Standing Rock
Some traditional elders say that the Lakota word for the Female is
'Winyan'. It is made up of two words. The first is, 'Wi', refers to the Sun,
with its Light and Warmth. The second, 'Inyan', means the 'Rock', the
'Foundation', a 'Support'. Together, these words mean the Female, being the
'warm Light and Strength' of the Lakota culture. This is an appropriate word,
because Lakota culture is Matriarchal
The origin of the name Dakota is Native
American, Dakotah: (Yankton-Yánktonai and Santee
dialects) dakhóta. The meaning of the name, translates literally to;
friendly or The Allies.
The Legend of Standing Rock
Years ago, a man from the Dakota nation married a girl from the Arikara nation.
After they had one child, the man brought another wife to their home. The first
wife pouted because she was jealous. When time came for their people to break
camp, she refused to move from her place. After their tent was taken down, she
sat there, on the ground, with her baby on her back. Her
husband and the rest of their people moved on.
At noon, her husband stopped the line of
people and said to his two brothers, "Go back to your sister-in-law. Tell
her to come on. We will wait for you here. But hurry! I fear that she may
become desperate and kill herself."
The two rode off and arrived at their
last camping place in the evening. The woman still sat on the ground. The elder
brother said to her, "Sister-in-law, we have come to get you. The camp is
waiting for you. Get up and join us."
When she did not answer, brother-in-law
put out his hand and touched her lightly on her head. She had turned into stone!
The two brothers lashed their ponies and
rode back to camp. They told their story, but no one believed them. "She
has killed herself," said her husband, "and my brothers will not tell
The whole village broke camp and
returned to the place where they had left the woman. There she sat, a block of
stone in the form of a woman. Her husband's people were very excited. They
chose a handsome pony, made a new travois and placed the stone in its carrying
net. Pony and travois were beautifully painted and then decorated with
streamers of various colors. The stone was considered holy and was given a
place of honor in the center of camp.
Whenever the people moved and made a new
camp, the stone and travois were taken with them. For years the stone woman
traveled with that group. It stands today in front of the Standing Rock Indian
Agency in North Dakota.

Legend has been edited from historical
documents and is believed to be in the public domain.
Hopi and Lakota Prophecy: Black Elk
foretold that in seven generations, the Native American nations would come
together, to stop the ‘Black Snake’ from crossing the river. The tribes would
unite to save the earth. A zuzeca, a black snake would threaten the
world. We are now, seven generations later.
Now, let’s add the Inca prophecy: “When
the Condor of the south flies with the Eagle of the north, a new day for Earth
will awaken!”
What is happening up in North Dakota, is
unprecedented. Never before have the tribes gathered, and people from all
over the planet of all walks and creeds, have gathered there too, including
veterans of war. Literally thousands of people are braving the cold,
snowy northern harsh climates of a mean winter bearing down on them, to stand
united against the beast.
America: "The Land of the Plumed /
Feathered Serpents" by the Indians of Peru. Manly P Hall says that
the chief god of the Mayan Indians in Central America was Quettzalcoatl /
Kukulkan ("Plumed Serpent", "Feathered Serpent"). In Peru
this god was called Amaru and the territory known as Amaruca. We see
again, the theme of the serpent or snake.
Finally, even biblically, we see the
word: Leviathan, the beast from the depths of the waters.
See: Isaiah 27:1King James Version (KJV) In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.
Now, where else do we hear the term, the ‘dragon that was cast down into the abyss’?
See: Isaiah 27:1King James Version (KJV) In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.
Now, where else do we hear the term, the ‘dragon that was cast down into the abyss’?
We see that clearly written, Revelation
7 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael
and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought
back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9
The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or
Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his
angels with him.
Rev 20:1 And I saw an angel coming down
out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great
chain. 2. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or
Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. 3 He threw him into the Abyss, and
locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore
until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a
short time.
Isaiah 14:2 How you have fallen from
heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth,
you who once laid low the nations!
Now, what else is called a snake?
The Hopi’s tell us, the Lakota’s tell us, indeed, even the Mayan’s named
America as the ‘plumed serpent’….OIL. The two plumed serpents are to fly
together and we know it is time.
How was oil, a fossil fuel formed? There
are three major forms of fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas. All three were
formed many hundreds of millions of years ago before the time of the dinosaurs
– hence the name fossil fuels. The age they were formed is called the
Carboniferous Period. It was part of the Paleozoic Era.
"Carboniferous" gets its name from carbon, the basic element in coal
and other fossil fuels.
The Carboniferous Period occurred from
about 360 to 286 million years ago. At the time, the land was covered with
swamps filled with huge trees, ferns and other large leafy plants, similar to
the picture above. The water and seas were filled with algae – the green stuff
that forms on a stagnant
pool of water. Algae is actually millions
of very small plants. As the trees and plants died, they sank to the bottom of
the swamps of oceans. They formed layers of a spongy material called peat. Over
many hundreds of years, the peat was covered by sand and clay and other
minerals, which turned into a type of rock called sedimentary.
More and more rock piled on top of more
rock, and it weighed more and more. It began to press down on the peat. The
peat was squeezed and squeezed until the water came out of it and it
eventually, over millions of years, it turned into coal, oil or petroleum, and
natural gas. ~ taken from:
What do plants do? They all use a
process called: Photosynthesis. Which is swallowing the sun and
processing it to become the coloured beauty that they are.

OIL is also known as ‘black gold’, and
alchemically, the sun is known as Gold, as we are to turn the base metals into
gold. So, that makes oil, the ‘black sun’. The black sun that was cast
into the abyss.
That we have dug up and is now poisoning
the earth, and her children.
So, Standing Rock, is the LAST
STAND. It is a mother and child.

In the Hebrew Bible, abaddon is
used with reference to a bottomless pit, often appearing
alongside the place שאול (sheol), meaning the
realm of the dead.
Hopi's also have a Prophecy Rock, tells of
a time, when people will have the choice, to follow technology or stay with the
earth. Those that follow the technology advancement, will be lost and
those who stay with the earth will stay with the soul, or spirit.
Please read previous, vision I had of
the Towers coming down and following, the Trump/Abaddon/Apollion connection. Notes:
@Glow Sangreal All rights reserved, may NOT BE COPIED
Share, but share with full credits and direct link. © 2016
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