Have you been organizing, cleaning and preparing? Perhaps you are aware of subtle energies that
have been pushing you as we wait in the starting gate, to begin our gallop into
the new year?
This new moon is in Aquarius at 10* and forms a sextile to Uranus which is at 9* of Aries and moving into the next exact square to Pluto.
This new moon is in Aquarius at 10* and forms a sextile to Uranus which is at 9* of Aries and moving into the next exact square to Pluto.


We must find a way to enjoy our lives, and with Venus
retrograde and also going direct at 13* of Capricorn on the
31st. we have had plenty of time to review and revisit what we love,
who we love and how we love. What brings
love into our world?
With all of that review, as we move forward, we now have a
much better idea of the cost of love, or the cost of the ‘things’ we love,
possessions, worldly goods that must be obtained through in this case, the Goat
of Capricorn who climbs the ladder of 
success, sometimes to look back (Janus) At the mountain climbed and purvey a hard won success, or to reassess and perhaps to reconsider that the toll has not been worth the investment and the energy expended to achieve what may have been only an illusory world that is always just one more step out of reach.
Venus asks us what we take pleasure in, and much like
Hercules in his 2nd labor, where he is tasked to kill the 9-headed
Hydra (the desire for pleasure), every time he cuts off a head, three more appear
in its place. The lesson in part, being that you cannot conquer the lust for pleasure
through trying to avoid pleasure, we need pleasure, and Hercules learns he must
cauterizes the severed head with fire to keep the passions from rising again in another form(another passion). 
So, I return to my initial query, have you been feeling
restless? Feel as though you just cannot
move forward? Well, I have been telling
you to prepare for this forward momentum, and if we look to the degrees of 9, 10 and
11* of Aquarius, we are straddling the first decanate of Aquarius into the
second which is Gemini of those same degrees, but also Libra in those degrees
as well, since we hook into the PLUTO Square from Uranus in those same
degrees on the Cardinal Cross that has been forming and then separating back
and forth now, and will continue into the last square in 2015.
YOU ARE BEING FORGED, if you are one of the Cardinal
signs; Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, and in these degrees: 8* through 15*
in particular, and the emphasis is now on 9-12*. Then this time frame and astrological aspects are affecting you on a much more intense level. On November 01, 2013 we reached the midpoint
of the squares, the next exact square occurring on April 21, 2014. Pluto/Hades the transformer of POWER and Uranus/OURANOS
the planet that represents new technology and inventions (the Age of Aquarius)
but also the community in their square dance, have been transforming us and how
we fit into the community, as the flames of Hades lick off the dross and
stagnant shell that no longer fits us, we find ourselves restless, even as we
search for energy necessary to make the changes .

Mars/Ares in Libra at 22* is still forming a wide trine to support Mercury/Hermes at 29* of Aquarius, in putting forth that energy and action into travel and communications, after we sift through a bit of the unsettling energy we are currently experiencing. Hermes will soon go retrograde on February 6th at 3* of Pisces, to make the trine more exact at 26* a couple of days after Valentine’s Day! As we struggle to put the right words into order, contracts being re-written to hold the power of that energy, we can find a peace and a focus for our deeper concerns.
Speaking of horses, HERmes will almost meet up with
Neptune/Poseidon who is at 4* of Pisces before turning around, and that moment
is also forming a lovely trine to the head of the dragon which is at 2* of
Scorpio. OOooh, we can feel the sizzle
of sensual healing coming on top of the Venus/Aphrodite retrograde to follow
our spiritual core/purpose. Our dreams have been flashing across our PIneal
matrix with our upgraded screens making everything deeper and more profound
than ever.
Jupiter/Zeus at 12* of Cancer is firmly opposing
Aphrodite/Hades conjunction, the lightening across the skies cracking
open an ever deepening abyss, and for some, too deep to hang into the torment
unleashed. The doorways stand wide open,
as many have chosen to make their transition into the next world, the river of
living waters/tears that floods our world, not enough to water the drought on
the West Coast, but certainly enough for the flash frozen collision as it hits
the wall of the Arctic and pours itself out on the East Coast, now experiencing
bitter cold temperatures not seen in decades.I will be writing soon about some planetary changes/climate shifts to look for with new astrological aspects forming.
Our world is changing, being transformed and we along with
it as we make decisions to move forward or cling to the skeletons of the past barely
clothed in their tattered garments.
This is not to say to move forward with every new gust of
wind and simply ‘go with the flow’ if that is the measurement of least
resistance, for indeed, as I often say, the Eternal Sound of God is the
measurement OF resistance. It is the temperance
that fortifies, the exercise that builds the muscles and the discipline that
brings freedoms. Ommmmmmm!
When to move and go with the momentum you have aligned
yourself with, and when to resist is the art of wisdom.
So let us be wise as serpents, yet gentle as doves and to
help us, we will have a special on WiseWoman Roll on, 10% off its regular price,
follow this link:
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