The term, 'Red Letter Day' originated from medieval times when the first Council of Nicaea in 325 decreed the saints' days, feasts and other holy days, which came to be printed on church calendars in red. Illuminated manuscripts which became popular works of art often marked initial capitals and highlighted words in red ink, known as rubrics.
In the book of Kells, these ILLUMINATIONS form one of the most prized and valued books of antiquity, its origins being somewhere from between 760-804 and 815-20, surviving the Viking raids, it is now in the Library at Trinity College, Dublin. The Book of Kells includes the four Gospels of the New Testament written in Latin, decorated with innumerable illuminations, illustrations and miniature images elaborately drawn in colours, some of which had to be imported from far across the European Continent, an expensive task at that time.
In the New Testament, the words of Jesus were written in red ink, to highlight His words, and give authenticity to the biblical teachings, as well as to draw one to 'The Living Word' more clearly. That process is believed to have begun with Klopsch's red-letter New Testament, which bore this title: The New Testament... With All the Words Recorded Therein, as Having Been Spoken by Our Lord, Printed in Color.
First published in 1899, Klopsch conceived the idea of printing some of the Biblical text with red ink. When reading Jesus' words,
"This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you." (Luke 22:20), he thought of printing all of Jesus' words in red, the color of his blood.
Here is the definition of Rubric from
a title, heading, or initial letter in a book, manuscript, or section of a legal code, esp. one printed or painted in red ink or in some similarly distinguishing manner 2. a set of rules of conduct or procedure
3. a set of directions for the conduct of Christian church services, often printed in red in a prayer book or missal AND an obsolete name for red ochre with origins here: — adj 6. written, printed, or marked in red AND most importantly: [rubrike red ochre, red lettering, from Latin rubrÄ«ca ( terra ) red (earth), ruddle, from ruber red]We have all seen the large 'Rubicon' red letters, which open up the story and the
paragraph. Blood runs red, it is the cup of life.Here we see the red male cardinal, perched on its snowy branch; it is the perfect picture to explain the retrograde Mars and his position on the Cardinal Cross. Mars is in retrograde, and he is the blood, life force, passion in astrology. I often compare Mars to the lava that erupts into the clay vessel of the earthly body, and animates as with the breath of God into the nostrils. As the ruler of the first house in astrology, I also make it related to the number 1, ever since I had the dream with the three witches in the cave. In that dream the oldest witch, the crone, asked me a series of questions all regarding numerology, astrology, etc. As she asked me the questions, the fire around the cauldron flashed across the walls and lit up markings, symbols and ancient forms and texts. She would nod her head with my responses and told me I was doing very well, but I had forgotten 'the old ways' regarding relationship to the months. I awoke with the realization that the higher order of numbers relate Aries/Mars not to the number 4 and the fourth month as it is now (because of Pope Gregory) but to the first house, the number one as it is the beginning of spring. Winter is the elder time, wisdom that culminates in PIcses, with the white tops on the mountain that represent Capricorn the goat, winter, hardly the order of I (One) since Capricorn was an elder who through life and lifetimes, had ascending up the mountain of life, it was not a beginning, save for the one who has found the ending and therefore the beginning also.
Yes, the actual 'initial' crucifixion may be over, but it is far from OVER. Because, this is an initiation, and it is just as the Red Letter connotes, a beginning.
Will the pressures ease off at times? YES, but just like lava, it will erupt over the next year at times, especially whenever these cardinal points are aspected and triggered. On May 20th, Mars will go direct and then on Monday, June 16th he will once again CROSS OVER
that critical 13 degree point. While he is pulling back the veil in Libra, and he is opposing URanus, and squaring both Pluto in Capricorn and Jupiter in Cancer, he is opening up the deep wounds. This is very Chirotic, (Chiron being the wounded healer, or Christed aspect in the chart; he is also the 'key' to the chart as I have outlined many times by now, and is in the shape of a key symbolically for that reason) so it can be very overwhelming to those people who are often the 'sacrificial lambs' and simply cast aside with the titles, 'crazy' or 'eye rolling', but then worse than that, when proven correct, not given proper credit and slighted again. This can be the cruciform of an excruciating experience: "My God, my God why hast Thou forsaken me?" Where are all those apostles anyway? Oh, that's right; they have run off and hidden, save for the women, and especially, Mary Magdalene, who never leaves Jesus's side. It is She who comes and sees Him risen first.
Up from the depths (PLUTO In Capricorn, which will cause problems with: teeth, bones, knees, any part of the skeletal system) comes Mars/Ares, bubbling up to the surface this blood, from old wounds being reopened with current life situations, as those around you reveal themselves, in this time of REVEALATIONS.

For those who rush off too soon, the wound will remain once again, unattended and fester further. We are sadly not taught to do this properly, but it has become a very Western Culture process to skip it all, put on a smile as if you can bless the whole thing and let it go, but this simply prolongs the healing and the wound again goes unattended, all that pain for naught. LISTEN to your heart song. Listen to that Cardinal Canary who sings longingly to you to appreciate the MUSE, the music of the soul.

Fly like an eagle, till your free, fly like an eagle let your spirit carry thee.
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