This year, is a FIRE/ROOSTER YEAR. I ask you to consider the
ELement of FIRE. What is in the mind of
fire? What feeds fire and what puts fire
Fire can burn, but it can heat us on the cold winter nights,
while it will also light up the darkness that can feel like a cold blanket of
expanse. The countryside can be pretty
all dressed in her finest white garment, but it can also be sterile and make
one yearn for the ‘wearin’ of the green’ that will colour our world fragrantly.
It is the stuff of the ‘combustible engine’ that is quickly
becoming outdated, even though that time should have come much sooner.
It is the ‘flame’ in inflammation, that those who suffer
from arthritis have to contend with, or any inflammation that our body uses to
heal us with, even as we eat and that digestive process heats up the wizardry
of our body’s brilliant design to metabolize the food that we eat, that
connects us to all of life.
One of my favorite movies, was: “Out of Africa”. Meryl Streep’s character Karen, leans heavily
on her guide Farah, played by Malick Bowens, who is her attendant and in charge
of the house staff. He also is her
‘lookout’ who travels ahead of the rest of the caravan, to make sure the way is
safe and clear. Once he finds the next
‘camp’ he builds a fire, so they can see and find him.
They develop a very special and close relationship. At the end of the movie, when Karen is moving
back to Europe, she says he must come and see her. He responds: “You must make the fire very
bright.” It is very touching, I usually
cry, even though I have seen the movie half-a dozen times.

Fire is related to digestion, the liver (LIVE or) and to the
energy we need to move forward as well as igniting passions.
Fire is known to most in the north, as the direction of the
Now, let’s get to the Rooster.
Rooster, my favorite cartoon, may have been, Foghorn,
Leghorn, growing up. What does that
really have to do with this? Well, not
so much other than of course he wanted to be the ‘cock of the walk’ and I may
never have the chance to talk about my favorite cartoon. LOL

Roosters crow and start the day. They don’t like others in their hen house so
can be assertive to protect their little hens that are laying eggs (creativity)
and they know how to show off their colourful plumage. This is a potent sign, fire and rooster
being both yang or active, to get ‘er done!
They are proud but not arrogant, though humble might be a
The day is what you make of it and the roosters early call
says to “get moving”.
The Star Card: XVII (Year; MMXVII)
General Meaning
Celestial influences this year, will draw out the
culmination of your life’s work until now, the lessons that you have learned to
formulate that fusion of your soul, its divine origin and intent, with the
materia or matter of this world.
How can you best make a difference? What is uniquely you?
It is time to let your light shine, your star shine…what
play are you the star in and why?
This is not about your personal control, but about what you
personally can give that is a much bigger picture than you, what world stage
can you light up, when you align with the heavenly stars? What is your mission, should you choose to
accept it?
Have you tempered your vessel, and learned to separate this
from that?
Do you see the dross now that occluded your internal vision?
There is the old nursery rhyme: “When you wish upon a star,
dreams come true”…But that is for children, unless you have learned, that when
you align, yourself, with the universe, and what you were born to do, the
universe will respond to you, and agents and angels will show up on your path,
when you are ready.
This is not to ‘go with the flow’, like lemmings, but to
have forged your vessel, to a tensile strength that can handle the light that
is now glowing within you. Feel the
trembling cauldron inside of you? Feel
your kinship with the earth and how she is trembling too?
We had to learn to discern, to be aware of what is happening
around us, as so much has been revealed, as we told you in chapter I of the
book: ‘Alchemy of the Soul, A Limbic System”.
All is being revealed now, the ancient secrets, the
emperor’s with no clothes, the monsters that live among us and have all but
taken over the planet.

Now, there is no more hiding, it is all coming out in the
open and that is frightening for those who have been so busy, they could not
see, or fell into the trap of so much of the new age teachings, that are just
one more rouse to get those not ready to hold the bright light of truth yet,
but we must now help them realize their true source too.
Shine your own light, it will cause some to recoil, if they
have been going on false truths, that alignment may be hard to readjust and
more so for some than others.
The Star Card will reveal the invisible hand, who is guiding
us along, and will allow us to stray when we are not ready for the deeper
truths and the light that they hold. It
is not different than trying to look directly into the sun, this requires inner
But, we must know, that if we are not aligned with our
spiritual pursuit, if what we do, lacks real meaning or we have not found the
energy rising when we share our gift, there is still more tinkering and tempering
to be done.
It is time to rededicate yourself, to take the steps that
align that little turning stone within you, to a larger realm traveling through
an ancient evolutionary course that started long ago and throughout eternity.
Listen to your heart for wisdom, is it connected to your
The ancient’s had all the right tools, meditation,
cleansing, prayer, fasting, truth, communion, honour, good works, yoga, being
in nature’s garden, seeking forgiveness and repentance. Contemplate your path, and adjust your
sails, what you have been putting off is calling you.
Remember, we are dealing with some powerful A-STAR-OLOGY,
here, and Saturn and Neptune, Saturn wants us to be careful, not to rush in,
this reminds us of not being too prideful, remind yourself of the rooster, and
fire, too quick, we have a wild fire, but controlled, we have THE POWER TO
Here is a little excerpt from Wikipedia:
The Pleiades are a prominent sight in winter in the Northern
Hemisphere, and have been known since antiquity to cultures all around the
world, including the Celts, Māori, Aboriginal Australians, the
Persians, the Arabs (who called them Thurayya), the Chinese, the Japanese, the
Maya, the Aztec, the Sioux and the Cherokee. In Hinduism, the Pleiades are
known as Krittika and are associated with the war-god Kartikeya (Murugan,
Skanda), who derives his name from them. The god is raised by the six Krittika
sisters, also known as the Matrikas. He is said to have developed a face for
each of them.
The Nebra sky disk, dated circa 1600 BC. The cluster of dots
in the upper right portion of the disk is believed to be the Pleiades.
The Babylonian star catalogues name the Pleiades MUL.MUL or
"star of stars", and they head the list of stars along the ecliptic,
reflecting the fact that they were close to the point of vernal equinox around
the 23rd century BC. The Ancient Egyptians may have used the names
"Followers" and "Ennead" in the prognosis texts of the
Calendar of Lucky and Unlucky Days of papyrus Cairo 86637.[11] The earliest
known depiction of the Pleiades is likely a bronze age artifact known as the
Nebra sky disk, dated to approximately 1600 BC.[citation needed] Some Greek
astronomers considered them to be a distinct constellation, and they are
mentioned by Hesiod, and in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey.
Did you also know that when you see the woman with the
pitcher you should follow her into her house?
That is Aquarius.
Follow her into the Age of Aquarius. Aquarius is an air sign, though she is
holding pitchers of water, this is all alchemical.
I posted two different versions of the card, so you can see
there are different ways of telling a story in the ‘unbound book’ of the TAROT,
She wants us to shine our light, don’t wait for permission,
to follow her into your own house. You
don’t give a star permission to shine, and we all need whatever light you have
been impregnated with, bring it forth.
Also notice, that in one card, there is a traveler with his knapsack on his back, a wanderer who does not seem to have a home? That may be coming in early spring for some, with Venus, Jupiter going retrograde and Mercury going retrograde on the tail end of Venus, just before she stations direct.
Also notice, that in one card, there is a traveler with his knapsack on his back, a wanderer who does not seem to have a home? That may be coming in early spring for some, with Venus, Jupiter going retrograde and Mercury going retrograde on the tail end of Venus, just before she stations direct.
I will post more on the year ahead, and add to this, but
needed to get this out, so you can see the following also:
We will have a lovely trine from Uranus in Aries to Saturn
in Sagittarius that will be exact on Christmas Evening, on the way to the New
Moon in Capricorn at 7* on December 29th at 1:53 AM. There they are the sun and moon hanging out
with Mercury and just ahead of this, the sun will be catching up with
Pluto/Hades at 16* of Capricorn the Goat…that is forming a T-square to Uranus
at 20* of Aries and Jupiter at 20* of Libra, so that is a tense formation,
again, the boxed in feeling. Ever play
racquetball and get hit by that hard rubber ball, bouncing so quickly off the
wall you don’t have reflexes that are agile enough to realize it is even coming
before it happens? Well, that is a good
analogy for the energy right now, as quick as you shine your light, Mercury RX
at 6* Capricorn and Uranus Rx at 20* Aries, are both recoiling and mangling up
communication efforts, that at times, will be exactly the wisdom hindsight can
quickly bring now, especially with the trine from Uranus to Saturn, it is
returning to us, it will also peel back layers and give us insights so quick
and so deep, we might make the mistake that it is all done now, okay, now we got
this, and we do. But we will have a
‘return and adjustment’ that once we attend to, layer after layer, it will
finally sink in and become the foundation to move forward with for the change
that is necessary.
Remember, that Saturn/EL is the ruler of Capricorn, so all
we see happening, is directly related to Saturn and planets like Pluto in his
domain, and also aspects to Saturn and Pluto, with all the closer planets
making aspects, as the sun and moon will do on the 29th and Saturn trine to
Uranus, ruler of
Aquarius makes starting Christmas eve.
As a reminder, I am sharing a song, a signpost for the times
we now find ourselves, think about the words, beyond just a 'room'...for we are
all living in a large home/earth together. We sit right next to one another, no
matter how far apart and dissonant, lol, that might seem.
Sing it to us all now Sarah Vaughan.
A very Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all.
A great big thank you to everyone for continuing to support
ArcAncient, and the efforts we so earnestly believe in. We will continue to work hard to merit your
loyalty, keeping our products fresh and using the highest quality ingredients
and essential oils that are the absolute premium oils available, bar none.
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