Friday, October 21, 2022

Loving the Soul Into the Depths of the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

 Stellar Insights for all of you!!!

Doing the best we can to help all of you SEE WHAT WE SEE!
Let's start with this, expounding on the last blog:

New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio 2* October 25th, 2022.

What's love got to do with it? The heart of the MAAT er!!! Mother. Setting your course for the next 10 months, what DO YOU LOVE?

Venus and our own star (the sun) meet up at 29* Libra on 10.22.2022 at @5:17PM.  Venus will be hidden behind the sun (superior conjunction) and reappear once again as the evening star towards the end of November.  She will remain an evening star until August 13, 2023, when it passes through inferior conjunction and into the morning sky.

Adding to this POWERFUL aspect, they are both squaring Pluto who recently stationed direct and will be at 26* Capricorn and gaining momentum/steam forming a square to both.


Venus and the sun won't meet up again in Libra until 2030.

This is also known as the anoretic 29th*, so this is all about learning what many have tripped around the sun to learn that now can culminate or become crystal clear, deep insights especially regarding those themes, what relationships mean, which are important, and what have we outgrown? What is no longer of VALUE to us?

Venus is in RULERSHIP in Libra, so this adds to this VERY POWERFUL aspect.  Especially when we add all the other major astrological aspects happening. Venus and the sun both ingress (enter) Scorpio on the 23rd (even the numerology emphasizes the '2'/22nd) bringing that FUSED energy into the mystery together and bringing those newfound insights with them as they both go deep diving into the watery and feminine depths of Scorpio.  The moon catches up for the new moon on the 25th. WOWOWOWOW!


Even when you are up against the wall of Pluto/Transformation? Re-evaluating what you believe, the hierarchy's/government, institutions?

Pay ATTENTION, THE UNIVERSE IS SPEAKING LOUD AND CLEAR RIGHT NOW, because this Cazimi (Venus/sun conjunction) aspect takes us RIGHT INTO THE HEART OF THE MAATER!!!

But why only have that to push us to new levels? 
Saturn/EL begins to station direct just after midnight at 18* Aquarius on 10.22.2022 TOO! (I couldn’t help myself).
Guess what?  Lady Luna at 18* Virgo when Saturn stations forms an exact inconjunct, this can be rather inharmonious.  However, Saturn will form a lovely trine to a 17* Mercury in Libra, this can help with the communication while old issues and sensitivities are being ACTIVATED.

Venus and the sun also form an inconjunct (quincunx) to Jupiter who is retrograde at 0* Aries, all set for his return trip into PIsces on the 28th.

Having fun yet?

Jupiter is only too happy to swim in Piscean waters again, where he is the traditional ruler, before we discovered Neptune.

Speaking of which, Neptune is retrograde at 23* PIsces squaring Mars at 25* Gemini, and Mars is getting ready to station retrograde on the 29th of this month.  That could make the waters a bit murky, especially with all the other angels stirring it up, it will be some time before this will settle, so our ACTIONS & ENERGY can seem a bit unfocused, now you see it, and now you don’t.

Let’s see, what else can we add to this powder keg swimming around in the waters above?  Oh yes, the 2nd last Fixed Cross eclipse happens on the 25th when lady Luna does meet up with the sun at 5:48 AM when both are at 2* Scorpio and Venus is still hanging out with the sun too.

Just a little behind this threesome, Mercury/Hermes at 22* Libra is also forming a square to Pluto.

So, as we can see, this is quite the cocktail being SHAKEN AND STIRRED in the heavens.

Now that I have introduced the major players and their positions and relationship to each other, let’s break this down a bit more for you.

The new moon SOLAR eclipse at 2* Scorpio is one more BREAK for the FIXED SIGNS, Scorpio, TAUrus, Aquarius and Leo.  Scorpio is EXTREMELY FERTILE, and they want to know all about the mystery, what is hidden, they want to get underneath the hood and see what is making things run.

When those planets all just formed that square to Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, that was striking the match with the irritation of the square, enough friction to LIGHT IT UP.

This can create great power struggles for those fixed signs, but that Venus conjunction to the sun, and square to Pluto drags Libra, Capricorn, and Aries in also, and by a lesser degree, Cancer.  (Poor Cancers, you have been experiencing such heart rending times, hang in there.  This will vary depending on house and aspect to your own natal planets of course.)

The whole planet is being pushed to the limits; this is a FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH!

This also sets the stage for that major total solar eclipse in April 2024 for Aries/Libra.

So, what are we seeding?  What is it that we want to bring into the world, what idea did you come to create on planet earth at this wild time, as we end out the Age of PIsces?

Some of us can feel as though we are tied up in knots, with periods of loosening and ease, only to step into what can feel like a trap, frustrating us as we try to find a clearing on the highway, to finally move forward!!!
That Mars square to Neptune does not help this, not one bit.

Still, Venus in the HEART OF THE SUN, is going to get quite the download for anyone tapping into this powerful energy.
Though it may be hard to settle down, if you can meditate, connect in nature, find the calm in the middle of the storm, the eye of the tornado, you will find REMARKABLY BRILLIANT INSIGHTS into the TRUTH OF THE MAATER, right now.

Many of us have been through a lot of chaos and tumult, preparing us to find this calm, no matter what is going on around us, many have had to find this calm, or they would have lost their minds by now.

All the CHAOS on the world stage, is constantly agitating and triggering us, thus the reason in large part, for the last post, on grounding and breathing with trees.

Which you can read here: Waking The Deep: Falling Away, Breathing With Trees & Forest Bathing (

Also, urgent and important is this recent blog:

Waking The Deep: Nobility & Gnosis Finding Your Path In The Shift of the Ages (

The chaos is stirring it up down on planet earth, for us to find TRUE ORDER.


The new moon SOLAR eclipse on the 25t..h, will have us breaking on through to the OTHER SIDE.  Libra is all about ‘the other’, it is seeing through the eyes of the other, ultimately, though there is truth to the ‘seeing ourselves in another’, this energy can bring the true insight, by realizing that sometimes an antagonistic relationship, or contentious relationship, taps into the secret released in the Gnosis blog and the truth in the very first picture in this blog, the OPPOSITION REVEALS US TO OURSELVES IN THE RESISTANCE.  We take that conjunction of sun and Venus in Libra and amalgamate and catalyze that union in Scorpio.
We also may realize that we cannot make someone love us, at least not in the way we feel we need that love, deep, down and connected.  'You can't make your heart feel, something it won't' ..."I Can't Make You Love Me" ~Bonnie Raitt

Some people show up to create the ‘resistance’, which may be the energy you need to SEE YOURSELF.  That opposition can be the reversal of the mirror effect, and just what you need to rub your GENE ‘IE’ lamp and release that sweet spirit, from the corked vessel that it has been trapped within.

Some people push back on you, to help you give birth to your beautiful soul’s intention.

Helps you build your spiritual muscles so to speak, to hold the LIGHT THAT IS GOING TO BE POURING INTO THE UNIVERSE.

Breaking open your hymenal and playing the music of your soul.

It Don't Come Easy Lyrics Ringo Starr - YouTube

 Ultimately, relationships will be put to the test, as people finally see aspects in the other, they either did not see at all, or overlooked, forgave, or diminished how much it affected them.  People will weigh the pros and cons and some will come to the conclusion, IT JUST ISN’T WORTH IT.

Others will just form a new definition of the relationship, readjust and create new parameters for themselves.  We will weigh the good and the bad on the Libra scales of justice and see the balance, but we will SEE THE RAW TRUTH AND MOVE FORWARD FROM THAT POINT, WITH OR WITHOUT THE PERSON, OR PERSONS, group, commitment, partnership, relationship (which can bleed into job too, maybe the people we thought were important or necessary for us to fulfill our roles in life, are not exactly fitting into the scheme of things/future that is now opening up to us?

Be careful, this is going to set precedent for most of us the rest of our lives.

Adding the eclipse on the 25th, only magnifies this energy and it will be the end of the road for some and for some things.

Ultimately, opening our eyes to how we relate, what we value, and what our soul's truly DESIRE to live our PASSION, first with ourselves, then with others and of course, with our Mother EarthHEART.

 Bonnie Raitt - I Can't Make You Love Me - YouTube 

It Don't Come Easy Lyrics Ringo Starr - YouTube

To help you through this time:
#Sleep Angel, #Stress Angel, #Into the Woods, #Harmony Cream, #Liminal Mage, #Inner Glow (Heart Chakra Blend)

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