Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Empress of the Sky Swallows Her Solar Paramour at the Final Hour


The Empress of the heavens veils her solar paramour and there shall be no light permitted, for a time.  On 04/20/2023, just after the clock strikes midnight, Lady Luna will begin to swallow the sun during a hybrid Solar Eclipse 12:12AM EDT at the anoretic 29th* degree 50’ of Aries, leaving only 10 minutes to spare in the presence of the ‘I AM’ in that CARDINAL sign.This is adding to the pressure cooker on planet earth.  Karma wants to finish business and so will many of you.  It may seem as if you just don’t have enough time, as the river turns into a deluge bringing all the debris of the past, including reminders of what needs to be done, and possibly regrets of what was said or done in the past.

You may sense the disturbing feeling, that something is just not right, out of alignment, or like you were that person who went into the basement in the movie with the title; ‘Don’t look in the basement’.

Because this eclipse is reaching for her soul’s purpose that is just a few degrees away at 04* TAUrus, as if to tease the new growth cycle of the sun and moon, with the earthly garden of delights, of VALUE, and promise, but the head of the dragon (north node of the moon/Rahu) is squaring off with that old dragon Pluto who is freshly flying in Aquarius at 00*, and ominously pushing the sun and moon into a corner. This forms a T'Square' , the TAU. Feel as though you are carrying a 'cross', or 'hemmed in'?

We may as well be the hobbits trying to run with the Arkenstone on gold coins cascading down and into the mouth of the waiting dragon.

In Aquarius, Pluto is uncomfortable, but stealthy as he glowers over the impatient duo in Aries, toying with them.

Lady Luna cloaks the suns brilliance, (Yes, from our perspective, but after all, this is all designed for us) just long enough for the sun to emerge following Luna in the soft landing of TAUrus, while Pluto is still cornering them both.

This can make you feel as though ‘you almost made it’, ‘if only you would have left sooner, started that project a little earlier, prepared more’.

Now, the decision becomes; ‘should you just give in’, or ‘is this the ground you will not give up, even if it means death’? (This does not have to be a physical death, and it can be the death of a business, relationship, or some direction that you turn from.)

Now of course, if you have planets in the early degrees of TAUrus, Scorpio, Aquarius, or Leo, OR the Cardinal signs, Aries/Libra and Capricorn/Cancer, especially the later degrees, you may wish you could find the valve to release just a little bit of pressure, just enough to help you not have a panic attack, or all the domino effects of stress, often where bad decisions are made that make matters worse.

The human condition is on display with all its fallible imperfections buzzing like a neon sign.

The fixed cross signs, may not believe they are in that vise again, when will this ever end?  On the other hand, some may have learned to let it roll off their backs like a duck, quacking into the cracks or just giving up.

‘FIXED’ means just that, these are not people known for bending like a willow, no sir.  Things are the way they are for a reason, now you just ask them, that’s the way it is and that is the ‘RIGHT WAY’. 

What, you didn’t know that?  Were you doing it the wrong way?

What they’re not telling you, is that they are probably tired too, they just don’t have more gas in the can and that FRIGHTENS THEM. THEY FEEL A RESPONSIBILITY.

Cardinal signs, Aries/Libra, Capricorn/Cancer, you’ve been through this dance with Pluto when he tripped through the mountainous terrain of Capricorn starting back in 2008.  Don’t you feel his hot breath coming closer again?

The pressure may ease up some, (maybe in a week or so) but this is going to increase into the full moon eclipse in Scorpio at 14* on 5/5 of 2023.

That is change, and not necessarily what any of us may want, but especially the fixed cross, who DOES NOT LIKE CHANGE.

The effects of this eclipse, will ripple long into fall, and the next October 14th Solar eclipse in Libra.

The thing is, we love the (fixed signs) for that, they make things permanent, so we don’t have to worry about them again.  They set things in stone.

With Mercury at 15* TAUrus conjoining a 17* Uranus in TAUrus, that will ELECTRIFY the GROUND, and can bring news of SYSTEMS for CURRENCY SHIFTING.

For some, the NEW THINGS COMING, COUNTRIES RISING, that is EXACTLY AS PLANNED FOR A VERY LONG TIME, for those of us who didn’t see this coming, this is a CHANGE THAT IS GONNA COME, and it may seem ‘out of the blue’.

They do form a softening sextile to Mars at 13* Cancer (which is conjunct the natal USA sun and squaring Vladimir Putin’s natal sun) so this may be a bargaining chip, it just may be that the US finds something up their sleeve, but it can also be in response to an aggressive action upon them.

By 12:30 AM the moon will ingress into TAUrus and working on that exact square to Pluto.  It will take the sun until just after 4AM on the 20th to follow Luna into TAUrus too.

Completing the karmic cycle, old souls in particular are going to feel this one.

Prepare yourselves for more disclosure, information being revealed that can be deeply disturbing.

Saturn swimming with his fish tail at 4*PIsces is also forming an exact sextile to the head of the dragon at 4* TAUrus too, there are dreams that can burst into your consciousness so deeply now, screaming for the attention your subconscious is burying. 

It will take people really seeing through the now, very diaphanous veil, to be the true stewards of the new world of FREEDOM, to set us FREE and spread our spiritual wings to fly forward into the new world, the AGE OF AQUARIUS.

Rather, than the shadow side, which happens when people AVOID THE TRUTH, and only want to see ‘part’ of reality.  IGNORANCE IS NOT THE WAY TO SPREAD YOUR WINGS.

Pluto has been busy, REVEALING THE TRUTH BEHIND THE SCENES, IN ALL THE SYSTEMS.  ‘HIDDEN = PLUTO’ from the majority if not all, for thousands of years now.

As the serpent flies into Aquarius, he becomes the ‘winged serpent’ of WISDOM.


This gateway eclipses out some old ‘masculine’ elements (not to be confused with males) and will help bring in some balance.

We have the opportunity to make the best of this window, to truly EVOLVE and tap into our own INSIDE JOB.  To meditate, to clear out the debris that occludes the light of our own souls.  To become our own ‘I AM’.
This is at the final degree of Aries, it is pushing the karma wheel and this will roll over any who don’t face their own darkness and try and make amends, to clear off the occlusions to the light of the world, that we can all illuminate the world together and end this darkness.

We will be born anew, the egg cracks open and we spread our wings and fly.


We Remain in the darkness and end up in a more difficult cycle from 2024-2030.  IT IS UP TO US.

Mutable signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and PIsces, you have Saturn in PIsces at 4* as mentioned previously, Neptune is at 26* PIsces, where he has not been since 1860 as we mentioned in the last blog.

So, we are all navigating through the stargates we have not been through, for thousands of years, hundreds of years, these are major cycles.


Venus is also at 10* Gemini, so the communication is timely, tell people how you feel from the HEART.  Venus and Saturn just were exactly trine to one another, and our DREAMS are animating and illustrating the WAY OF THE HEART.  LISTEN.  LISTEN TO YOUR HEART SONG AND KNOW THAT OTHERS HAVE THEIR HEART BEATING THAT DRUM TOO.

Mutables, it is time to implement that infrastructure that supports your DREAMS.

What do you want?  Soon, NOTHING WILL BE HOLDING YOU BACK.

Mercury will station retrograde on the 21st, while Lady Luna has come up to visit and soothe him emotionally at the very same degree 15*, midway into TAUrus, and OUR VALUES.  What are your priorities?  Do you see how the brilliant architect, God designs this in a step-by-step process, allowing us all the opportunity to revisit, to change directions, to LEARN AND BECOME BETTER FOR IT.

All this seeds the cycle, in the dark moon, occluding the sun, to expand into the full moon, lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th. REALIZATIONS.  

There is hope in the air, breathe into this hope, it will clear the skies of the darkness, that will dissipate in the light of truth.

Believe it.
I do.

If you want specific help for your own astrology course, we are happy to help you align with the stars. 
 Astrology & Bodywork (arcoftheancients.com)  

Or, need help with the right tools with integrity?

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