Friday, December 29, 2023

Infinity Opening The Gateway As Diablo Hurtles Toward Earth Through the Great USA Pyramid Eclipse

The year ahead for 2024 Part I

‘They’re here’…

There is so much to say, that I have been holding back because of how disturbed I became with visions.

In past blogs, I told you it was like wrestling an 'Anaconda'.  I wasn't alone, others told me they too, were feeling the squeeze.  The word?  OMINOUS

Now, I will try and piece things together for you.

Aquarius/Angel of Man/Human-KIND. 
This is a reminder from the vision given to me in 1997 of the Twin Towers imploding.  The narrator referred to them as: 'The Energy Centers'.  And this one line, was the salient memory that I believe, is key to navigating this year, 2024 and the years to come.

‘All you have to do is love one another’

Read those blogs here: Waking The Deep: Search results for twin towers (

Here is a link to remind you of Pluto’s journey through Capricorn.

Waking The Deep: Pluto In Capricorn, The Evolution of the World Soul and Social Order (

Briefly, it entered at the beginning of 2008.  In early spring of that year, I wrote an 8-page outline to try and help my own community and took it down to the congressman’s office.  (He was not there, I tried to share the information predicting the collapse of the mortgages and defaults, creating a domino in the banking and financial institutions.)

What did I want to do?  Create a pilot program for local investment bank, that would hold the mortgages in the region is the program I drew up, and that local investors could invest, with the same rate of return that banks have, at the time, 1/9 or 10% deposit banks must hold (reserve rate) giving them the ability to lend out the other 90% (on the books/investment firms, etc.)

She did not take to my warning very well, and I admit I was shaken up, because of how concerned I was.  She asked me for the outline, and that I should leave it in the basket on the counter.  I chose not to leave the outline, based on the resistance I felt.  No one would listen to me back then, just like so many other times, I tried so hard to warn people about what ‘I saw’ or ‘felt’ however it came. 

Personally, by April of 2008, I had negotiated out of the last two years of my 5-year lease and was out by September of that year.  The crash came one month later in October.

Humanity, ALWAYS has the opportunity to change the course of events.


That is why I begin this with the premonition I had with the 1000 foot tall, sages of the past, ending in Mary, arms outstretched, tears in Her eyes, repeating: 

                    ‘All you have to do is love one another’.

That’s it.     That is the formula.

Proceeding forth, the last time Pluto entered Capricorn, was back on January 8, 1762, and he left on December 2, 1778.

Recall the spirit of the times then, compared to the current stage of our evolution.  I give the comparison to each year if you follow the link provided.

And yes, in that blog, one of the things I warned about was the probability of a large-scale PANDEMIC, coming 2019/2020. (PAN BEING CAPRICORN AND CONJOINING PLUTO...WELL)

The US was founded on July 4, 1776, after 14 years of Pluto’s transit in Capricorn, which would equate to 2021/2022 and that included the US Pluto return.

With Pluto entering Aquarius, we saw back at that time, the French Revolution, the continuing American Revolution and recall, we were at war with the British, with the Native American’s, the Spanish were at war, the Dutch, this was a major time of upheaval, with both the people fighting for FREEDOM, as the curtain was pulled back, EXPOSING THE GRIFT AND THE DECADENCE BEHIND THE scenes in governments all over the world, including the aristocracy/royalty.

Now?  We have seen the same energy of upheaval and revolt, but as Pluto ingresses into Aquarius, (ruled by Uranus) which is LIGHTENING, ‘The GREAT AWAKENER’.  It is the MIND AND THE ENERGETIC AND NERVOUS SYSTEM.

What do we see?  So many people becoming ‘untethered’ and psychotic.

Battling the ‘daemons’ being released.


Pluto rules, DEATH, TAXES, INSURANCE, AND OUR PLUTONIC/DNA, THE SUBATOMIC LEVEL BELOW.  We have been genetically modifying plants too...GMO'S.  Personally, I don't think we should mess with this subatomic level like this, it opens up the demonsions we are not ready to handle and produces many forms of sickness, including mental imbalances. 

Aquarius and Uranus, rule the INTERNET, AIRWAVES, COMPUTER, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, and together, we are talking about the AIRWAVES OF THE MONEY, OR the push for CRYPTOCURRENCY/DIGITAL CURRENCY, especially while both Jupiter and Uranus will be in TAUrus.  THE EARTH MONEY.

Our task is to not lose sight of our SPIRITUAL BEING, which during this transit can trigger major evolutions of consciousness for many or most if not all people.  What people choose to do with this or give it up for exchange or connection to the internet, will determine the path to come for a very long time.

Okay, before I continue on that, and sharing a bit of premonition, let’s just step back and take a look at the numerology of 2024.
2+2+4=8 AN 8 YEAR.  INFINITY
2=Partnerships or duality

The 8th house is ruled by Pluto, so we return to the theme of Pluto, the DRAGON, the EAGLE, which let me remind you, is on US currency for a reason, America comes from ‘Amaruca’ which is Quetzalcóatl, Mayan name Kukulcán, (from Nahuatl quetzalli, “tail feather of the quetzal bird [Pharomachrus mocinno],” and coatl, “snake”), the Feathered Serpent, one of the major deities of the ancient Mexican pantheon.  "Amaruca is literally translated 'Land of the Plumed Serpents' OR 'Land of the Great Plumed Serpents)." ~Britannica


But wait, there’s more!  In Chinese astrology, 2024 is the year of the WOOD DRAGON ON THE NEW MOON, FEBRUARY 9TH when sun and moon meet up at 20*40’ Aquarius, and Pluto will already be at 00*38’Aquarius, having entered Aquarius on January 20th.

So, we see the resounding theme of the DRAGON that opens the year of 2024.

The Tarot Card?  STENGTH and we will NEED STRENGTH.

According to Manly P Hall (and others in esoteric circles) the Strength card was switched with the Justice Card.  I make mention of this for many reasons, most of which I will leave up to you to do your own ‘inner work’ but for the obvious reason, which is that this year, 2024 has the propensity for people to ‘CALL FOR JUSTICE’ ON MANY LEVELS.  WHAT WILL THAT BE?

AGAIN, I REMIND US ALL, ‘ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS LOVE ONE ANOTHER’ which was the salient message given to me, other than MONEY=POWER=TIME, etc.




This brings me to the deeper concern of the coming year.


Uranus rules REVOLT. He doesn't even rotate in the same direction; he is SO REBELLIOUS!

Adding Pluto into this mix, can portend uprisings.  I know we are already seeing them, and this only forebodes the energy we are already feeling.

The issue is that people have been so successfully ‘SHATTERED’ and SEPARATED.  Everyone is the ‘ENEMY’.

PARANOIA, distrust is sewn into the mental fabric and permeating through the matrix of the man-made ‘GRID’ that now circles the earth in a ‘NETWORK’, ‘A STICKY WEB’ OF THE WATCHFUL EYE…EVERYWHERE.

And this year, is of course the year I have been warning us about for a decade now, when THE GREAT USA PYRAMID FIRE ECLIPSE WINDOW OPENED, on August 2017.  Well, that doorway closes with the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE ON APRIL 8TH OF 2024 at 2:20PM EDT at 19*24’ Aries, when once again, the path of the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE will CROSS/DIVIDE THE US AND LITERALLY ‘CROSS’ THE PATH OF THE TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE on August 21st at 28* Leo that began in the Northwest US and ended in the southeast US, where this one will begin just below the US border in the southwest, and then travel to the Northeast.

And if that isn’t enough fun for you, the comet, nicknamed, ‘DIABLO’ OR ‘DEVIL’S HORNS, HORNED ONE’, which has a 71 year cycle, and is the SIZE OF MOUNT EVEREST, is also due to appear in the skies, in APRIL. 
There are some NASA scientists who speculate it may become visible, when the SOLAR ECLIPSE HAPPENS, TO THE NAKED EYE.

Now, anytime we have eclipses, particularly TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSES which happen in the middle of the daylight, this does not portend the good, this is ALWAYS CONSIDERED A BAD OMEN.

But it isn’t enough that we should ONLY have this one, very inauspicious ‘sign in the heaven’ appearing, unquestionably, cutting the US INTO TWO, AND LITERALLY DIVIDING AND QUARTERING THE COUNTRY, NOOOOOOOO, WE HAVE THE COMET, ‘DIABLO’ COMING AT THE VERY SAME TIME.  Now, there are those who speculate different dates in April for Diablo’s arrival, but whether, it becomes as ominous as a unified showing during the eclipse, or not, THIS DOES NOT BODE WELL.Bottom line: Comet Pons-Brooks underwent an outburst recently, rapidly brightening and taking on a peculiar shape. This same comet will share the sky with the eclipsed sun next April.
Comet Pons-Brooks: A comet to watch! ( 

The last time Diablo was here? 
1953 (Korean War) until Armistice was signed, Nikita Khrushchev wins power struggle in Soviet Union after the death of Josef Stalin
Convicted spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg executed, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare (now Health and Human Services) created, 

Soviet Union detonates its first hydrogen bomb.

North Sea flood Netherlands, Queen Elizabeth II crowned Queen, (Queen Elizabeth passed away on 09/08/2022).

Previous to this: 1882
1811 (New Madrid Quake in Missouri
7.2–8.2 on December 16, 1811, followed by a moment magnitude 7.4 aftershock on the same day. Two additional earthquakes of similar magnitude followed in January and February 1812. They remain the most powerful earthquakes to hit the contiguous United States east of the Rocky Mountains in recorded history.

Do you know where the moon is in the natal US chart?  AQUARIUS

Do you know what the moon rules (in part).

THE PEOPLE, THE COUNTRY ‘HOMELAND’.  MOONEY/MONEY by some astrological beliefs.  We can add Venus, Jupiter, Mercury to this and all must be taken into consideration, as really all planets, points, aspects must be considered.

Even though, the fear being peddled is pushing the ‘CENTRAL CURRENCY RULED BY THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM,' where people like Yuval Noah Harari, call the average person, ‘a hackable animal’… (yes, this is so bizarre, you would think it is a marvel comic line, but noooo, this is all real and you can look it up yourself)

This comet, it is also speculated, may be responsible for the increase in Solar Activity, Flares, volcanic activity, etc.  IT IS BIGGER THAN MOUNT EVEREST.  It is THREE TIMES THE SIZE OF THE HALE BOPP COMET.  It comes from the Lyra Constellation.

Continuing, this very well could portend, what I partially saw in the vision, and that was the ‘breaking up’ of the US states.  It could bring major cataclysmic earth changes.

Now, these are all possibilities, but it does not mean, or I don’t want it to mean, they are probabilities.




So, this is when you want to have files backed up, etc.  Be prepared, the ramifications are extensive, and I care not to elaborate, suffice it to say, you should have provisions.

Can that be a good thing?  Can this disrupt as the universe (God) has planned, the machinations of overarching control, when man is set FREE to make his own choices, for better or worse?


Could this provoke uprisings and perhaps also be the sign that may end them, and unite people?


But, just as the French revolutions in the 1790’s precipitated the overthrow of such memorable nobility as ‘King Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette, and to this day, we hear the line: "Let them eat cake' & ‘Let’s storm the Bastille!’ which heralds from this very Revolution and that night in July 1789, because the PEOPLE, felt overtaxed, overburdened (much like the US during this same relative time frame)

Voltaire in 1762, brought attention to the terrible execution of Jean Calas, the elderly Protestant merchant, who was wrongfully accused of murdering his son, for wanting to convert to Catholicism. This was one voice among the growing number of those who were beginning to rise up, fomenting the revolution that was to come.  And Abbé Sieyès wrote: “What is the Third Estate? Everything. What has it been until now in the political order? Nothing. What does it demand? To become something in it.”

Both can be found here: The Revolutionary Temper — what drove the French to overthrow the monarchy? (

“Non-political news gripped Parisians as much as politics in the 1780s. Periodicals trumpeted supposed scientific breakthroughs, such as the invention of submarines and chess-playing robots. Huge crowds watched the first flights using hot-air balloons or read about them in news sheets.” ~ A direct quote from the above article, link to Financial Times.

Now, just in this one paragraph, from that time, we see ‘scientific breakthroughs’, ‘invention’, ‘chess playing robots’, ‘hot air balloons’ and all of that was breakthrough science and discovery at the time.  ‘hot air balloons’ being the precursor to wrapping the planet in the world wide web, ‘AIR’.



And as if that is not enough, do you know where Saturn is going to be this April, also?  OPPOSING HIS POSITION DURING THE BANK CRISIS/TAARP OF 2008 on April 19th when he reaches, 15*33’ PIsces.  Oh, and he won’t be alone there either, Mars is happily accompanying him at 21*, so the two have already met and conspired in agreement at this point.

Here, I would remind readers of the weakening of the petrodollar we have been forecasting for several years now too.

BRICS strengthening will continue.

Now, we will have mind-numbing breakthroughs, things will begin to move so fast, who knows how or who will keep up, but I am assured that there will be those who our creator ALWAYS has in position, and preparedness, for all occasions.

Will this month be the nail in the coffin for US financial systems?  For our government or will this just be more ‘storming the Bastille’ and targeting specific officials, in government institutions AND in corporate structures?

Saturn in PIsces, would seem to dictate such events.

POLITICAL SPRING, 13 years after the ARAB SPRING, WILL THIS BE THE US SPRING?  It will be historical, of this I have no doubt.

We can make this fortuitous, if WE REMEMBER TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER.


Otherwise, I fear we will all just be falling into a trap, of DIVISION, DIVIDE AND CONQUER.

Will the celestial events become historical markers for the time HUMANITY WAS AWAKENED?  How bad does it have to get, before we lose the sticky web of consumerism that is driving people into mad competition for ‘that which turns to dust’ and rather, truly awaken into COOPERATION?

Number of Earthquakes Worldwide for 2002–2011
Magnitude Ranging Between2002200320042005200620072008200920102011

Who doesn't remember FUKUSHIMA?  Something I predicted (the date of the disaster, but not where)
On March 11, 2011, the largest earthquake ever recorded in Japan causes massive devastation, and the ensuing tsunami decimates the Tōhoku region of northeastern Honshu. On top of the already-horrific destruction and loss of life, the natural disaster also gives rise to a nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. The Fukushima disaster is considered the second-worst nuclear disaster in history, forcing the relocation of over 100,000 people.
Fukushima Nuclear Disaster (

So, Jupiter the planet of expansion and Uranus, the planet the breaks things down, the fracturing planet, LIGHTENING, OURANOS, MEET UP IN JANUARY, AND TWO MONTHS LATER FUKUSHIA.


οὐρανῷ (ouranō)

Noun - Dative Masculine Singular

Strong's Greek 3772: Perhaps from the same as oros; the sky; by extension, heaven; by implication, happiness, power, eternity; specially, the Gospel.

Do we need the constant threat of NUCLEAR WAR?  DO WE?

Can we turn plastic Jesus into ‘HUMAN/REAL/LOVING’ JESUS?

Can we stop teaching ignorance, and begin to unravel humanity’s past, and become ILLUMINED enough to allow the separate path, that unites as a whole for the good of the majority? 

I don’t need a UFO, or ARTIFICIAL (READ ARTIFICIAL AGAIN, LIKE ADULTERATED FOOD, GMO, GLYPHOSATE, MONOCULTURE CORPORATE FOOD) because I already have a connection to the DIVINE, the Numinous, the conscious fields of energy that interplay in ALL LIFE, EVERYWHERE, IN THE GOD MIND. 

Angels, ascending and descending, ARE REAL.

I also believe and comprehend, that we are all on our own path, that timing is unique to all of us, too much too soon, can unhinge someone and has many times in our past, as it is doing to so many currently.

It is too much for some.  The weight of change, the pall of death, the rotting lies being spread, to the point where the phrase, ‘fake news’ is peppered throughout the airwaves and repeated ad nauseum by some who are newly awakening to the world being exposed, and many also being hijacked down one false reality, after another. 

Getting to the truth, TO THE HEART OF THE MA’ATER, becomes as daunting as the perils of Hercules.  And without a PURE HEART, (and there are many things obfuscating this, fake food, fake stories, false narratives, drugs, alcohol, environmental contaminants, plastics, all of this in the air, water, and soil.)

So, it is no easy task.

The more fear that is peddled, the worse people can cling to old truths, beliefs, and certainly, ‘their side/pack’, or ‘cave’ of misbelief.  (Plato’s Cave)

The more upset someone gets, defensive, the more afraid they are.

Personally, I like prayer.  I like entering the mind of God, in resonance, as much as I can in my little human capacity to open my soul and let my spirit soar into the vaults of heaven.

That is harder for me too at times now, reading what people believe, watching it all happen like a slow speed car crash, since I had that dream/vision back in 1997, and began to try and share the ominous future, and like ‘focusing on the experiment’ and changing the path of the particle, somehow, to awaken people to the lies being sewn and the companies rising up, trying to profit off the sacred, without the belief, peddling the opposite of truth.

So, this is not for all.

I know now, people want to HEAR WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR AND BELIEVE.

If I was writing how to make yourself a ‘lifestyle of the rich and famous’ then people flock to hear this, ‘prosperity gospel’.  Simply put, do things from the HEART.  If prosperity comes, bless you, but not as a goal.

Being happy, if it is not coming from following the heart, to help humanity, then no, I think that is the path to wickedness, temptations that start to take control. and creates a slippery slope that is bottomless, and never sated.  THUS, it is one of the seven DEADLY SINS.

It is hard down here, everything is seductive.

DRAGON/wood year.  E A R T H She is alive, and she is our home, as we fly through the heavens.  KINDA IMPORTANT.

Now, what else happens this year that is going to be a MAJOR shift?   Jupiter will ingress into Gemini (which is or can portend a good time for Gemini’s or those with strong Gemini points, or planets, to expand, to grow, perhaps to expand or begin to work with those overseas, or even to go there yourselves.

When?  Jupiter will ingress into Gemini on May 25th.  Hopefully, Taurus has used this gift for the wiser, perhaps gone back to school, taken higher education classes or just enlightenment classes.
Now, Gemini’s can do the same and may start this before this ingress, simply because we will begin to feel the largess of Jupiter moving into Gemini like waves upon the shore, bringing in the harbinger of the energy field that is on its way BIGTIME.

Before Jupiter shifts into Gemini, he will saddle up to Uranus on April 20th at 21*49’ of Aries, so we see another layer added to April’s abundant activity, and MAJOR SHIFTS taking place.  Still in TAUrus, we are talking about MONEY, STOCKS, VALUABLES AND VALUES. 
Uranus, the ‘Great Awakener’ brings sudden changes, SHOCKS, ‘like lightening’ quick, in and out, so the upheaval can come and go quickly, OR in the fixed sign of TAUrus, saddle up and magnify the ‘8’ year that we will be experiencing.

Now, with Pluto in Aquarius, in OPPOSITION to LEO, which is the sign of the last major calamitous rocking and rolling, THE AGE OF LEO, THE SPHYNX, which I proposed decades ago, was built in the AGE OF LEO, (not just the sign of Leo) but this is like ‘entanglement theory’ where the likeness is a microcosm of the macrocosm.
Pluto in Aquarius, could very well begin to ‘BREAK UP’ the US, as mentioned previously, but this can also create the ‘micro pods’ or ISLANDS of INDIVIDUAL REGULATIONS, BELIEF’S, CIVILITY, ORDER.
We could see places, villages, districts pop up, that have their own UNIQUE (ANOTHER AQUARIAN/URANIAN WORD) SYSTEMS AND BELIEF’S.

Now, Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn on September 1st, which is also going to be another major energy shift, out of the ‘quickening’ wild ride of spring.

Regarding how we have been 'hijacked' and controlled (Please see the documentary often cited on this blog, ‘Century of the Self’ which can readily be found on YouTube.)  I cannot recommend this older documentary enough.  Long, but worth it.

The truth, this could well be the last blog you read from me, or anyone, or at least many people, who won't be on the approved 'ladder'.  We are boldly going somewhere and we are going quickly, like 'warp speed' quick...and people ARE NOT READY.  At least, not at this point.

Thus, the 'diablo' meteor, may be difficult for a time, but a god send in the longer run.

This year, will SHATTER everything you thought you believed.  Heaven sends a saviour during these times.  Let's pray that: "if not for the elect, those days would not be shortened."

15 So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination of desolation,’a described by the prophet Daniel (let the reader understand), 16then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17Let no one on the housetop come down to retrieve anything from his house. 18And let no one in the field return for his cloak.

19. How miserable those days will be for pregnant and nursing mothers! 20Pray that your flight will not occur in the winter or on the Sabbath. 21For at that time there will be great tribulation, unmatched from the beginning of the world until now, and never to be seen again. 22 If those days had not been cut short, nobody would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short.

23At that time, if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There He is!’ do not believe it. 24For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders that would deceive even the elect, if that were possible. 25See, I have told you in advance. ~Gospel of Mathew 24

 Will we be able to put the pieces back together again?  Or, is this just 'build back better' in the planning?  I am certainly not the only astrologer, there are those with far more information and astrological expertise than what I have learned over the past 40 years.  That is a certainty.

I will elaborate more on other planetary aspects in the second installment of the YEAR AHEAD FOR 2024.

I will add this for now.

On February 17th, Venus will conjoin Pluto at 00*51’ Aquarius.  This again, will be a major aspect since Pluto has just recently entered Aquarius, and they will be at 00*, meaning AIR FILLING up these two vessels, in the waters above that WE ALL FEEL THE RIPPLES FROM, and this could portend a rise in cryptocurrency values, especially for Aquarius.

Though I am not an investor, if you are, this may be a time to get in for a month, perhaps a bit longer and then get back out.  Why?  As stated previously, April could see (or even March actually) disruption of all things internet, electrical storms (storms period, I expect a highly charged spring, with volatile conditions).  

When Pluto does ingress into Aquarius, on January 20th, he will also conjoin the sun at 00*, so this kick off the year ahead, giving us a major preview of what to expect, including some possible airwave infusions or accelerations, showing us the GRAND DESIGN and how calculated every millisecond movement is BRILLIANTLY AND EXQUISITELY PLANNED.


We have been making 'ESSENTIAL' preparations for decades now.

One additional note, before I leave.  I have prepared memes, shared the information plenty on here, that as I am guided, The actual Age of Aquarius does not start until 2026.
There are several astrological reasons for this, in addition to my guidance, (on Star, lol).
One of the biggest factors, is Neptune who is the RULER of PIsces, will still be swimming in PIsces, until 2026.  She is not giving up the wheel, while she is in charge.
2. We need Pluto in Aquarius, which does happen next year, but he also retrogrades back into Capricorn in September, and then directs and ends up ingressing into Aquarius for the final time, in November.  See chart above, with the pretty, 'not scary', lol, meme.
Additionally, the HEAD OF THE DRAGON, RAHU, does NOT enter Aquarius to lead the way, until 2026 either.  Those are just a few, of a list I have.


Look at Neptune in Opposition to 1778 and the last time Pluto ingressed into Aquarius and we had all those REVOLUTIONS...

Video of Comet Diablo from above link

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