In the wee hours of the morning, at 1:17AM on Tuesday, April 29
It will be a partial solar eclipse, which is another lever
in the eclipse pattern during the Cardinal Cross.
At 8 degrees of Taurus, we are talking about possessions,
Taurus is “I Have” so this will be largely about what you have, your right to
what you have, and this mating by the moon and sun is a sensual mating. We are in the first decan of Taurus which is
ruled by Venus/Aphrodite, who is now at 25* of PIcses. This is a very determined and loyal aspect of
Taurus. She doesn’t give up easily (If
at all) and will plod along patiently working towards gaining those ‘possessions’
she lusts after, or de-SIRES.

With an orb of 4* they are travelling with Mercury/Hermes
who is now at 12* of Taurus.
But let’s just take a look at what is happening with the eclipse,
shall we?
Here, LaLuna will conjunct or mate with her paramour the
sun, and she will stand between the earth and the sun, blocking out the energy
of the male light that sustains the earth.
Emotions will either be turned down, repressed or explosive
during this transit and into the coming 2 weeks. Feeling weepy or depressed; or a lack of
energy and motivation are all common under such a stressful sky. Do we really have what it takes to set out
after the goals which will bring us towards the desires of what we want? What do we WANT and NEED?

You will also find a Sacred Anointing Ritual on that website
under Directions For Use.
The light that is captured in the essences (all plants use a
process of photosynthesis which is capturing the essence of the suns energy)
will help to draw out your own light.
The ‘WHO’ you are integrally here as, to bring your own light into this
world, and seeing the reflection of what you HAVE, as a mirror.

What will we cast off?
An eclipse always portends an ending (YES, and in this eclipse pattern
we are in, this will happen over and over under the very powerful strain of the
URanus square to Pluto, but more importantly now, these are Blood Moons under
the Grand Cardinal Cross).
So, I remind you of this story:
There is always the death, the small ones along the way and
those that take us into the largess of the universe and into the great
beyond. When I died, back in 1976, I was
very, very sick. To say there was pain
would be an understatement. But, the
interesting and miraculous thing along the way is the body’s ability to manage
pain. At some point, the pain gives way
to the body flooding itself with its own sedatives, which wash away that pain
and take you into levels of worlds as you float down the corridor of unconsciousness
and into death’s open arms.
I bring this up, since this is what we are also dealing
with, the small and large deaths and the release of endorphins, ("endogenous morphine") which are endogenous opioid peptides that function as inhibitory neurotransmitters. The pituitary gland and the hypothalamus produce these endorphins to overcome pain. They
are also released during exercise and excitement, when we eat certain foods,
when we fall in love, and during sexual activity.
These peptides resemble opiates in their ability to produce
analgesia and a feeling of well-being. You are taken into the delusion that
nothing is wrong…because the pain is subsiding.
The food, the sex, the jog in the park; all can take you out of reality
if for just one moment, and lessen the pain.
Consider, this first fall of Jesus under His cross. (Station
number 3) His flesh is open and bleeding, His head crowned with thorns. As weak
as he had become, He could barely walk, still He got up and kept walking and carrying
the large and very heavy CROSS. He was
continuously whipped and struck by the soldiers who made His journey all the
more painful and difficult, yet He keeps on walking, falling two more times.

As we get over the initial shocks and absorb the reality, our world is changing in dramatic ways, but like the frog in the boiling water, we won’t notice it after the acute moments, as this just another fall with our CROSS, we get up (some sadly, will not get up each time, and will choose to exit the cycle, their own cross too much to bear) and move forward, towards what our DESIRES are drawing us towards.
It should become
less strenuous and ominous, as our body floods us with the necessary relievers
to help us through the time, save for the moments that will bring us into
direct confrontation of the underlying triggers that want attention.
These triggers can
motivate us into our better selves, an evolutionary being who ‘is with the
father in heaven’ allowing the figurative deaths of our lower nature. As the snake crawls on his belly (Pluto) his
lower nature wants to rape Persephone, to have what he desires.

Our own alimentary canal
is our lower serpent, which must be fed to survive on planet earth.
All addictions are
some perversion of this need to sate the being with emptiness, from what will
never fill the hole, as it gets bigger and bigger with the false illusions (Neptune)
of the promise that will never deliver.
Consumption was the
name of a disease, which is now called Tuberculosis.
So, we will shed
another skin, digest what we can (take into our awareness what we can) and
leave the rest for another day.

We can assuage our
troubled minds and hearts through day-dreaming, music, dancing, and some will
choose the stronger variety of alcohol, drugs or choose the higher path of
meditation, perhaps even mindful exercise.
Nonetheless, Saturn
loves the support of Jupiter/Zeus in Cancer, so we might feel that support come
from someone in the home circle, or who feels like family to us.
There will be an
expansion now in home circles and events, with Zeus lording in the realms of
the home, and Cancer is another hoarder of sorts, they like to hold onto things
and having their homes adorned with their prized possessions, much like the
Taurean, is where they draw comfort.
Be aware that
everything is not as it seems, something are as hidden as the sun, with only
the edges bending around the emotions that desire, the occlusion won’t be fully
known until the moon tries to warn us again, as she waxes into fullness.

This is the first fall, get up when you have rested and listened, hearing the deeper truth that is your own clarion call.
But this is not
over, we will fall again, the cross is heavy and we have much to do.
Sadness may
overwhelm some like the dark moon eclipsing the midnight sun, if you have the
wings or the light, be kind, and don’t judge those who may fall just as the
saviour does, or are you judging Him too? There but for the Grace of God, go I.
On June 16th, Mars passes the threshold of the
Grand Cross again, squaring Uranus again on the 25th at 16* having
already squared Pluto on the 14th at 12* because Pluto is in
retrograde Capricorn.
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