Thursday, May 4, 2023

Alchemy & Transformation Deep Diving Into Full Scorpio Moon Eclipse

 Once again, our alchemical friend, Mercury has stationed retrograde.  He did so on April 21, at 4:34AM at 15*37’ when he was conjoined with Lady Luna who was at 15*53’ of TAUrus.  Mercury will station direct on May 14 2023 11:16:31 PM at 05*50' TAU, Both are on fixed cross eclipse points and Pluto will also station retrograde on May 1st at 1:08PM EDT at 00*21’Aquarius and station direct later in the year on October 9th 9:09PM at 27*53’ Capricorn.


Pluto draws back his bow square the moons nodes who are at 4* TAUrus: North Node/Rahu/Head of the Dragon & Scorpio: South Node/Ketu/Tail of the Dragon.  Pluto squares the nodes for a good portion of this year.  This automatically tells you; our collective and individual fates, purpose, karma and soul-calling is being directly activated.  It can also be extremely DISTURBING.
 Mercury is the agent of communication, travelling, cars, writing utensils, signatures, retrograde ~ meaning the energy is not flowing forward smoothly and keeping up with the movement of the other planets.  Harder to access and may be distorted, things/information is not all as it seems, or should be investigated in depth.
TAUrus is ‘I have’ it is VALUES, it is GODDESS energy, lover of fine things and luxury.  It can show simple ways to make money/income, with our hands, sales, or receptionist type work. 
(Work that involves communication, written and oral).  
When we add Pluto to this mix, beginning his trek back from Aquarius, (His first retrograde in Aquarius) having only dipped his tail into Aquarius, giving us a taste of things to come, he retreats, because this is major ENERGY/TRANSFORMATION/
EVOLUTIONARY/ REBIRTH/DEATH for the entire planet of course, but for all of us individually by house and aspect, clearing out the old and making way for the new.
This little baby rebirth will give us time to finish and finalize old karma, lifetimes of evolution.  Especially as he squares the nodes, of future and past.  TAUrus being a succedent (fixed) house, look to where you made choices when Mercury was in Aries, (3/19-4/4) when you may have begun projects, idea’s, new patterns, to see where the review of those decisions may come from as Mercury and Pluto now both pull back the curtains, to give us another REVEAL.
 We can also see that Mercury is travelling back to the same degree as the Partial lunar eclipse that is coming in October on the 28th at 05*09’ TAUrus, that is the final eclipse in the ‘fixed cross’, it is a major shift and final push for those signs, TAUrus (especially), Leo, Scorpio (also very powerful), and Aquarius.
Pluto also stationing retrograde, as stated in the previous blog, and that 29* Solar Eclipse in Aries, is FORCING US TO FACE THE PAST, KARMA, and this will bring back the residue some may have thought was long buried.

Eventually, Pluto who is the ‘winged serpent’ will bring us our Aquarius wings, the Angel of Man…for everyone?  That I cannot tell you.  But the potential is there, so work on your feathers, the ‘great wing’ (sphenoid process) and your spiritual evolution, connecting to your higher self.
Mercury S.R. Apr 21 2023 4:34:43 AM  15*37' TAU SR
Mercury S.D. May 14 2023 11:16:31 PM  05*50' TAU SD
Here is the degree and date for the lunar eclipse coming in October:
Lunar Partial Eclipse October 28, 2023 05*09’ TAU 
So, adding that Mercury stationed retrograde the day after the SOLAR ECLIPSE ON THE 20TH, AT 29* ARIES!!!  Puts some ILLUMINATION into this retrograde.  

That New Moon, Solar eclipse on the 20th opened the floodgates for the Lunar Eclipse coming on May 5, 2023 (FM) 14*58’ Scorpio at 1:33PM EDT.
Buckle up…Scorpio is ruled by Pluto…This is all about what is hidden, being revealed again.  Expect those secrets to come pouring through the open curtain.
Moon/Mother swimming in depths of Scorpio is opposing Uranus at 18* TAUrus widely conjoining that 14*Sun.  More unexpected and SHOCKING events to SHAKE the planet.  Our home and homelife.  Especially as the 14* TAUrus sun is widely conjoining 18* TAUrus Uranus.  This is shocking and disturbing, and VOLATILE!

Tuesday, May 9th, Sun will conjoin Uranus at 18*56’ TAUrus EXACTLY.
Once again, we are magnifying the ‘FIXED CROSS ECLIPSE POINTS’, this one ties back to the November 08th eclipse at 16* TAUrus, in 2022.
What will we let go of willingly, OR what will be taken from us?
What will be eclipsed out of your/our lives?
This can be disturbing for many, with explosive anger, incendiary, vituperative, and provocative words, control issues and they stem from FEAR.
If you can keep your cool, that is going to help you and this planet.
What a powder keg to open up the spring, flower full moon, sitting in between spring and summer, May DAY is always very powerful.
Even seeds and roots are bursting forth, working to come to the surface and going through a transformation.
We as individuals and collectively, have not been to this place/energy before in this life, Neptune at 26*51’ PIsces and Pluto at 00* Aquarius (now retrograde) are both taking us to places, emotionally, physically, mentally that is completely FOREIGN territory.  It can feel as though we are just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
However, in looking into the fall astrology, I have good news.
(The fall eclipses close out this window from this full moon, lunar eclipse strife/difficulty).
What do I see?
06* TAU Part of Body: Larynx (This may represent our collective voices rising over the summer months). 
Sabian Symbol: “A bridge being built across a gorge.” ~A promise to make it across the divisive rhetoric that has been fueling the world stage, contentiousness, and an inability to listen, to hear the other point of view?
Mars will ingress into Leo on May 21st after the 28* new moon in TAUrus on the 19th.  That can bring up some tension because Mars will oppose Pluto in Aquarius.  It can also bring more saber rattling between the ‘generals’ and leaders on the world stage.
Again, this is a time for those who are ‘peacemakers’ to step forward, to find our own peace and perhaps not respond immediately.  Practice now…take the breath, step back and try not to get provoked.  Remember, people attack because of fear and often not the person that they are angry with, there is a lot of feelings of disempowerment and that does not go down so well.
Venus enters Cancer on the 8th, so that should help prepare us and connect to family and roots, and shift priority’s.  
She is moving into a nice trine to Saturn who is at 5* PIsces, this is dreamy and kind.  It can help give us a little watery energy to help cool things down and wash away the pain and grief.
Honest conversations about feelings, can bring a lot of healing at this time, provided we tap into the empathy and knowledge that we are all going through this time together.
Jupiter will enter TAUrus on May 17th, also tapping into this full moon eclipse energy, bringing grace and light into the darkness being revealed.  Hang in there, we can help each other get through this. That is the upside of Uranus, learning to bring our individual talents/gifts and abilities to the community.
So, ultimately a lot of progress for soul growth and a much deeper understanding of our own depths, fears, and darkness.
Bring the light into the darkness, let the light in, IT IS HEALING. AND EN LIGHT ENING.
The shifting nodes...
Best to light your candles, dance around the fire and perform your own Mary/May crowning/corona.

Ultimately, this is a time to clear the old detritus that comes up now, especially the fixed cross signs, starting with TAUrus and Scorpio (ouch, you have my sympathy) then Leo, and Aquarius.
Thank goodness Aquarius is not so emotional!  LOGIC SPOCK!
You are almost there...hang in there!  
Cardinal signs, buckle up, you are up to bat this year, that 29* Aries solar eclipse on April 20th is starting the wind-up, to FINISH UP AND TIE UP LOOSE ENDS.  OR LET GO, STOP THINKING YOU ARE GOING TO DO, A, B, C AND JUST FLOAT WITH WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING.
Mutable signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and PIsces, you guys are supposed to help us transition, prepare for the next Cardinal movement and Saturn is in PIsces helping you put structure to the idea/details.
But fixed cross?
Even you Leo, when Mars hits on the 21st, you will feel as though someone poured fire ants into your pants.  PREPARE.
  Back soon...

Recommend: #ArcoftheAncient'ssleepangel, #royaltyblend, #Courage

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