The wolves will be howling, looking for food, and that includes the two-legged ones too, more like sharks as they circle their prey, ready to clean and lick the bones. You will want to find the softest of spots in your own heart and line the walls with soft pink gentleness and pictures from your past if you can. Venus/Aphrodite is still retrograde in Capricorn at 18* and she is squaring her consort, Mars/Ares travelling through Libra at 17*.
Some people will enjoy some very hot, sizzling amour this evening and the next as the two dance together and the sparks fly, the wine is poured and the emotions run high.

If you are one of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) this will affect you profoundly and more intensely, especially in these degrees: 25, 26 and 27 (by Sun and Moon Transit) 16, 17, 18 and 19 by Venus and Mars transit, and 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 by Pluto and Uranus transits. (Yes, that pretty much blankets the signs, but those degrees will have more intense and personal experiences.)
This is also true for planets and/or axis points in those degrees.

Now, She is also opposing Jupiter/Zeus (expansion/higher knowledge/long distance travel) as he is now at 14* of Cancer and ALSO retrograde, we can hear the skies snap, crackle and pop as Zeus pulls back the curtain, the tides in the watery sign of the crab, things may feel as though they are just about to burst…we stand at the precipice of something very big (Jupiter) and he of course is also in a square to Mars/Ares (action/energy/war) and he is moving into exact opposition to Pluto/Hades (Lord of the underworld/that which is buried/death and transformation) and he will oppose him exactly on January 31st too, uh-oh, do we see this theme of cosmic triggers in the greatest invention of all time, the Wheel. A turning we will go and La Luna will hit up that Cardinal Square on January 23rd, so those are the dates to pay attention to as we move into the first month of Janus, 2014.

For now, we must realize that what we choose to manage, remove or begin right now, will either help assist us through those changes or make them all the more difficult to deal with.

If you are struggling with your career, home, finances, or actions to move forward now, it will be the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back. Now is the time to prepare.
This full moon and the following new moon at the end of the month may very well see those changes take place anyway, with or without your consent or liking.

Neptune/Poseidon is also forming a lovely trine to the head of the dragon, again I stress listening to your dreams, who you are and what you came here to be and do, is whispering to you nightly, pay attention.
Your soul is calling…she is echoing down the halls and reverberating in the inner chamber of your own heart…
Don’t hear the aforementioned as all bad, more the distillation of our very essence, clarity is emerging and will shine brighter than the sun come the end of May. Ganesha is trampling out the vintage where the Grapes of Wrath are stored, as He loosed the faithful lightening of His terrible swift sword, His truth is marching on…

So, stop by: and be sure to stock up on both Sleep Angel © and Breathing Easy © to make it through this challenging time.
As always, wishing you well
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