Welcome to the Grand Cardinal Cross. I have written quite a bit on this already, starting with in 2012 and many blogs about Pluto In Capricorn, or you could start here:
Or here, Circle gets the Cardinal Square:
OR here: http://arcoftheancients.blogspot.com/2014_01_01_archive.html Or here:http://arcoftheancients.blogspot.com/2014/01/this-is-end-of-beginning.html

What I will briefly recap here is that if you are one of the Cardinal Signs in the degrees between: 11-15 and that is: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn or with planets or aspects in those degrees and signs, you will be the most strongly affected.
Especially, if you are at the critical degree of 13* in any one of those signs. In later years, 22* and 27* will be hot spots.
Then you are literally 'On the Cross' and that is crucial, especially when you think of what this time represents, as I described in the last post on the Blood Moon, Passover and of course Easter.
Jesus, which means 'Saviour' was hung on Good Friday and rose three days later, which is actually Monday, not Sunday...Sun day would represent the Sun, but Monday, represents the MOON.
That is TODAY!
So the Cross forms exact today at 12:27PM EDT.
Yesterday I actually moved a branch which was from a thorn bush, and yes, I was stuck with a thorn which lodged a piece of itself inside my middle finger on my right hand. Now those of you who know what the fingers represent in Ayurvedic medicine or Polarity, would know that is a fire finger and the right hand would be the male aspect of moving forward.
I won't go into that any further, because the main point is actually that it was a thorn.
There is a sacrifice, a blood-letting...to release the past. Giving birth to your own Saviour.
Being crucified is no picnic, it means you are alone and being offered up as a LAMB.
This ushers in the fecundity of spring and new growth, the blossoming of seeds planted long ago, perhaps lifetimes ago, that were long dormant.
Birth is not an easy time, there is BLOOD and the flow of water...and then there is NEW LIFE.
All life comes from a wounding, and that is of course painful.
I will add right now, that the opposition between Jupiter in Cancer to Pluto in Capricorn may bring further antagonism of the people to governments and authority.
That may splash itself across the world stage from several areas, as people become more and more discouraged with the leadership that they feel may not have their own best interests at heart. It certainly may also happen here in the states.
Major political actions and seeds will also be set into motion, and with the retrograde planets,
especially a whole stellium starting with Mars, then Ceres and the North Node in Libra (balance and partnership, peace, harmony) leading into Saturn, also still retrograde in Scorpio; what we have is a lot of clandestine operations, things being done on the sly and everything is not up front.
Neptune still ruling the skies in PIsces will make a lot of people who are vulnerable to her ILLUSIONS make decisions that are based on wishful thinking, the seduction of Poseidon is legendary, so please be careful.
I will return to write more about all of this, you can be sure.
I Pray for all of us to lift up our hearts, as the birth happens within us all, to bring another level of awareness, please be kind and don’t be seduced into the material world, with Libra all retrograde, fairness unfortunately may be thrown out for the illusion of success in the material world, and Mercury in headstrong Aries, may cause rash decisions on to of all of it, while the sun is in the stubborn fixed sign of the Bull.
What are priorities? Remember those who have toiled and blazed the trail before you, respect is part of consideration that could help lead you down the right road.
Mars in Libra retrograde, opposing Uranus in Aries will bring those impulsive actions that YOU WILL REGRET. Mars/Ares is playing trickster with Mercury/Hermes having recently paired up with him, what they stir up is a whole lot of trouble, so BE WARE!

All that glitters is not gold.
All that glitters is not gold.
Now, let us take a deeper look at
Pluto/Hades again and consider these aspects and their implications. Pluto/Hades was awarded the domain of the
underground, where he is lord and master.
Cerberus, the three-headed dog is the guardian at the gates of his
domain. He wrestled (raped) Demeter’s
daughter Persephone, whereupon he was granted her as consort for 3 months a
year (winter) but he was not allowed to keep her every day of the year.
Without writing an entire Homeric piece, that will give you a little bit background with which to draw upon during this time, where he plays such a pivotal role, albeit for a short time (again). He is prominent (Pluto/Hades) all through 2022, while he travels through Capricorn the Goat.
Without writing an entire Homeric piece, that will give you a little bit background with which to draw upon during this time, where he plays such a pivotal role, albeit for a short time (again). He is prominent (Pluto/Hades) all through 2022, while he travels through Capricorn the Goat.
Pluto is the god of buried treasure
and the ruler of Scorpio and the 8th house.
He rules sex, drugs and rock n roll, death and taxes. (The two things we know for sure about living). Most of all, we should remind ourselves that Hades is POWER! He is travelling through the aegis of Capricorn right now. Capricorn the goat (as elaborated more fully in previous posts right here on this blog), rules from the pinnacle, as the goat; is the magician of climbing up the craggy cliffs of both mountains and life.
He rules sex, drugs and rock n roll, death and taxes. (The two things we know for sure about living). Most of all, we should remind ourselves that Hades is POWER! He is travelling through the aegis of Capricorn right now. Capricorn the goat (as elaborated more fully in previous posts right here on this blog), rules from the pinnacle, as the goat; is the magician of climbing up the craggy cliffs of both mountains and life.

The ruling POWER comes from the deep to transform the ruling power on the planet. This is the phoenix aspect, the snake that sheds his skin to become the new version OF THE SAME ANIMAL. This is the most pivotal time of this Grand Cardinal Cross, since it is at the critical degree of 13. We shall see some shift of power, some perception of a newer version or alliance that forms the governments, or what boundaries, rulership, or assemblage will have the visible axis of power.

Now, let us return to Hades as the ruler of Scorpio; represented by three different images: The eagle, the snake and of course the scorpion.

The first question we can ask on a personal level might be: “Where do you hold personal power in your life?” Do you take responsibility with your own actions, directions in life or do you give up your own power as the victim? Do you blame the government (Saturn as rulership of Capricorn along with Jupiter as Zeus, king of kings in the 9th house of world dominion)?
Saturn is responsibility (Now retrograde in Scorpio) and in mutual reception with Pluto in Capricorn. So, how have you managed your own affairs, your life? Have you taken responsibility in your own life; to bring you the freedoms awarded ‘time management’.
Okay, now on the world stage, many things have and are being negotiated behind the scenes and will soon take shape in the form of some revealing, how we participate within this transformation will be reflected by the group and individual levels (URanus in Aries) and must be an incorporation of brilliance/genius using new ideas and forward thoughts of technological insights, but in a square to Jupiter/Zeus in Cancer, also must take into consideration the earth/mother in which we live.
We do not have infinite re SOURCES.
So, Mars/Ares in Libra the scales/partnerships will require (And we will be shown some new version of this) creating and taking action forward with consideration of new partnerships. This will show itself when Mars goes direct on May 20th. (Or sometime shortly thereafter) when Mars stations direct at 9* of Libra. (Take this into consideration all of you with planets and aspects at this degree or 7-12 degrees of the cardinal signs).

Does this mean war on some level? It very well could mean this, since the powers are battling for domain over the resources and accesses to those resources on this planet. Who rules those resources? Pluto/Hades rules those resources.
Ask yourself this question: Have you transformed some of your more base instincts, selfish and lower aspects into a more golden and higher evolution (see how PLUTO/Hades rules all of these, he is the planet of evolution, see Jeff Greene’s work on both Pluto and Mars for further research) and if you have, the greater the force in the collective will be.
Let us for once and for all, demolish the foolish proposition that aliens came from somewhere millions of light years away and wanted the gold on planet earth. Now, they somehow took just enough power, to force the humans to mine the gold, using us for slave labor, but then they did not take all of the gold, being that they were so considerate and all.
Humans want gold and greed and power. Humans are seduced into the shining brilliance that represents the sun, the AU, to adorn themselves and DISPLAY THEIR OWN POWER AND POSITION. Anyone want a gold toilet?
What humans will do, to fight for the rights, for the ownership of this gold, reveals their character and the weaknesses of the individual, the perforations of the integrity and the lower natures de-SIRE for false illusions. There is no conscious evolution without the ability to consider the needs of others; this is the role of compassion.
Who can navigate the underbelly of excess and power?
Mercury/Hermes the trickster crosses the RIVER STYX AND is friends with Cerberus.
Communication, travel, and he is the guardian, the ruler of the CROSSROADS.
He too is in Aries right now at 26*, so a bit head-strong perhaps, but willing to lead (hopefully not MARTIALLING HIS EFFORTS) finishing up this journey and soon to enter Taurus on April 24th. Will you go down and meet him at the CROSSROADS? In the body, Mercury rules the throat, arms and hands, communication and hearing. It is the CORE of the body along with Saturn ruling the spinal column.
We are in the middle of a major shift of CORE beliefs, how they are communicated and indeed, how we communicate on this planet. More and more people are experiencing the more subtle communication fields, ESP, intuition and this should continue. He is the colour Blue, and Robert Johnson became a master of the blues after he met old PAPA Legba at the Crossroads.

Where is your power? Are you a victim or the victor? How do you manage your TIME AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS? What old skin will you shed, to emerge into a higher form of conscious? Leave behind what does not work for you, and rise up out of the ashes, be reborn in your Christed/Saviour self, and SAVE YOURSELF! THIS IS THE BLOOD OF THE NEW AND EVERLASTING COVENANT YOU ARE MAKING WITH THE UNIVERSE.
Take the A train.
Go to: www.arcancient.com for the exact Aromatherapy blends to help you through this time. They are made using the most exquisite essential oils, charged with Reiki and crystals and made during the most auspicious astrological times.
During this time: Ascension, Sleep angel, Communications, Inner Glow and Courage are highly recommended. BE WELL.
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