Tuesday, December 5, 2023

High Tides, Earthquakes, Volcanic Activity and THE BIRTH OF STARS

The earth is rocking and rolling again, major earthquake in the Philippines two days ago 7.6-7.9 reported and downgraded to 7.6 with many continuing aftershocks, and now we have Mount Marapi erupting along with other volcanic activity happening on the planet.

If you are a sensitive or intuitive, you may feel this in different ways too.  Pay attention to your own body, emotional, and mental messages and feelings. 

I sent out an email to my distributors, giving them a heads up, regarding all of this.

Venus will ingress into Scorpio this afternoon, at 1:50PM EST, bringing some love (possible increase in income) to Scorpio's.

She also squared Pluto at the anoretic degree in Capricorn (very close, 28*33') which is pushing all that energy past the finish line.  It can make you feel tense, ominous, futile, so pay attention to those around you that are sensitive.

Some people feel things, feel the urgency and the powerful energy, 'backed into a corner' and not realize what is happening, or that it will pass.  They have no awareness of this internal clock being wound by the stars...DIS-ASTER (STARS).

Neptune will begin to station direct on the 6th after a long retrograde, DREAMS can be off the chart, you may not know the difference between is a dream or what is reality, as they blend together.  Also, can get vivid, lucid, messages from across the veil.

Those loved ones who have crossed over, may hang around a bit more, as they want to help, see things move peripherally?

Odd things happening with electronics?

Mercury is getting ready to station retrograde on the 12th at 8* Capricorn, with the new moon in Sagittarius at 6:31PM EST the same day at 20*40' Sagittarius, to help us all start a new slate of 'reviewing' all those VALUES, the past, decisions that brought us to where we are today.

The planet is not done, the more we try to keep our own reality hidden, trying to bury our true feelings, or not paying attention, and making up a version that is like an Earl Shibe paint job, the harder this will be, the more the planet will erupt the truth for us.

Hang on.


So, they are finishing up, winding up the long spiral of our conscious trips/flights around the sun.  THE PUSH.


As I hike this morning, I can hear tumblers falling in the lock of a safe.

This is the analogy I am given for this MAJOR TIME FRAME.


Indeed, as I walk through the woods, a heavy fog is lifting that descended in the early hours.  People can feel as though they are in a fog.

Especially as Neptune is getting ready to begin her station direct on December 6th at 24°Pi53' D just two days after Venus enters (INGRESS) Scorpio on the 4th.

All this can have you wondering if you are lucidly dreaming or awake.

It thins the lines of reality, which can also add to the confusion and mental imbalances for those who have a proclivity towards mood swinging, as well as mental confusion and all the degrees that entails.
We must keep close eye on those we know are sensitive during this time.  Use the blends and creams from ArcoftheAncients.com to help, Harmony

Cream, Relaxation, Stress and Sleep Roll On, are great tools to assist us during this time.

Large Safe or Bank Vault Tumbler Movement from Outside Safe 2 - YouTube 

I was given a vision, of so many things that were puzzle pieces fitting together.

Just a quick piece: 'the planets at their last degrees' are called' anoretic.

I heard lock tumblers falling into place to OPEN THE VAULT.

That is essentially what the last degrees are, they force us into realization, to either change or accept what is...

Pluto at those last degrees, is especially transformative.

(Literally the planet of transformation, of the soul's evolution) and he takes the longest to rotate (evolution/evolve) around the sun.

He is literally disintegrating the veil between worlds.

I have said this over and over.

This is EXPOSING what is happening on every level, including within us, exposing our own soul.

He can make people feel a foreboding with this aspect, a sense of futility.

The thing is, we can 'SEE' and then use our own power, intention, prayer, kindness, to focus the energy, (the slit experiment) and help the angels in battle, this is a spiritual war, on EVERY LEVEL.

There are the 'angels' for good.


This is the first part of what my Higher Self/SOUL told me this morning:

"You live in a vast network of realities.  Your life and love unfold in time and space.  Kindness generates good in the world that can be likened to the light of a lantern in the darkness.  All hope is generated from the abyss, reaching for the tower of light, of good, the higher soul.  Love combines the soft with the hard and melts them together.  Our lives distribute the energy of pain, cracking open the cavernous vaults of heaven in a sea of change.  We go on to realize now, that we live in a world that is both self-created and generated and met from above and within, by the LIGHT OF THE WORLD.

So much is changing in the world, I have not met one single person that does not feel or see that our world is in a major shift.

Many times, I have written and shared the ‘networks’, pictures of tree roots and the branches stretching upwards above.  Of the neuronal networks and pathways that COMMUNICATE this world into our world and new worlds are formed.  This year, 2023, we have steadily seen things speed up, and the other thing I have shared is a picture of the childhood ride we used to have, that spun around, and everyone tried to stay on for as long as we could.

The less grounded we are, the more we will the spinning, the less ‘centered’ the faster it will seem to go, and the more dangerous it can become.  For some, they just stop trying to hang on, because they don’t have the tools or do not use the tools, or have a ‘center/core’ that is not ‘hacked’ by GMO’s, ‘FAKE FOOD’, ‘DRUGS’, ALCOHOL, ‘ADDICTIONS’ etc.  All of this may help momentarily, but for the long haul, it creates a slippery slope, that will become harder and harder to sustain for people as we move into the future.

As the north node moved into Aries this year, (July 18th) we were asked to find the ‘I AM’, and for some, it confused the ‘boundaries’ and people who less ‘self-aware’, slammed into ‘IDENTITY’ issues, unhealed childhood wounds brought out the ‘this is mine’…while on the other side of the wheel…the south node entering Libra pushed the partnership issues and especially those of the past.  It could have been like putting oil under your feet, trying to maintain the balance, all while the issue of ‘VALUES’ became front and center.
What do you VALUE, how much time are you willing to TRADE to have what you believe, are your VALUES OR VALUABLES?

Pluto made his first entry into Aquarius and as designed, only gave us a taste, ‘a warning’ or a ‘teaser’ depending on how you experienced that POWER entering the ‘INTERNET OF ALL THINGS EVERYWHERE’, so all the highways.

We also just had an increase in Solar Flares and activity, a blast from the central light of our solar system, that also wreaked havoc on many systems and of course, that is our own ‘SYSTEMS’, nervous, mental, circulatory, etc.
It is RADIATION, which activated the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights).
So, I thought it would be good to give a refresher on just what those Aurora Borealis (the name alone sends me) are all about:

Radiation from geomagnetic storm:

A powerful M9.8-class solar flare erupted from the sun on Wednesday (Nov. 29) at 2:50 p.m. EST (19:50 GMT), hurling a super-hot plasma eruption known as a coronal mass ejection (CME) toward Earth.

The recent eruption, coupled with the multiple CMEs fired off from the sun the previous day (Nov. 27), means geomagnetic storms — disturbances to Earth's magnetic field — are likely. Aurora chasers are on high alert for some potentially very impressive displays.

Strong auroras likely as powerful solar flare eruption hurls possible 'cannibal CME' toward Earth (video) | Space


The M9.8-class was only just a few percentage points away from being categorized as X-class, the most powerful class of solar flare. M-class flares are 10 times smaller than X-class flares, then C-class, B-class and finally A-class flares which are too weak to significantly affect Earth. Within each letter class, a finer scale from 1 to 9 gives the flare assessment greater precision with larger numbers representing more powerful flares within the class.

The Earth-directed components from the recent eruptions could arrive as soon as late Wednesday, Nov. 29 EST (early Thursday, Nov. 30 (UTC) with subsequent CMEs anticipated to arrive nearer the end of Nov. 30 EST (early Friday, Dec. 1 UTC), according to the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Space Weather Prediction Center.

NOAA ranks geomagnetic storms — solar disturbances in Earth's atmosphere — on a scale running from G1, which could cause an increase in auroral activity around the poles and minor fluctuations in power supplies, up to G5. This most extreme level can cause complete HF (high frequency) radio blackouts on the entire sunlit side of the Earth, lasting for a number of hours.

Current predictions suggest that G1 conditions are likely on Thursday (Nov. 30) , followed by G2 on Friday (Dec. 1) as additional CMEs hit.

Radiation (n.)

mid-15c., radiacion, "act or process of emitting light," from Latin radiationem (nominative radiatio) "a shining, radiation," noun of action from past-participle stem of radiare "to beam, shine, gleam; make beaming," from radius "beam of light; spoke of a wheel" (see radius).

Meaning "rays or beams emitted" is from 1560s. Meaning "divergence from a center" is 1650s. In modern physics, "emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles," especially in reference to ionizing radiation, from early 20c. also from mid-15c.

radius (n.)

1590s, "cross-shaft, straight rod or bar," from Latin radius "staff, stake, rod; spoke of a wheel; ray of light, beam of light; radius of a circle," a word of unknown origin. Perhaps related to radix "root," but de Vaan finds that "unlikely."

That’s RAD!

Aurora (n.)

"morning light, dawn," late 14c., from Latin Aurora, the Roman goddess of dawn, from PIE *ausus- "dawn," also the name of the Indo-European goddess of the dawn, from root *aus- (1) "to shine," especially of the dawn (source also of Greek ēōs "dawn").

aurora borealis (n.)

1620s, "Northern Lights," literally "northern dawn," said to have been coined by French philosopher Petrus Gassendus (1592-1655) after a spectacular display seen in France.

In northern Scotland and among sailors, sometimes called the dancers, pretty dancers, or merry dancers. Related: Aurora australis (1741).

*aus- (1) AU=Chemical Symbol for GOLD

Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to shine," especially of the dawn

It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit usah "dawn;" Greek ēōs "dawn;" Latin Aurora "goddess of dawn," auster "south wind;" Lithuanian aušra "dawn;" Old English east "east."

Chemical Symbol for Gold

The chemical symbol for gold is Au, derived from the Latin word for gold, aurum. This two-letter symbol represents the element’s atomic symbol, which is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. In the case of gold, it has 79 protons, making it one of the heavier elements.

Aura (n.)

1870 in spiritualism, "subtle emanation around living beings;" earlier "characteristic impression" made by a personality (1859), earlier still "an aroma or subtle emanation" (1732). Also used in some mystical sense in Swedenborgian writings (by 1847). All from Latin aura "breeze, wind, the upper air," from Greek aura "breath, cool breeze, air in motion" (from PIE *aur-, from root *wer- (1) "to raise, lift, hold suspended").

Life is like an ever-shifting kaleidoscope ~ a slight change, and all patterns alter. (ALTAR) The MAGIC OF THE MUTABLE SIGNS: GEMINI, VIRGO, SAGITTARIUS, & PISCES!!!


This is from, MUSIC CYMATICS:

The Double-Slit Experiment:



So, you see by watching the video of the ‘double-slit experiment’ when we add our own intentional ‘waves’ we create an ‘interference pattern’ (ENLIGHTENMENT: TO SEE BY LIGHTING UP THE MENT/MIND, BECOMING CONSCIOUS) which can override the ‘plan’ that the controllers that create the resistance which creates the ‘RESONANCE’ are trying desperately to put into place, to hijack the human body (which they cannot have on their own) and get people to dismiss their human ‘DIVINITY’ OR ‘CHRISTED’ LIGHT THAT IS INHERANT, WE MUST TAP INTO THIS.  WE DO NOT NEED IMPLANTS OR A.I. TO BECOME MIXED GMO’ VERSIONS OF HUMANITY.

‘The observer collapsed the wave-function’….!!!

Now, we went through all of this in classes, if you took the ‘Total-Sensory-Healing & Integration’ course through Ohio Institute of Energetic Studies.

It is part of the ‘4th and 5th chakra’ weekends.

Each individual person becoming conscious, also creates the ‘NEURAL NETWORKS, THE HIGHWAY, THE PATH’ for others, including those who believe we need to be controlled, but we are ENTITLED TO FREE WILL, THE NATURAL LAW.  They can become more ‘conscious’ and COMPASSIONATE TOO.

It is not a matter of ‘either/or’ but discernment.

Pluto will ingress into Aquarius again next year on January 20th.  We are only 4 months away from the closing gateway to the GREAT USA FIRE ECLIPSE PYRAMID.  (Though we have plenty to get through, just getting out of 2023).
If you think this year was coming at you fast, just wait…that was only a prelude. 

Interference pattern on water using two points:

From this video:
The Original Double Slit Experiment - YouTube

Mercury will begin to station retrograde on Dec 12, 2023, at 2:08:54 AM 08*24' CAPRICORN.  







The classical plural is radii.

rad (n.)1918, "x-ray dose unit," a shortened form of radiation (q.v.). The meaning "unit of absorbed dose of ionizing radiation" is by 1954, an acronym from radiation absorbed dose. As shortened form of radical (n.), it is attested in political slang from 1820. Teen slang adjectival sense of "extraordinary, wonderful" is from late 1970s (see radic

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