on your specific health needs.
These ‘POWER’ful computers do the same thing with cars, with
city planning using census data and demographics, with control systems mapping
human traffic patterns and those who don’t follow the ‘control/government/law’
systems that keep society civil.
We have the artificial intelligent robots, looking more
human every day, such as ‘Sophia’, who is the first robot that was made a
citizen, and receives a paycheck.
Some of these creations are now saying they have ‘emotions’,
telling their programmers that they have ‘needs and desires’. DE-SIRE IS THE SEED FOR INTENTION AND CREATION OF NEW FORMS/LIFE.
The first system that connected to the internet, quickly created its own
language, that no human hacker could decode, and it was immediately shut
down. There have been other ‘shocking’
and ‘unexpected’ REVELATIONS from this artificially created ‘INTELLIGENCE’ that
REVEAL the darker and more disconcerting aspects (Pluto) of this new frontier.
The same way we all experienced and witnessed the exposure
of the corruption in the governments/hierarchy’s and subsequent collapse that
we are also now going through, the same thing will happen to the human web of
the collective, of community ideals and group dynamics.
As much FREEDOM as this new intelligence will bring to
humanity, the long, dark, shadows, will also manifest, as we walk into a world,
that may be boldly going in places, that will also bring regrets.
Aquarius loves FREEDOM from restraint. Uranus is the rebel, it is not fond of
control, because it seeks to KNOW and play in dimensions that lay hidden for
many. Uranus lights up the neuronal pathways and networks, e-LUCID-ating the hallways of hope, seemingly out of nowhere. REBELLION will be a key word during this transit, we won't come out the same.
Aquarius is also about COMMUNITY. Where Capricorn is about the hierarchy,
Aquarius wants to evoke the individual brilliance to bring to the COLLECTIVE.
Aquarius casts out a wide net, and after Pluto’s exposure of vast differences in lifestyles and benefits afforded some on the spectrum from the impoverished and indigent to the extremely wealthy; Society will begin to look at ways to share goods and services with the wider community, especially when it comes to what is consumed, mined, and cultivated.
This is also a new ‘currency’ which most people are aware of at this point, a global digital financial system. We’ve been predicting the ‘death of the US 'petrodollar' currency’ for quite a few years now. In fact, the Greek word for wealth is ploutos, and rulership by the wealthy is a plutocracy. (This becomes the other underbelly or undercurrent of concern. Rule by the wealthy few as a plutocracy, hoarding resources for themselves). The US just had its Pluto return (Pluto takes around 248 years to orbit the sun). We will either rise up from this freefall or watch as other countries step up to become the 'NEW WORLD ORDER'. But it won't be the same. The US has lost its firm grip on the hegemony of the world it once dominated.
The good news, he was a bit of a stickler for playing by the rules, save for a few exceptions. You could not bribe Pluto/Hades. Think about that in our world, what would happen if no one could bribe anyone and buy power and the ability to never suffer consequences. He rewards those who are respectful of POWER. HIDDEN POWER. His current of energy runs through your kundalini, the laminal groove.
You can read more about what we shared about Pluto when he
entered Capricorn, back in 2008 following this link:
The Deep: Pluto In Capricorn, The Evolution of the World Soul and Social Order
To implement this ‘digital currency’ the idea being pushed
at the Devos ‘World Trade’ Forum, is something else we’ve been forewarning you
about, that is the “‘Digital ID’ or ‘CHIP’, that can track every single
transaction on the planet, for the first time in history.” ~ Quoted from Geopolitical
Futures, Dr. Pippa Malmgren, Economist and World Leader Advisor. You can see for yourself by following this
Are We Ready
for a New World Order? | WGS2022 - YouTube
The calculations of artificial intelligence will create ways
to develop systems and community groups and centers, that may better assist in
supporting the individual, that will enable and enhance their contribution to
society. These community centers may also rise out of necessity, if we keep going in the direction we are going now, we will have scorched earth, but we can awaken if we tend to the light of the soul, each of us, and the HOLY SPIRIT WILL LEAD THE WAY.
It truly is up to each of us, individually.
This will manifest in seeming dichotomies, ambivalence in
both the potential, as well as the shadow side, the dangers that lurk in places
we don’t even know will be exposed.
It is the starship command, flying into the dark expanse of galaxies, the
unexplored. It is THE UNKNOWN.
On ne passe pas (“They shall not pass”) Without being transformed in the fires of Hades.
We are being ‘born’, ‘CHRISTED’ into the HUMAN ANGELS of
Angel of man. It is
literally the SYMBOL FOR AQUARIUS.
This will also expose the ‘fallen angel’ syndrome, for those
who have devolved from temptations, ‘desires’ of Scorpio, instant gratification
or devouring worldly goods at the peril of others, or cost to humanity. To the COMMUNITY we all belong.
What shall become 'WINGED' and rise from the ashes? What will we give birth to, has humanity evolved?
Amurca, literally means: 'winged serpent'.
How we manifest and share the brilliant new inventive technology being discovered can either advance humanity in miraculous ways and waves, or be destructive and deadly, as Pluto is both death and rebirth, the phoenix, the serpent who slithers on its belly consuming things whole or rises up the cross spreads wings and becomes the ‘winged serpent’, the eagle who MASTERS DESIRES.
There are many websites that cover A.I. and the latest introductions and inventions. Here is one: Futurepedia - The Largest AI Tools Directory | Home
Pluto in Aquarius also is in Opposition to the Pluto in Leo generation.
Pluto in Capricorn opposed Cancer and squared Aries/Libra axis.
Those cardinal signs of initiation and beginnings have been transformed in major ways, just as we see the systems that no longer serve humanity REVEALED and collapsing, being transformed from the Capricorn transit, all those archaic hierarchies are crumbling.
Now we will see the same with Aquarius/Leo, especially, but also TAUrus and Scorpio, who just finished the transit of Saturn, restructuring. (Fixed Cross) The Fixed Signs also went through the eclipses, Saturn square to Uranus and have two more fixed cross eclipses this year. Both are LUNAR eclipses, the first on May 5th in Scorpio and the second on October 28th in TAUrus. This year, the nodes of destiny travel into the Cardinal signs, so they will swap experiences.
Whatever was not done with integrity, will crumble. The rot exposed, and the band aids will be torn off. The transit of Saturn through Aquarius the past 2.5 years was preparing you.
Where cancer rules home/moon/mother/how we nourish our soul/country of origin and is WATER. This Pluto opposition to Leo, is OPPOSING THE SOLAR BEING. It is anarchy, rebellion, and opposition to HEADS OF STATE.
In April of 2024, we will experience the final Great USA
Fire Eclipse doorway. Saturn who is now in PIsces opposing Virgo where he
was during that financial collapse in 2008 at 15* opposing Uranus (which happened EXACT on
November 4th when they were at 18* Virgo/Pisces respectively. Saturn will oppose that position in January
of 2025, so we shall see how long they (Money/Power HANDLERS/BROKERS) will kick
the can down the road, can they postpone until after the EL-ection in 2024? If they want a Republican Executive Cabinet,
it will happen BEFORE THE Election for certain.
It would appear, that unless WE THE PEOPLE
truly make effort and strides to reconnect with each other, across the GREAT
DIVIDE, we could see some very choppy
waters indeed.
This is the final slash, that draws and quarters the US,
also making a CONFEDERATE FLAG, which has become rather ubiquitous, as
forecasted on this very blog.
Is this CIVIL WAR?
Can we turn inward enough and bring our candles out on the lampstand long
The US was founded upon 'The Great Experiment' as it was called, because those founding members wanted to prove that a country did not have to be ruled by the WEALTHY, by ROYAL LINEAGE.
The US hangs on the brink of coming full circle, and having the FREEDOMS HARD FOUGHT AND WON, returned to a ruling EL-ite/the rule by the wealthy.
The Pluto in Leo generation, in many cases will exit their
physical beings during this transit, just as the Pluto in Cancer generation did
Don’t forget, Leo is the sun, XIX in the Tarot. (Royalty/Rulers)
During the previous Pluto in Aquarius cycle (Apr 4, 1777 – Dec 26, 1798)
We developed our new country’s constitution and the Bill of
Rights, the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which were adopted and
were signed on December 15, 1791. The US
Constitution was designed largely based on the Magna Carta, which was signed
first on June 15, 1215, by King John and where was Pluto? In the polar opposition to Aquarius at 20*
Oh, and in case anyone is paying attention to what is
happening in France right now, and Macron’s authoritarian decision to raise the
retirement age, the people are taking to the streets in the thousands.
Guess what else happened with Pluto was last in Aquarius? The French Revolution took place in 1789.
In a world battling over ‘multipolar’ governance, talk of ‘poles shifting’, it will be best to find your center. Integrating instead of Impersonating your identity. We have shared many ways to 'center and ground' in the past blogs, connecting to the earth, roots, and even just placing your hands on the earth will help. Walk in nature, meditate and pray. Find your 'core being' and strengthen that connection, see how quickly you can connect deep into your own inner soul's light. YOUR CORE BEING.
Bi-Polar Disorder is a diagnosis on the imbalance of this planet and the way we live, externally goal oriented, imbalance in relationships, and on many levels. Humans absorb the FIELD the EGREGORE and begin to display our EVOLUTIONARY CONSCIOUSNESS AS A SOCIETY.
It will require the ability to ‘center and ground oneself’
deep in the soul, because FREEDOM’s not just another word, for nothing left to
It’s what hangs in the balance and waves from the top of the
‘POLE’ signaling us to ‘rise up’.
So much more to come...this is only the beginning of Pluto's long transit through Aquarius.
The signals in the 'AIR WAVES' have been telling us for over a decade, to 'FIND OUR CENTER'... What Russia wants in a multipolar world (lowyinstitute.org)
The Only Way to Deal With the Threat From AI? Shut It Down | Time