Dream of Twin Towers Imploding
Way back, sometime before George Bush became president, I
had a prophetic dream. (One of many)
In the dream, I became lucid when I heard screaming and a
male voice overriding all the screams stating: ‘The energy centers are
imploding, the energy centers are imploding”.
The building I was in was shaking, rumbling as I made my way
outside of the Cimmerian surreal hallways as I tried to wake myself.
I found myself at the edge of a shoreline looking across the
water as I recognized the skyline of New York city in the early morning hours.
The sun was trying to force itself through the dark mesh
that had cast itself over the city and into my mind.
My body split as it remotely viewed a huge gaping hole
sucking everything around it down and deep into the underbelly below, with the
sounds of huge explosions preceding. I wondered if I was ok from my own location
on the shores across the harbor. I was assured that indeed, I was ok where I
was and would not be injured.
Within minutes, a second huge explosion took place and again
the same male voice screaming “The energy centers are imploding the energy
centers are imploding”.
The earth was sucking up the building as if it were
dissolving into her belly in a magma and molten inferno.
People were screaming
and running in all directions.

Starting with "the Buddha" (the "Enlightened
One"), and then turning into Jesus (the ‘Anointed One’) then Krishna they
were all standing in pillars of smoke that were 1,000 feet tall.
Each one said basically the same thing in different ways,
but they were all saying: “Love One Another”.
Finally, the last form takes shape again in a thousand foot
tall pillar, only it is a woman who is of medium coloured skin with a tall
neck, whom I confirm along the way in mystical experiences that will follow, is
Mary Magdalene.
She stands arms outspread as a mother who is concerned for
her children, but whose children refuse to listen to wisdom and continuously
disobey the teaching that is for their own good.
There is such a deep concern and love in Her eyes, as she
surveys the earth below and all of Her children who She cares so deeply about.
Then, this Tall Woman, (Mary Magdalene) walks out of the
plume of smoke and onto the planet. As she does this, I turn to see my sister
Barbara, driving up in her silver car. She opens the window and tells me to get
in the car.
(My sister Barbara, was already passed away when I have this
dream, but has often come in dreamtime to help guide and teach me.)
I get into the car and we drive off into the eerie waking
morning under burnt umber and autumnal red skies. In the distance, I hear
another explosion/implosion.
We arrive at a building, Barbara tells me to enter and she
follows me inside.
Barbara takes a seat in the very rear of the stadium style
seating and I look to see this same woman (Mary Magdalene) now seated in a
large royal chair in the center of the stage only She is now just a very tall
woman with a large presence that fills the room as She holds court.
I turn back to look at Barbara to implore her as to what is
going on, and she simply nods to the area directly in front and below me, and
tells me to pay attention.
There in front of me are several politicians in suits. Some
of which I know very well, one a former president and the others gathered
around him as he whispers to them his plans as to how they will get around this

I wake up, very shaken and disturbed by this powerful dream.
It leaves me visibly shaking for days.
On the morning of September 11, 2001, I am readying for work
with the strangest of feelings, a friend calls me to ask me if I know what is
going on? We turn on the morning shows to see one of the Twin Towers smoking
and as we are watching, we see another plane hit the other tower.
I call my sister to somehow find a rudder in this horror,
and tell her they are coming down. She replies that her husband says they are
built to withstand this kind of impact from a plane; they have to be built to withstand a plane hitting them by
regulation because of their height.
But I still know they are coming down.
The energy centers are the money centers; currency
is a term for money and is also a term for electricity. We are learning
about energy by exchanging currency/money. They are one and the same.
Every year starting with the year 2000 or the millennium as
it is known, in Roman Numerals is MM.
That is Mary Magdalene, or the return of the Divine Feminine
in marriage to the Divine Masculine, the return of the Fisher King.
All we have to do is to Love One Another and for a short
time following the incident, I thought it might bring people together to do
just that, somehow out of that horror, we might find our hearts are connected
and that we need each other.
Those two towers were built by the Solomon Brothers no less, and of course, as stated many times, that is "the soul of man" or the Sun and Moon. It is Jachin and Boaz.
That was an evil spell that was cast upon us and the breaking of the towers that connect heaven and earth, which was symbolic or allegorical of the disconnection from heaven to earth.
That was an evil spell that was cast upon us and the breaking of the towers that connect heaven and earth, which was symbolic or allegorical of the disconnection from heaven to earth.
That weekend, I had already scheduled a retreat that we had
designed and were going to lead called: “Dreaming Awake With Fairies in the
Emerald City”.
We called everyone to see if they were still up for the
retreat, considering the events that had taken place. They all said not only
did they still plan on attending, they were looking forward to coming, they
needed the retreat.
One night while walking under the canopy of stars, I watched
the lights and felt the clarion call had gone out to places far distant, that
the earth was in grave danger, and things had been forever changed.
I recalled the images that shaped and formed out of that
inferno, looking evil and satanic and wondered just what terrible daemons had
been conjured up from the abyss on that fateful day.
It seems, rather than allow a natural waking process to take
place, where we do indeed find each and every one of us are connected and to
begin to truly open up our hearts and ‘Love One Another’, which of course is
the ‘Greatest of These’ from Corinthians 14 4:13.
We have been sucked into a vortex of division and hatred.
Somehow so far, they have managed to ‘Get around Her’.
At least by some appearance sake, but I have an abiding
Faith, that in reality this is impossible, and a Greater Hand that teaches me
to believe in the beauty that surrounds me and in every good deed and each
heart flame, one at a time, igniting the other and reminding us of the seeds
that were planted in us so long ago.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The wind is still crying Mary, listen to your heart song and
you will hear her whisper the ways of love, by way of the heart.
31) “That is why I said to you, be of good courage, and if
you are discouraged be encouraged in the presence of the different forms of
32) He who has ears to hear let him hear.
33) When the Blessed One had said this, He greeted them all,
saying, Peace be with you. Receive my
peace unto yourselves.

~From the Gospel of Mary Magdalene
I have shared this dream many times over the years now, it
was on the original ArcAncient Website and of course, I shared with my
students. I hope you enjoy the telling
and can glean from it a strong message of hope, love and the inevitable return
of the Divine Feminine and Her natural bounty.
I have many dreams and teachings from Mary Magdalene, which
I will share both here and in my upcoming book.
If we add to this that the twin towers were built by the SOLOMON Brother's...(the sun and the moon or soul of man, as I have so often stated now)...we see that they were destroying the marriage of the pairs of opposites...we all live in our own Temp-EL...And who is EL? Gd of the old Testament and Egypt.
EL, is Saturn, the Lord of the Rings. EL rules the square, EL-e-MENT. (the Gd-Mind)...What are you doing when you make the sign of the CROSS? The four directions, a sacred circle upon your own body. Earth, Air, Fire and WATER. ALL WATER IS HOLY WATER.
The cross is comprised of 4 squares. This is age-old and all over the planet as the cross. There are 3 crosses in astrology.
Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. We must enter the ARC/ARK of the Covenant, 2 X 2, MARRYING THE PAIRS OF OPPOSITES, THE FEMALE AND THE MALE.
We must worship, BOTH THE MASCULINE AND FEMALE Divinities, or, we will have nothing but scorched earth. You see in this vision, it is SHE they want to overpower, yet SHE IS 1,000 FEET TALL!
To comprehend this from an even deeper level, read the other blogs, On Standing Rock, (where they are protecting the water here: http://arcoftheancients.blogspot.com/2016/12/standing-rock-black-snake-prophecy.html
And the first chapter of my book: "Alchemy of the Soul, A LIMBIC SYSTEM", here:
We are trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored.
Every child born head first, is born, after the mother 'IS CROWNING'...so all children born head first are born with a 'CROWN OF THORNS', to bleed the cup of life, the blood of a new and ever lasting covenant, it will be shed so that sins may be forgiven.
This is never to see that we are Gds, we are simply the vessels, that Gd pours into, the water, that we then turn into wine. The rays of Gd's light emanating through the filters of our vessels.
If one takes a thimble and fills it with the Ocean, it is both the Ocean, and yet it is not the OCEAN, that sustains all the life the ocean holds, is this not so?
Pray, do good works, and the truth shall set you free.
We are living in the time of Revelations, REVEALATIONS.
Marry the pairs of the opposites, stand up for the water protectors, stand up for the earth, stand up for the divine feminine that is being daemonized all over again.
Stand up for LIFE. Or fall forever.
If we add to this that the twin towers were built by the SOLOMON Brother's...(the sun and the moon or soul of man, as I have so often stated now)...we see that they were destroying the marriage of the pairs of opposites...we all live in our own Temp-EL...And who is EL? Gd of the old Testament and Egypt.
EL, is Saturn, the Lord of the Rings. EL rules the square, EL-e-MENT. (the Gd-Mind)...What are you doing when you make the sign of the CROSS? The four directions, a sacred circle upon your own body. Earth, Air, Fire and WATER. ALL WATER IS HOLY WATER.
The cross is comprised of 4 squares. This is age-old and all over the planet as the cross. There are 3 crosses in astrology.

We must worship, BOTH THE MASCULINE AND FEMALE Divinities, or, we will have nothing but scorched earth. You see in this vision, it is SHE they want to overpower, yet SHE IS 1,000 FEET TALL!
To comprehend this from an even deeper level, read the other blogs, On Standing Rock, (where they are protecting the water here: http://arcoftheancients.blogspot.com/2016/12/standing-rock-black-snake-prophecy.html
And the first chapter of my book: "Alchemy of the Soul, A LIMBIC SYSTEM", here:
We are trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored.
Every child born head first, is born, after the mother 'IS CROWNING'...so all children born head first are born with a 'CROWN OF THORNS', to bleed the cup of life, the blood of a new and ever lasting covenant, it will be shed so that sins may be forgiven.
This is never to see that we are Gds, we are simply the vessels, that Gd pours into, the water, that we then turn into wine. The rays of Gd's light emanating through the filters of our vessels.
If one takes a thimble and fills it with the Ocean, it is both the Ocean, and yet it is not the OCEAN, that sustains all the life the ocean holds, is this not so?
Pray, do good works, and the truth shall set you free.
We are living in the time of Revelations, REVEALATIONS.
Marry the pairs of the opposites, stand up for the water protectors, stand up for the earth, stand up for the divine feminine that is being daemonized all over again.
Stand up for LIFE. Or fall forever.
Wow. Brilliant and powerful. When will your book be completed?
ReplyDeleteSorry, I did not see this until now. It is written, just editing and cleaning it up now. Sometimes, I am concerned about releasing all the information.