Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Murder of the Muse

Everyone is born, after the mother ‘crowns’…that is to say, the head of the newborn, begins to make its entry into the world and literally is crowned by the mothers vaginal opening.  This comes after a child may pass through ‘the ring of fire’ which comes as the baby's head pushes on the perineum, and this sometimes causes a tingling or burning sensation, this is often referred to as the "ring of fire".  (Here is where you first fall into ‘the ring of fire, the ring of fire’….)
So, every child (born head first at least) is crowned…what lies underneath that crown, is a spiritual being, who will learn how to become human, and share the essence of that spirit in this world.  This is also Aries, the head of the chart, and where Uranus is now travelling.  This is all about the birth of our unique gift.
We celebrate this human, we see the light that emanates from the eyes, as this new child looks out in wonder at the strange new world.  Inside of this new being, is a bright shiny light, complete with its own guiding muse (if one has a female muse), or guardian angel and if it is a male child than he has ‘genius’.  Either way, it is all the same.
That unique being, is here to supply the world, with the light of the Divine, through the muse or genius.  That genius is the spark of difference, that unique aspect that only this child can bring.  The problem, is we have lost our way, we have lost our way and the true way to ‘divine the truth’ of our being.  We are to divine that soul spark, and give that to the world, as we came here to give.

We celebrate the mundane, the sameness, instead of the unearthing of the genius. Our herd mentality, asks us to
maintain a low profile, in order to remain safe, within the protective circle of the herd.  Along the way, we evolved past the point of herd protection, and some individuals, listening to their muse, wondered off that path and out of the tribe, to show us new thoughts, new ways and the road less traveled.  They see the Emperor without clothes, the corporations that are corrupt and the deception that steals the natural laws of a sovereign people.
In our archaic past, that lingers on in our reptilian brain, we knew that when one member was ‘picked off’ when they left the safety of the circle, it was a threat to the survival of the entire tribe, that was now dwindling in numbers.  So that threat is old, and deep-seated and real, but it is just not conscious…for all.
Most, have conformed to the rigors of society, and this becomes a badge of honour.  In its course, the genius is tamped down, and attacked, ridiculed, excoriated for being…’different’.  This in turn, can cause other tribal members to do the same.  In that process, the very flow from the Divine, the Holy Spiritual Fire, is also tamped down and suffocated.  The entire tribe and village loses the magic that makes it thrive and remain healthy.
I have experienced this first hand.  I have tried to understand it all, thus it has brought me to follow many roads, clues along the way to create my own path.  I have done better and worse with this, because the path to individuation is fraught with perils.  (The story of Homer)
Once the individual has somehow managed to harness that genius/muse, and believe in, nurture that genius out of hiding under the covers of our humanness, he may be celebrated, as that light pours forth, we see G-d.
But, if one who is uncovering genius does so amongst those who have not learned of their own spiritual fountain, and know how to pour forth, than it becomes a threat, an alarm goes off in the others who are ’too familiar’ (especially if you break yourself down to appear as a ‘peer’, standing next to them, and they now only feel the nagging truth of their own neglect.  That they have in fact, ‘committed suicide’.  It is also a link that tingles the limbic system just enough to remind them of the threat that a single tribesman may pose to the group, that of being picked off by the beast outside of the safety of the tribe, diminishing the tribes numbers and so, threatening the survival of the remaining members.  Now, if you have not found success, or have found the lofty and seldom won position of honour in this world, (or worse, the illusion people now believe is success, which is the attaining of ‘things’…that which turns to dust, since we came to give and not to get, as Michael Meade so brilliantly states.)  So, now not only can you be a threat that is not made conscious, you become a warning…that if this is what harnessing their gift means, they want no part of that kind of pain, that doesn't seem to bring the reward that they are convinced must come as a measure of success.  Pathos—suffering, disease, feeling, passion {-path, patho-, -pathy} as the root of passion…is the willingness to suffer for one’s gift.
To this end, we see our society, struggling in the loss of the true font of knowledge, the bliss from the cup of life, and the decay and collapse begins to rage like a mad virus, once again in its opposite intention and imbalance, threatening the survival of the tribe.
What we see instead, is a narcissistic attempt to find the lost tribe, the lost soul, the chord that connects us and feeds us health and inspiration, the kind of inspiration that saves the tribe.
(I will return to you like a Lion/Fire…the second birth of the soul/muse/genie/genius into this world)
So, a damaged and sickly type emerges in our collective, a false sense of ‘specialness we now call entitlement’.
It is hardly the pure spirit, the muse that enlightens, enlivens and informs us…it becomes the sickly creature who wants to be viewed as special, without having found that inner light at all.  They are corrupted, without the guiding past, and the concept of service.

We also see, an increase in suicides, because these souls, are only committing the very act the spirit knows, is already trampling down the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored.

Now, seeing the travesty in this world, Indeed, having the eyes to see what is happening, that goes against humankind or this sweet earth, is hardly taking away from your inner process or progress; rather it is concurrent.
One cannot truly evolve which comes with vision and seeing the layers of the world fall down as they do around the excavation of your own truth and gifts, and not participate in its process.  Because you become so vital, that spark of being on fire, illuminates both the inner and the outer worlds. 
One of the things that also goes on, is the illusion that must be so, to cull those who are easily seduced into the superficial, catching them in the great net, using the hooks so evident on Neptune’s symbol, just like a fish ‘hook’, and they pull out those who cannot swim upstream to give birth to their own muse/genius.  It is as if the rock is skipping on the top of the water in ‘false positivity’ and never allowing the individual to go down, plumb the depths of their being and retrieve that black pearl, that death, that Plutonian power.  It is Gandolph, powering his great staff down and saying ‘you shall not pass’…though the Balrog’s fiery whip reaches back up with its magically long extension and grabbing Gandolph the wizard, and taking him down into the abyss.  He goes down with the Balrog and he captures his own dark heart, because he faces himself in the fires, that then forge him even stronger, to hold the power of the truth, the light and the way.  He emerges even more omnipotent, but not until he goes down and rescues that dark self.  If you don’t face and rescue the daemona, Greek for genius, it becomes a dark power over you.  It is the shadow that haunts you under the surface, and you never truly know your own power.
It is the black Madonna, who in all her natural beauty, is not always sunny and warm, she might be cloudy and grey or storm and start to rainin’.  But in Her all, she is stunning, glorious and life-giving and resplendent.
You must give birth to this spiritual essence, through the burning ring of fire, the mouth of the dragon.  It will purify you in
the process, and the fires of this must be hot enough to forge so strong a steel, that it can hold, handle and manage this kind of heat and light.  We are walking around on fire, and we are now being seduced into a mirage that pretends that the only form of spiritual truth, is of the sticky sweet positive version, that completely negates the very beast one must face, in order to become a whole, spiritual incarnation of the divine in a human form. 

We are now told to ‘focus on the positive’…but this is creating an imbalance in the entire society with a large shadow looming and lurking, licking at our psyche’s and looming in our minds, it is manifesting in polarity’s and schism’s and the only people brave enough to step up to the plate to try and do something about this, to manage the ‘evil’ by necessity must be a necessary evil then.
This last Pluto/Hades square to Uranus, will be at 15* of Capricorn and Aries, respectively on March 17th.  Pluto as Hades, the God of this underworld we must traverse to rescue our soul, our spark and our gift, is Balrog, and the gift is Uranus, the special genii, or genius, muse that we are being forced to acknowledge through these series of the magic 7 SEVEN squares that started on June 24th. 2012 at 8* of those signs. Those squares have backed us into that 90* angle/corner, confronting our dark mother/matters/material world, the fiery inferno that may have you crippled and afraid to walk through that fire and give birth to your soul.  We are giving birth to the world soul.  You build using the master mason’s tool of the square. 
So, for those who have been cursed and blessed with exact degrees of those cardinal signs, all the more reason to prepare for your final turn and revealing into this world.  This world will wrench and groan under the strain of our neglect, and are abandonment of the dark mother.  It is our duty, our very calling to encompass the entire circle, finding our unique and individual gifts now, and come out of the belly of the beast, just as Jonah and so many others.
We have two more blood moons to go through in this birth canal, and Saturn/EL Lord of the rings, master mason, the SA-turner of worlds and Chronos master of time, forger of gravity to slow down our spirit, entering the kingdom of this earth, this heart planet.  He has been travelling in Scorpio through most of this square, and now he is pushing that birth matter through and into Sagittarius, but even this is too much to happen all at once, so he will retrograde back starting three days before the last square of Hades and Uranus, on March 14th. At 4* of Sagittarius, and continue to pull back that

curtain/hymen reentering Scorpio (ruled by Pluto/Hades) on June 15th. Travelling back to 28* until stationing direct again on August 2nd.  He will not re-enter Sagittarius again until September 18th.

So, all of the fixed signs have been significantly flattened, moved or forced to confront the deep truths that are occulted in this syrupy falsehood of going with the flow, or that we are always right where we need to be, without the deeper truth of choices having consequences and this culls the big swimmers from the rest of the school, only the Salmon who have the strength and have matured will make it upstream to give birth to their young, their gift and that divine fire.
We simply must stop this infantile version of ignoring (as I always say, ignorance holds the word ignore within it)  the powerful truth we see around us, give birth to something fiercely desirous to save us, and that is the golden egg of our divine gifts.  It will pour out of the dragon’s mouth, which will be in Libra at 10*.  We must forge new relationships and make peace with our dark selves, our shadow side.
And this alchemic birth, is being mid-wived[GS1]  by Mary Magdalene energy.  There are many aspects of the goddess, but we are all being exposed to the dark misdirection of that energy and the manifestation, however this came about, of a very deranged version of this in the form of the group calling itself ISIS, on the world stage.
There are so many superficial aspects that are occluding the true artist, the true gifts so desperately needed now, all the way into computerized versions of the voice in so many singers who now use ‘auto tune’.  We don’t need the synthetic, but the deeper real feminine.  She is not just the 12 year old girl with fake.. er…everything being thrust at us, looking much like a young boy with purchased body parts.  No, she is lustful and vengeful and rich and deep and full of the world she fiercely gives birth to over and over and she risks her life every time to do so.
We can no more ignore the truth than a child who covers their ‘eyes’ with their hands, and thinks they have really disappeared. 
So now, we are double cursed in this very hard pass, with a superficial version of spirituality masquerading as a whole truth, robbing us all of the need to be fully empowered, to instead display what is nothing less than a Stepford Wife….a computerized model void of soul and void of the matter, mother our star dust animates.
When Saturn/El the Lord of the Rings, the eye of Saurin moves out of Scorpio finally and back into Sagittarius, we must be fully armed with the truth of our beings, strong enough as women to be fully empowered for a fully evolved male.
This is the tantra of our own being, the rising of the divine mother/wife to Her divine complement as the divine masculine, and this alchemic chamber will give birth at this time, to some very wizened and ready souls who have done the work in the belly of the beast, to emerge through the painful process with gift in hand, the treasure and reward of the journey of the hero.
It isn’t to make a copy of someone else who has found their passion, and gone through the dark mother to bring that gift out.  If that is so, you have not found that which is uniquely you, and that is suicide.
Haven’t we had enough death already?  Are you ready for true life?
Then spend these last few weeks going into the belly of the beast, and come back out victorious, ready to share, to give the gift you came here to ignite the world with.  True genius that finds itself, ignites that in others.
Are you ready to set the world on fire?  I AM.  I AM THAT I AM.
Suffer or die.
Jesus said, "If you bring forth what is within you, what you have will save you. If you do not have that within you, what you do not have within you [will] kill you.  From the Gospel of Thomas.

"Prometheus steals fire from the God’s, are you ready to steal the fire in your belly?

"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light," said Jung, "but by making the darkness conscious."

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