Saturday, May 13, 2023

The Wheels of Fortune Wringing the Hands of Fate

The hands of fate turn the wheel of fortune, as we enter headlong into MAJOR SHIFTS AND TRANSFORMATION.
Even before the water churns up the big WAVES, we’ve had plenty of increasing warnings, washing up with the last new moon eclipse on the 20th at 29*50'* Aries, (10 minutes away from 00* TAUrus) squaring Pluto at 00* Aquarius, the day before Mercury began to station retrograde at 15* TAUrus, conjoining a 17* Uranus.
On May 9th the Sun conjoined Uranus at 18*56’ TAUrus.  
With Mercury and Pluto both retrograde, this was going to spill out some SHOCKING events, (former President Donald Trump being found guilty in the case with E. Gene Carroll.) for instance.
We’ve had plenty of earth changes (with more to come) volcanic activity, earthquakes, tornadoes (one landed in L.A.!)
Uranus is called the planet of ‘AWAKENING’ for a reason.
With Pluto retrograde, REVIEWING the transformation and EVOLUTION thus far in Aquarius, he is giving us just a few more months to take in the loss, death, and rebirth he has already brought to the early (00* Aquarius) degree of the new Age we are being REBORN INTO.
This is thousands of years he is bringing up to resolve, to EMERGE (NCY) from the past, from major karmic debt/cycles, and thus he is REVEALING the last of how we have governed ourselves, and this planet.
We cannot relinquish responsibility (the hallmark of Capricorn/Saturn) as a ‘they did this to us’ referring to whatever ‘they/deep state/management/hierarchy/parents/grandparents’ etc., as if we are only victims.  If we are to become VICTORIOUS, we must see deep into the mystical underbelly of Scorpio, that Pluto governs.
Otherwise, we also miss out on the gifts. Pluto rules what is 'HIDDEN' it is also the root word of 'Plutarchy' (rule by the wealthy) from Ploutos in Greek, which means WEALTH.

We miss out on the light, in ‘en-LIGHT-en-ment’ and remain stuck in the mental mobius strip, destined to circle round the track, over and over.
Just days later on the 13th Venus 6* Cancer forms a lovely trine to a 6* Saturn in dreamy PIsces.  They are creating a CHANNEL to funnel the watery depths of dreaming, HOME, mother, into MANIFESTATION.  Take the time to listen to the WAVES in the atmosphere, rippling into your world, bringing you cleansing and a spiritual bath which is also preparatory for the Major FIXED CROSS FORMING IN THE waters above.
Jupiter will ingress into TAUrus at 12:04PM EDT on the 16th and this PUSHES the energy of the square that will be EXACT on the 17th when Jupiter reaches 00*18’ TAUrus.  He is only a few degrees away from the head of the dragon, RAHU at 04* TAUrus, bringing us back down to earth and the sensual pleasures and bounty of the physical, tangible, practical, world.
These two (Jupiter and Pluto) began this journey back on June 30th of 2020 when they were conjoined at 24*08’ Capricorn (that year was the lineup in Capricorn when Saturn met up with Pluto too, in January at 22* Capricorn, remember how 2020 was? LOCKDOWNS. FEAR BEING PUSHED EVERYWHERE.

That was when Jupiter and Pluto sewed the seeds of management, how to expand within boundaries, limits, how to find JOY without the normal freedoms we became accustomed to, and now this first square is asking us to go back to the drawing board and take stock of how it is all working.
What no longer serves this ‘ORDER’ and perhaps keeps you from feeling JOY?
Here in another earth sign, TAUrus, we take stock of what we HAVE OR DON’T HAVE, after questioning our VALUES, and management of ourselves, and on another level, the hierarchies of the planet, the SYSTEMS.  
What steals your joy? What has become ‘top heavy’ and needs realignment and direction/focus?

Jupiter can bring ‘GRACE’ and taps into the recent Venus trine to Saturn, sitting between the two as an buoy, he asks us what we have built, do we love it, does it need changes, and that has many levels in life.
This is particularly powerful for the fixed signs: TAUrus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.  What are you BUILDING?  Does it still align with the future you envisioned?
This can now bring some stress cracks, as it also forms a MAJOR FIXED CROSS, with the North and South nodes, and Mars entering LEO and quickly opposing Pluto EXACTLY on May 20th when Mars at 00*16’ LEO and Pluto at 00* Aquarius antagonize and taunt each other, both planets co-rule Scorpio, with Pluto being the higher octave and Mars being the Hellenistic ruler of the dark, depths, of Smaug, all that is hidden.
Pluto is like a paint stripper, taking off the varnish, then the layers to expose the shiny metal of Aquarius, and any new plans for the future.

First, he strips us and sends us to the triage unit, to heal OLD WOUNDS/KARMA, and with Mercury and Pluto both retrograde, expect the weird experiences of people showing up that ‘you feel like you know’ but do not in this life, those are people from your past ('LIVES').  People from this life are bound to pop up too, all leading up to this date, and the previous day, 19th with the new moon in TAUrus at 28*, all tilling the soil, for the new seeds being handed out from OTHER DIMENSIONS, ETHER, and plans shifting and re-forming as this is another breaking point on the fixed cross.  This can also create major earth changes, earthquakes, and a breaking point with the heat rising between government leaders, and believe me, we must PRAY they keep their cool, and don’t get triggered into a bull fight, in which we all lose.
If that takes place, it could topple the markets for at least three years.
So, the new moon on the 19th INVESTS energy into those comforts, and the dark of the moon may breed black majik rituals that will bloom as the moon waxes into a fuller perspective, blooming into her full revelations on June 3rd at 13* Sagittarius, just two days after Jupiter conjoins the north node exactly at 3* TAUrus.  Begging us to FINALLY express our SOUL’S PURPOSE, if we haven’t found that yet, this could be even more painful, in the birthing process.
All this pressure on the fixed cross with these major planets and points, will cause a lot of stress.  You are certain to feel this if you are in the early degress of the fixed signs, TAUrus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, and in the last several degrees of the Cardinal Cross: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, getting that extra push from the Saturn/Venus trine, asking us to return to LOVE.
Mutable Cross: Virgo, Sagittarius, PIsces, and Gemini, you are restructuring and shifting the foundations, homelife, daily routines, and probably ‘fixing up’ the place, putting those little artistic touches and making a soft landing in some luxurious ‘feeling’ comfort zones.  Where you can relax and read your favorite books?
Are you comfy when you settle in to have a catch-up chat with a nice hot cup of tea, or that deep red Malbec?
What about around the pool?  You might not be able to resist that cute little setting and dressing it all up with colour, plants, and even things like hooks to hang your sun hat.
We’re making waves, the world awaits your arrival.
Don’t complain unless you are ready to step up yourself, if you see it, say it, do it.
As you can see, we will be ping-ponging back and forth as we reassess, take stock, and review who we are, the decisions we have made, where we are now, and where we are going.
Each time these retrogrades come (be grateful for them, believe me, or it would be all at
once, like a Tsunami, wiping everything out, us spinning in the deluge not able to make heads or tails, and quite frankly, not even able to make it.)
Do you see now, how these have been layers of review, self-review?
Try and be gentle on yourselves, none of us are perfect, and we are all learning.  You are right where you are created and designed to be, now make the choices as you see more clearly.  This is not the end.  
Remember, this kind of 4-pointed star energy, literally the ‘wheel of fortune’, like a ‘lug wrench’, this is the kind of force we can ALIGN WITH to turn the key, turn the tables, and move the unmovable.  May the force be with you.

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