Saturday, March 9, 2024

Forced Into Finding Your Magic New Moon In PIsces

 You know those books where the protagonist/lead character you are rooting for is backed into a corner, on a high ledge, the top of a building, or a dark room trying to open a door that won’t open and the soundtrack becomes more urgent and ominous?  Ghosts scurry searching fertively and the music becomes dissonantly chilling?  All of a sudden their hands begin to glow, they find some dormant inner power being activated, or the door finally slides open just enough, they turn on a vibrational colour wave and it makes them invisible, at the very last nanosecond?  Yeah, that is about what is happening as we lead up to this new moon on March 10th at the HOUR OF CHANGE, 5:00AM EDT.

That is pretty much the energy, especially for those FIXED SIGNS: TAUrus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, particularly between the degrees: 16*-24* as Mars 20* Aquarius pushes into his square to Uranus at 19* TAUrus (very near partile with his 52’, just shy of 20 degrees; and the sun and moon join together dead center between the two at 20*16’PIsces.
The two ANGLE towards Lady Luna and our Solar Ambassador with POWERFUL PERSUASION, that may FORCE you to cut off your tail, the PAST, or something or someone that has been holding you back from the very purpose you incarnated at this time.

Mercury/Hermes having just entered the Ram’s Head only hours earlier at 11:02PM EST on the 9th is THINKING about his recent encounter with his old friend, Hades.

The Dragon, Pluto/Hades GLOWERS below, we can hear him snorting and sending his treasured gold coins and jewels chasing each other from his tail whipping back and forth.  Sending Mercury telepathic messages in their sextile to each other, their scheme coiling their serpentine dual natures as Hermes scratches his healing wound and the Harry Potter-like visage flashes before him, in resonance with Lord Voldemort, is his fate sealed?
Mercury is fleet of foot, alchemical magician that he is, dancing in his shadow as he readies himself to begin his station retrograde before March has ended, and he speedily flies up to 27* Aries.

Oh, the alchemical web does weave and our EARTH caught in the middle of these tensions, drawing the moon down into her so close now…causing the ‘SUPER MOON’, the tides are sure to feel this, and so are we.

Hurry up and finish, but sleepy Piscean energy just wants to dream, and think she is Scarlet O’Hara, she’ll think about that tomorrow.

This is no time to read between the lines, as they are already blurry.

People might not hear you or interrupt their own thoughts rather than face REALITY, and often blame someone else, as if they didn’t use enough magic to help them go back to fairy land.
I would rather be …
Dancing with ghosts.
Creating dialogue and drama that doesn’t exist, to torment themselves with the possibilities of what someone might think…

But the TENSION is real, and all of us now live in a world, and ENVIRON-MENT in which all the EL-e-MENTS that support LIFE, OUR LIVES now threaten us, especially if you turn on the news.
Don’t go into the sun, slather on some protective poison, spray the skies to occlude the LIGHT OF OUR WORLD THAT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LIFE ON PLANET EARTH. 
Don’t drink the tap water it is fluoridated and filled with chemicals, people flushing their drugs down the loo, and all those drugs leaching into the water table from decaying corpses, our once clean waters too dangerous to drink, and even many cases now, to swim.  Algae blooming from pesticide run-off.

The Air?  That is also filled with noxious cocktails and poison, sometimes just pollen, that can throw someone into an asthmatic fit.
All of that lands on our EARTH, she drinks it all up. 
So, based on those FACTS alone (and I have left out much of the grim details) it is NO WONDER people are more pensive, lack energy, LIFE.
I haven’t even added the tumult of politics and the battle against EVIL, or the

‘Soulless Ones’ as Steiner calls them.

No, this isn’t nice and fluffy, but too many people feel this OMINOUS PALL CAST ON THE PLANET, and they need to know their ‘FEELINGS/INTUITION/PSYCHE/SOUL’ is NOT LYING TO THEM.

But it is during just this sort of time, that MIRACLES AND MAGIC HAPPEN.

Now is when your SOUL whispers into your dreaming world, and creates your own private dancer, in a theatre that belongs solely/souly to YOU.
Now is when the wind whispers that she hears your heart, she feels your love, and the trees have sent a telegram regarding your recent visit and kind touch.


See your garden of delight, push their heads through the soil now, stretch themselves into a sunny shaft of light…THEY REMEMBER.  THEY KNOW.

Juno (queen of heaven) at 11*Virgo stands directly across from The Lord of the Rings at 11* PIsces, doing his best to hold back the tides and channel the NEPTUNIAN WATERS at THE END OF THE AGE OF PISCES.
Something’s got to give.  The levy can’t hold for much longer.  The waters are roiling at the CHANNEL GATES,

                       AND WE ARE OVER 80% WATER.

This CURRENT was FIRING down the HALLS OF AMENTI RETURNING LIKE A LION when the GREAT US FIRE ECLIPSE PYRAMID OPENED back on August 21st at 28*50’ LEO, too close not to see the anoretic degree, ringing the bell tower of the VIRGIN, ESMARALDA, in 2017.
That GATEWAY opened our 7 years of TRIBULATION, drew and quartered the country as the harbinger of hatred and division that would once again, raise a CONFEDERATE FLAG, and bring the citizenry of this GREAT NATION of PROMISE to the verge of Civil War, even the Capitol of this ‘Great Experiment’ would be overrun by protestors and to this day, the stories change and the blame is tossed like SMOKE occluding the very TRUTH that any SEEKER thinks they find. 
Yes, I have been ringing this bell for so long, people think I work for the Salvation Army. 
I have done everything in my own small capacity of power, to turn the tides towards the ARC OF OUR GOOD NATURES and AWAKEN the dormant desire that is seeded in all of those who came with soul’s. 
Oh, I have made my mistakes in this quite fallible humanness I inhabit.
But it didn’t stop me from trying to serve, listening to the calling and a voice that can THUNDER INTO WORLDS FAR BEYOND THIS ONE.
Ah, they just don’t know…if I just open up a SCHOOL THAT WOULD CERTIFY THE OLD WAYS OF HEALING, and allow my HEART AND HANDS to create the elixir’s that come from the PROMISED LAND THAT HASN’T FORGOTTEN, perhaps then, enough people would REMEMBER WHAT THEY KNOW TOO, and that could help SHIFT the CURRENT by the ACTIONS and MAGNIFICATION of the VIBRATIONAL FIELD.
If I listened and watched, as I have done so many lifetimes now, the MUSIC OF THE SPHERES to help me calibrate the OPTIMAL TIMES to ALIGN WITH THE STAR MESSENGERS, THE ANGELs of LIGHT/ANGELS, that we were told, would be for SIGNS AND MESSAGES from the HEAVENS.

       There will be signs in the sun and moon 

                                                    and stars…

“There will be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves ~ Genesis 1:14 Then God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years.” 

People are dancing with the ghosts of the past, of decisions made they cannot change, of thoughts they wrestle with as if the GENIE will come out of the bottle and CHANGE THE WAY IT IS.

Nope, we have to do this.

Even while trying to do the right thing on a MISSION OF ANGELS AND PRAYER, people will do the wrong thing to you.  Even if you only ask for the TRUE WITNESS, just to say, “I SEE YOU.” 

I am reminded of the first time I went to a Sweat Lodge.  The people who were all ‘before me’ adding their sometimes rather lengthy prayers and plea’s into the circle, asking for permission to leave soon afterwards, me beginning to wonder if Indian Bob realized how hot it was, for surely my skin was about to melt off in 3rd degree burns as the drum beat slowly and rhythmically, me not wanting to break the transcendental whirring spinning inside me, as the glowing rocks turned into wolves howling and serpents hissing, eagles circling and watching me, as I couldn’t help myself from lowering my head just close enough to the canvass wall, lifting her up enough to catch a breath of the cool-outside air.  Enough, enough to coast me through the rest of the sweat.  But I did, I stole some air in this sacred circle.
My skin didn’t fall off, and I was purged of some layers of self-portrayals that were actually self-betrayals.  But that is what we do in this earthly embodiment, go along to get along and wear the masks without even ‘a-wear-ness’.
There is a breaking of the spirit that comes early for some, later for others.
Otherwise, that spirit is seen too visibly and calls attention to a world that wants ORDER and SAMENESS.
It's just easier to control.  And SAFER.
PIsces is the WATER that wears those boundaries down, and softens the rocky walls of containment, polishes the stone until the light shines through, and the gemstone hidden within is revealed.
PIsces, ruled by the 12th house is the END OF THE LINE.  This AGE OF PISCES is the END OF THE AGES.  Here we are, all knowing we are at the END OF THE AGE, END OF THE STORY, but ONLY THE EARTH KNOWS if OUR HERO’s JOURNEY, manages to push the right sequence of rocks to OPEN THE HALLS OF AMENTI, TO POUR US INTO SHAMHALLA, TO PASS THE FLAMING SWORDS AND FALL INTO THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD.

And that can be very uncomfortable, and sometimes, DEEPLY DISTURBING.


The Mutable Cross: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and PIsces, are all SUPERCHARGING in MULTIPLE STREAMS OF EFFERVESENT KALEIDESCOPES SHIFTING IN NEPTUNE’S mighty wake at 27* PIsces, just 3 degrees of separation remains, until the beginning of 2026, when she leaves both her sign and rulership of the Age of PIsces, with Saturn firming up the shores, you too, launched your ships, and then looked back to see the oars and propellers laying on the shores, leaving you at the mercy of the winds and the tides, and YOUR MUTABLE ADAPTABILITY, you anxiously await the arrival of Jupiter in Gemini at the end of May, after meeting up with Uranus on April 20th.

We are days away from the Spring Equinox, a CARDINAL POINT, that comes after enough mutable energy has shifted things.
So, your tide is about to turn, and the winds will fill your sails, especially YOU Gemini, and Sagittarius, what world that pushes you into, remains to be seen.  I would be preparing, best I could.
Cardinal Signs, I don’t have to tell you, Pluto has finally flown out of your cavernous depths, now that he is in Aquarius (for now, until his last retrograde back into Capricorn that will come in September and October) but lest we forget, these are GREAT SHIPS IN THE WATERS ABOVE, the waves they displace don’t just stop moving in and out the minute they enter or leave, oh no…they just keep giving and washing ashore both the bodies and the treasures.
What comes is ENTIRELY UP TO YOU.
And finally, we all know by now, that this new moon, is merely setting the stage of the full moon eclipse on March 25th at 5* Libra the scales of JUSTICE, and the blooming of our RELATIONS, will it be HARMONIOUS? 
We can use these times to align and eclipse out what we no longer want with PURPOSE AND DESIRE, but they are ECLIPSES.
And this of course, is only a short reckoning as she wanes into the dark, TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE LIGHT OF OUR WORLD ON APRIL 8TH.
I already warned you about the ‘INTERNET BLACKOUTS’ some of which have already happened.
Here (there are three parts):

This very well, could knock out the


So, yeah…I have been RINGING THE BELL.

What I am about to share with SOME OF YOU, in the next blog, or however I decide to end up sharing, haven’t made up my mind.  It is MIND BLOWING.

Once again, the pieces fell into place, like manna from heaven.


For now, the things you want to do, is to get as much of the HEALTHY EL-e-MENTS as you can.

Wake up with the sun, if you can, gaze into the early rays and absorb the vibrational healing energy or close your eyes.  Do as you see that is safe to do.

This is a new moon, set your intentions!

Walk on the earth…barefoot, if possible, BREATHE WITH THE TREES, ACKNOWLEDGE THEM.

Dig into the soil and appreciate the greening of the EARTH, it is almost St. Paddy’s Day after all!
Sing, chant, dance.

Do the sun salutations.
Honour the directions.
Pray the Rosary (much more on the in the next blog)

Light candles.


Pray, COMMUNE I CATE with God, with CREATION, with LIFE.
NATURE, anything to connect with the REAL WORLD, rather than the fake copy pushing us into CORNERS.  THE BUTTER IS NOT REAL!!!



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