Mars is action/passion/energy and of course with Pluto is
ruling our sexual energy and expression. He rules war…the individual pursuit of
I AM as the ruler of the first house and Aries.
But, he is travelling in Libra, so is already in detriment
and not comfortable. Now the energy and action will be like holding the RAM
back, the bull who is trying to play nice. It is like a wolf in sheep’s
clothing; the velvet glove covering the iron fist.
Mars starts the retrograde with a square to Venus/Aphrodite
in Capricorn. So the ride back may feel as though Ares has returned to rape his
consort, there could be a lot of misplaced anger with this return period.
I would caution making plans to go ahead right now, unless
they are in review from previous arrangements. There will be lovers from our
past entering our lives and that should be happening during the current time
frame already, especially with Mercury retrograde as we travel in the shadow.
People have an agenda; they are up to something and may not be forthcoming.
It might be harder to find the energy to move forward, and
we must caution when handling fires, or things that could catch fire as well as
all metal instruments, knives, etc.

This will be felt strongly by Cancers almost like a vise, if
they are in the cross hairs, especially with
the Cardinal Cross in the works and the same thing for Libra, 27* and earlier as the warrior stops and turns as if he has forgotten his just due.
Love affairs and scandals will already be in the planning
stages, people might make some big mistakes following passions of a clandestine
nature, this they do under cover.
Partnerships will feel the test, as one of the partners may
want to break free, this is doubly true for those who were under the Venus
retrograde spell at the beginning of the year (end of Jan-Feb) as their
partners begin to pull away, and they may feel a certain ‘change of heart’ too.
This is a tricky time, not one to make decisions. Regret
will be the result when the time frame is passed. Hopefully, no undercover
espionage will be working its way to instigate a war on the planet either.

This is all as Mars/Ares squeezes the collected energy back
into the Cardinal Cross on April 21, 2014 when the real fireworks will explode.
He isn’t done yet either, he is going to take that energy out of the cardinal cross all the way back to 9* of Libra, when he stations direct on May 20th, another powerful date this year…Oh boy,
He isn’t done yet either, he is going to take that energy out of the cardinal cross all the way back to 9* of Libra, when he stations direct on May 20th, another powerful date this year…Oh boy,
Will be back to write more on that later. The blades are being sharpened. Remember to be wise as serpents, but GENTLE as doves. Use ArcAncient's Stress Relief and 'Ascension' blend to help you rise to the occassion.
For more info, see my blog on the cardinal cross.
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