Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Nobility & Gnosis Finding Your Path In The Shift of the Ages

People ask me all the time: ‘What do we do?’ and ‘WHY?’ “Why is this happening? (Referring to all the malaise spinning wildly on planet earth now and the division.) The answer to that is a stone in my shoe, turning and turning to seek answers too.  Do I believe in a benevolent God?  Absolutely.

So why?  Why the pain and suffering and why would there seemingly be ‘monsters getting away with creating hell on earth?’

Let me try to paint the picture of this answer for you:

First, let me remind you that if it was ONLY about some mad power control and worse, depopulation (yes, that is something postulated all over the internet) most of us would already be gone.  Do you control atomic bombs, heavy artillery, jets with bombs, chemical weaponry, etc.? 
NO, you may have an arsenal at home, (I don’t know, and I don’t care) but you cannot defend against the kind of military might, every single country has right now.  I had a friend of mine that is very connected to the top of the food chain tell me over a decade ago now; “Gloria, they can already see every movement you make inside your house.”  Yes, that was chilling.  There is a movie (probably many at this point) but I think it is Will Smith, trying to hide in a bathtub, because he witnessed something the very military, he was serving that was nefarious and he wanted to blow the whistle.  They turned off his bank accounts and began a smear campaign against him, his own wife doubted the man she knew and loved for many years, because of how good they are at this game, they are experts.  

Yet, we are here.

We have schools, roads, fire departments, grocery stores, etc., for all of us to use, and now even those things that we all grew up with, seem to be in jeopardy depending on what news source you have.
Yet, we are here, driving those roads, buying food (hopefully you have also learned to grow some food and know where your food sources are) and traffic signals work and you are reading this because of an internet that obviously, is not cancelling everything.  (Will that happen in the future?  That largely depends on us, read on.)

The death of Queen Elizabeth has become a ‘disturbance’ in my energy field, but not quite what you might expect.  As usual, things turn inside of me until I put the pieces of the puzzle together that is forming, usually ‘agitatedly’, while my inner light casts the TRUTH is ILLUMINATED, and I SEE THE BIGGER PICTURE.

Back in the year 2000, I began to use the MAJOR TAROT cards, relating to each of the years, starting with the FOOL, ‘0’ for the year 2000.

George Bush ‘W’ was elected to office that year.

One year later, the attacks on the World Trade Center Towers happened.

Location: New York City, New York, U.S.; · Arlington, Virginia, U.S.; and Stonycreek Township, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Date: September 11, 2001 · 8:14 a.m. – 10:03 a.m. (EDT)

That year was the year of the MAGICIAN ‘S’.

I have written about all of this, many times.  It was a “black majik ‘lesser’ ritual” that took place.  Many daemons were released from the Abyss that day, many.

You see the fool, is about to walk off a cliff, with his faithful ‘white’ dog, barking, trying to get his attention, but he is too ‘blissfully’ unaware of his surroundings and the danger that he is walking into, by ‘not paying attention’.  He is focused only ON THE BLISS/GOOD in his mind.  This is the disturbing contradiction and truth to the half- truth being promulgated now, 'focus only on your bliss/good', that is IGNORANCE!!!

The DOG?  G O D backwards.  Your wildish self, your INTUITION/KNOWING/GNOSIS.

Sirius, is also known as the ‘dog star’, which is a binary star system, and which the Dogon Tribe have written in their history, as the star system they come from, long before there is known use of telescopes to even see the binary STAR system, Alpha Canis Majoris, the brightest star in the heavens.

It is the brightest, because of its proximity to EARTH.

In 2001 (MMI) Equated to the MAGICIANS CARD.

In September of that year, on the 11th we had that fateful day when the twin towers were imploded and the THIRD TOWER, building #7 came down later that afternoon too.  It imploded into its own footprint.  Regardless of what you believe, that was an ‘internal’ implosion.  It was the WORLD TRADE CENTERS, and as I have stated many times now, it was about the ‘CURRENCY’ and that is when I was taught the relationship between ENERGY AND MONEY/CURRENCY.

I did not read any of this in a book, or online, or someone’s blog, or youtube, or on a TV show, etc.  All of that was given to me, INTERNALLY.  IT WAS AN INSIDE JOB.

*I dreamt that whole thing happening back in 1997 and wrote about that many times now.  I later learned that Mary Magdalene, was referred to as ‘THE TOWER’, and thus, has been painted many times in renaissance painting by the MASTERS, with a tower and/or a vase, etc.  As the meme shows you, there are those WHO KNOW THE OCCLUDED/HIDDEN TRUTH/GNOSIS.  GNOSTICS.

I wrote a piece about the whole thing, and begged President Bush NOT TO INVADE IRAQ, telling him we would get bogged down in the Middle East, AND there would be a terrible hurricane that would hit New Orleans and the levies would overflow.  Yes, I wrote it all before it happened.

Moving along, I remind you (as I have had to remind myself too) of the MANY SPIRITUAL *EXPERIENCES I HAVE HAD WITH VERY GOOD, BENEVOLENT BEINGS OF LIGHT.  ANGELS.  EARTHLY AND OTHER DIMENSIONAL ANGELS.  MANY, many, experiences, and dreams.

*Of my own NDE’S and experiencing the light, music, and L O V E of God.

She Walked With Jesus In Heaven During Her Near Death Experience - YouTube



*Of the dream I had, when my dad came to me, woke me LUCID, until I heard John Lennon, singing directly into my ear, and told my dad, I had to wake up and write down the words, so I wouldn’t forget them. 

*So many precognitive dreams and visions, informing me to investigate the astrology or vice versa, that have all come true.

The economic crashes of 2008, Donald Trump winning in 2016, and the interesting times we now find ourselves living in too, the Pandemic, etc., all of this and more, I have shared BEFORE IT HAPPENED.

This does not include the hundreds if not thousands of things I have shared with people personally.

Why me?  I don’t’ know, by the GRACE OF GOD.  I SEEK TO KNOW GOD, THAT IS FOR SURE.  I also spend a lot of time…ALONE…always have.

I have what is called in astrology, a loaded 12Th house, which means, being alone, IF YOU DON’T’ SPEND TIME ALONE, THE UNIVERSE WILL FORCE IT UPON YOU. 
I am only trying to explain how I see what is happening.

I had a friend use the line: ‘The gods want you to themselves’, but I would add at this point, that I like that relationship, sometimes in a selfish way, and I don’t like it disrupted, I cannot imagine not being in COMMUNICATION ALL THE TIME.

All the CONNECTIONS WE HAVE NOW, are preparing us to realize we ARE ALL CONNECTED.

Then I hear people struggling to ‘make that connection, to hear or to have eyes to see’.  I don’t have all the answers to this, but I will tell you it won’t happen without trying to make the phone call.

It can also happen by astrological transit, which turns all of our wheels and makes different aspects, that CAN MAKE THAT CONNECTION.

I shared with you when this whole PANDEMIC broke out, what I have been told, INTERNALLY, SPIRITUALLY, not by watching someone’s podcast, etc., that it was largely about getting people to turn INWARD, to look for REWARDS, INWARDLY, to find your own INNER LIGHT.  
Thus, the numerology and the matching TAROT CARDS, Magician, Hermit, SUN CARD (I remind you again, the CORONA IS ONLY SEEN IN AN ECLIPSE, THUS THE TIE INTO MY OTHER PREDICTION, REGARDING THE GREAT USA FIRE ECLIPSE PYRAMID IN PREVIOUS BLOGS) and also then, 1+9=10, The Wheel of Fortune card, and what do we see on that card?  THE FIXED CROSS OF ASTROLOGY: TAUrus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.

What are we going through this year and next?

The FIXED CROSS ECLIPSES (Scorpio/TAUrus, which effects the other two fixed signs, LEO AND AQUARIUS) along with the Saturn/EL in Aquarius square to Uranus in TAUrus, of which we just had the final square at the end of September, and we will feel the rest of October, a bit into November, just because of the two eclipses coming up on October 25th with the new moon eclipse in Scorpio and then the full moon eclipse on November 8th and that lunar eclipse in TAUrus.
Yes, we have fixed cross eclipses every 4.5 years, since the nodes shift (which is the point where the eclipse takes place on an invisible point in the solar system/equator with the cycles of the sun and moon, occluding one another) so we had fixed cross eclipses back in 2018, but as I have shared with you, we are EVOLUTING AROUND THE SUN, FLYING THROUGH OUR SOLAR SYSTEM and each VOLUTION moves us into deeper realms of ourselves, who we are, spiritual awareness or AWE OF RA/LIGHT/SUN.
Just as we go through life learning, we build upon what we learn, so too, do our souls build upon the FOUNDATIONAL TRUTHS/LIGHT we collect and assimilate as TRUTH.  Becoming AWARE, CONSCIOUS, EN-LIGHT-END.

This time is as precarious as I have warned in the past, NO ONE wanted to believe me when I said our very election process would be questioned, our country would find itself on the ropes, going through a deep reckoning, the world would go through tumult, go back to the blogs: ‘Shift of the Ages’, or ‘Pluto in Capricorn, Evolution of the World’s Soul’ (2013) for instance.
None of that was in some book or blog I read.
It came as an internal process, that yes, finds footholds on some of the many tools I have developed AGAIN this life.
I am more often than not, in communication with ‘other dimensions’/higher self.

I am far better at this skill set, than the physical world of this dimension, thinking about making money, etc.

I have had to learn that the hard way, that I also need to be here.


Mea Culpa, Lord have mercy on me, forgive me my trespasses.
I say this knowing our souls are an extension of THE ONE, what I saw and swam in, the LOVE AND LIGHT OF GOD, that is very real.

So, I have expected more of myself and had to learn that lesson (question of balance) too.
Forgive me please, for any wrong I may have committed, any pain I have caused, suffering, etc., for I KNEW NOT WHAT I WAS DOING AND NEVER MEANT ANY HARM TO ANYONE.
Perception is another thing entirely though isn’t it?

Someone can perceive a slight, as being on purpose, or where there has been none.  We are all wherever we are in our journey and awareness, how much pain we can handle, no one really knows what we are all going through or how we feel.

I have shared with you before, about the experience I had when I was in the 11 day trial with the landlord who was an attorney, (he was found guilty and disbarred, btw) and going into shock from the whole thing (literally, I couldn’t breathe, my chest felt as if it was inside a boa constrictor (yes, imagine how big that had to be, lol) and fighting for breath, gasping and someone well-meaning asked me while I was fighting for air: “So, what do you think you are supposed to be learning right now?”…that almost sent me all the way over to the other side again, it felt extremely cruel at the time.  Like hanging on me while I was straining every muscle in my body, just to carry that burden, that FEAR, of losing everything I had, and watching a justice system grind its wheels as the world was once more, exposing the truth about this world that my naïve eyes didn’t see before.  A very corrupt system, that had I not had all the angels and help I did have, could have gone much worse.
Mary Magdalene told me She needed me to prosecute this man (who yes, women came up to me and told me how he had abused them, and worse and he kept getting away with it all).
It still took its toll.

Can we extract anything from this world without ‘paying for it’ somehow?

Again, I am reminded of ‘blood-letting’ ritual, the practice is as old as history.
Offerings.  Thanking the Gods for all we have, wisdom, food, shelter, etc.

Reminder: Olm's Law is the measurement of resistance and Om is the eternal sound of God.

Thus the definition I was given: the measurement of resistance is the eternal sound of God.

So, I have my own lessons, and I do not know a single soul (including those who have sat on Oprah’s couch, or very highly connected) that hasn’t ‘wrestled with god’. 
Where are you in this path, what have you learned, what do you want to learn, believe me, the universe will TEACH YOU.

Are you concerned or questioning your path?

LOOK INSIDE, ASK THE QUESTIONS, KNOCK AND THE DOOR WILL BE OPENED, there are a million sayings from the wise ones, and they all say the same thing.



Once you get the ‘SIGNS/CALL’ THEN you can look up what you are seeing or hearing for help if you need to put the puzzle pieces together.


I do my best to assist people all the time, using the tools I have developed for 40 years in this life (not counting early years) and many, many, lives before.

We are all here, standing on the top of many lifetimes.

We have many people around us who have crossed over to help from the other side, for this phenomenal time on planet earth, when we are crossing the GREAT DIVIDE from MANY CYCLES OF TIME, not the least of which, is just being here, while the END OF THE AGE OF PISCES manifests as crumbling systems all around us, in so many fields and hierarchy’s and creating the NEW WORLD OF THE AGE OF AQUARIUS.

But to be sure, we are in the THICK OF IT NOW.

I do have more of a connection to the ‘other worlds/dimensions’ than this one, thus I do what I do.  I am grateful to those of you out there who have established more of a connection to this world and the physical needs that must be met, thank you, thank you for sharing with me, and I am happy to make the circuit connection and share with you!

Just as I am doing, right this minute!

Back to my initial point, WAKING UP IS HARD TO DO.

And how many times have I shared with you (again, didn’t read this, it is what I was told using my own internal system) that it is the NIGHTMARE THAT WAKES YOU UP, NOT THE COZY, SWEET DREAM.


All of that IS REAL TOO.

We do NOT DIE.

We leave our physical coat we are wearing for this life on planet earth, our mortal coil, but that LIGHT WITHIN US (HERMIT CARD) IS ETERNAL.

The more you realize this and make THE CONNECTION TO THE DIVINE, what people call their ‘higher self’ which I am okay with since when I have been out of body, died, whatever, I am floating on a higher level and I did come BACK DOWN INTO MY BODY.
You know what disconnects us from this? 

Think about that question before you continue.

Disconnect=separate=SEE APART.  (This is analogous to Moses parting the Red Sea, leaving Egypt behind (gyptsy/Tarot/Torah/Rota) Khem/Al Khemy, the land of the black, WHAT IS OCCULTED/OCCLUDED (what we cannot see now, on so many levels/layers).
Moses (Thutmosis) was worried that they would be stranded in the dessert, and what did he do?  He WENT UP TO THE MOUNTAIN (Mount Sanai, which is moon mountain, or MOTHER MOUNTAIN, we also have the root of sinostra/left-handed, or the feminine/Yin aspect within this word) and that has been so demonized into the word ‘sinister’ (your right hand is called, dexter for dexterous) that they literally said that using the left hand to write was evil.

They used to beat children in my generation if they used their left hand to write, my older brother was one of them.
We go through these ‘turnings of time, events, as we evolve.

Separating is DIVIDING.

Who did Moses see at the top of that mountain?

“The bush that was burning but unconsumed”.

Yes, all of this I have shared before.

Who was that bush?

The bush we know of as our Lady of Antiphon.  (That is from one of my rare, antique books, this one was from Notre Dame) and who is that?  M A R Y

What have I shared about that?

She represents the HOLY SPIRIT

Go back through the blogs or your notes from class, it is several chapters in the book I have been writing for over a decade but have released many chapters on in the past.

The number of fish in the net?  153
Here are three blogs I have shared, all outlining this, though there are many at this point.
Waking The Deep: The Wind Cries Mary All Along the Watch TOWER OF THE FLOCK (

Waking The Deep: Harvest For The World (


Waking The Deep: The Energy Centers Are Imploding. Dream of Twin Towers Coming Down (

What does Moses come back to, after he has been 'enlightened' with the Commandments?  The people are living wildly and have built a golden calf they are now worshipping.
Exactly what he expressly told them NOT TO DO.
The Golden Calf = TAUrus.
Moses just got back from: 'I AM THAT I AM'.

This is AN INSIDE JOB What are you allowing your soul's journey to be about, shopping for more physical things in this world?  Acquiring that which turns to dust?  Or the REAL GOLD?  

The whole world is colluding in OUR FAVOUR.


What separates us?


There isn’t a HERO that is going to rescue us…


Everything I do in this world, is about helping people with this journey.

I simply cannot have gone through all of this, sacrificed so much, without some small successes, helping someone to WAKE UP.

Now even being ‘woke’ has become a joke.


Because people aren’t getting this from an internal light source, they are celebrating or pilfering from those of us who do and maligning it with a different meaning, HIJACKING, spiritually bypassing for their own gains and THAT IS what they pass on to you.

Aquarius is about COMMUNITY

It is not going to be about ‘SOME HEROES’ it will turn the entire game over if she has to, until people see that we are all living inside the GOD MIND.




The powers on this planet are shifting…THEY ARE.

The universe LOVES US.

I will be back with the astrological aspects that we are navigating right now, including the next fixed cross eclipse on October 25th EDT at 1* Scorpio.

This will happen right after Venus at 29* Libra conjuncts the sun and starts a new cycle on the 22nd (this is EXTREMELY POWERFUL) 

and Mars stationing retrograde while we are coming out of the long periods of retrograde for other planets.
This is the Great Architects UNIVERSAL Clock, WHEELS WITHIN WHEELS, making aspects to all of our own blueprints, astrological code, to wake us up, during these times.
I also wrote the recent blog, where I shared instructions on CONNECTING DEEP INTO THE EARTH, WITH THOSE WHO HAVE CROSSED OVER, BREATHING WITH TREES.
Waking The Deep: Falling Away, Breathing With Trees & Forest Bathing (

FYI, you don’t have to do all of it, do what works for you, I shared a GUIDELINE, because some people asked me how to connect/breathe with a tree.

Please, go inside, light the candle, turn on your inner light, meditate, pray, do what works for you to open the door/THE WAY, to your own internal spiral staircase (it is no coincidence our DNA IS A SPIRAL) but make your way to the queen’s chamber, SINGULARLY, and ask, ask for the truth the light and the WAY.

You can only get there by WAY OF THE HEART.

Until we meet again,

Glory to God in the Highest,

Be well

Thanks so much for reading and sharing this blog, for others to KNOW TOO!💖

KNOWING WHAT I KNOW IS BOTH A CROSS AND DOVE, my heart is both heavy and uplifted.  I am reminded of this scene in Hamlet:
Hamlet, Act III, Scene I [To be, or not to be]
William Shakespeare - 1564-1616

To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action.—Soft you now!
The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remember'd.

What takes my mind to these connections?  I do not know. I only know that I must seek to find.  That I must KNOW/GNOSIS.
I see brilliant minds, and when they are confined to the 'set of allowable taught academia knowables' something escapes them, inner knowledge that is not taught in academia (not all, there is always an inner road/third path), of what is going on now.  (They learned only through the 'proper channels/university's' what they were TOLD THEY SHOULD LEARN).
If anyone was an astrologer, they would see much of what we endure coming.
The last time Saturn and Uranus were conjoined was back in Sagittarius: 27*-29* degrees on the Galactic Center.  That is when their cycle began, that is in the final, closing square now.  That means they are finishing up the job, the task these great ANG EL'S/ANGLES MESSENGERS, were given to impart upon us, upon this EARTH/HEARTEARTH, back then.  Now they wane towards their new conjunction again.  But they have a task from tapping into the Galactic Center...pouring that elixir into this world that stirred things up and destabilized many 'systems' that people thought were written in stone.   
They made their first square to each other, in 1999.  Do you know what else happened in 1999?
Vladimir Putin was named the new named Prime Minister, by Boris Yeltsin. Vladimir Putin was a former KGB spy and something of a political unknown.
Now they are making their last 'CLOSING SQUARE' to each other, from that conjunction.

Russia : NPR

Elaborating more: The last square from Saturn in Aquarius to UR ANUs in TAUrus, happens the end of September, we will feel this for a good portion of October, but the effects will be life-changing for the entire planet.  They met up back in 1988 on THE GALACTIC CENTER, 27* SAGITTARIUS, so that opening was a MAJOR INFLUX OF NEW ENERGY/CHANGE FOR JUST THIS TIME IN FACT.
SPEAKING OF 'GNOSIS'.  This is also called a 'CLOSING SQUARE', so it is closing out the old order of things.  This is financial, earth changes, artificial intelligence, digital currency, food, sustainability, internet of things, quantum computing, quantum thinking, VALUES, day to day work and the work force in general, but changes in a major way for 'essential workers' and those who in many ways, not respected in the work force, this is all changing in a major way.

They next meet up in 2032 when they are both at 28*01' Gemini, this will be the beginning of major changes in travel and communication.  

Useless Science or the Alchemist - Remedios Varo - Wikipedia

All Glory to God in the Highest, and peace to His people on earth.

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