Hebrew term Abaddon has a Greek equivalent Apollyon (Greek: Ἀπολλύων, Apollyon), appears in the Bible as both a place of destruction and as the name of
an angel. In the Hebrew
Bible, abaddon is
used with reference to a bottomless pit, often appearing alongside the place שאול (sheol), meaning the realm of the dead. In the New
Testament Book
of Revelation, an angel
called Abaddon is described as the king of an army of locusts; his name is first transcribed in Greek (Revelation
9:11—"whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon" (Ἀβαδδὼν)), and then translated ("which in Greek means the
Destroyer" (Ἀπολλύων, Apollyon)). The Latin Vulgate and the Douay
Rheims Bible have
additional notes (not present in the Greek text), "in Latin
Exterminans", exterminans being the Latin word for
"DESTROYER"? ~ From Wikipedia
Did you know,
that Donald Trump also thinks of himself as Apollo, which is why he wears his
hair the way he does? His entire 66th floor
condominium is decorated in tribute to Apollo/himself, adorned in gold and the
finest any God would deserve. He is also
the name: Trump, which of course is the 0/22 Major Arcana of the Tarot cards,
or the card or suit that is named in a regular playing deck, that is now a ‘special
winning card, which is not what it actually appears to be.
In Revelations, we are told the ‘trumpets will sound.’ Which of course, has the name, Trump right in
front of our eyes. So too, are the signs
all around us, if we have eyes to see.
In Revealations, as I now term them, see previous post, The Universe is A Garden of Secret Wonders: we see so much more that connects the dots for us, so we can have the eyes to see. Revelations was written at about 95 CE, while in exile on the isle of Patmos, the apostle John was given in vision a glimpse of the end of the age (Rev. 1:10), called the "Day of the Lord" in numerous Old and New Testament Scriptures. During this "day of the Lord's wrath" (Zep. 1:18), God will punish humanity for their proud, sinful ways and their refusal to acknowledge Him as the true God. John recorded the visions he saw in the book of Revelation.
In Revealations, as I now term them, see previous post, The Universe is A Garden of Secret Wonders: we see so much more that connects the dots for us, so we can have the eyes to see. Revelations was written at about 95 CE, while in exile on the isle of Patmos, the apostle John was given in vision a glimpse of the end of the age (Rev. 1:10), called the "Day of the Lord" in numerous Old and New Testament Scriptures. During this "day of the Lord's wrath" (Zep. 1:18), God will punish humanity for their proud, sinful ways and their refusal to acknowledge Him as the true God. John recorded the visions he saw in the book of Revelation.
One of those punishments, chronicled in Revelation 9:1-11,
will be the release of the depraved demons and fallen angels currently locked
in the Abyss. In Revelation 9:11, an
intriguing character is introduced:
REVELATION 9:11 They have as king over them, the angel of
the Abyss; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in the Greek he has the name
Apollyon. (NASU)
Abaddon and Apollyon both mean "destroyer." Who is this ruling spirit called the
"Destroyer," who is released from the Abyss during God's
wrath on mankind in the last days of this age?
Does the Bible mention this being anywhere else?
The "Destroyer" Released
Which event leads to
the powerful fallen angel’s entrance into the world? This occurrence is recorded in Revelation
9:1-11. To rightly understand who this
"king of the bottomless pit" is, it's vital to correctly interpret
what this passage is saying.
REVELATION 9:1 And the fifth angel blew his TRUMPET,
and I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key of the
shaft of the bottomless pit; 2 he opened the shaft of the bottomless pit and
from the shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and
the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft. (RSV)
First, notice that at the sounding of the fifth TRUMPET,
an angel ("star") descends out of heaven to the earth. This angel has in his possession a key to the
Abyss (also called the "bottomless pit"). With this key, the angel unlocks the
Abyss. It is very likely that this is
the same angel who later comes from heaven again with the key and a great chain
to imprison Satan in the Abyss for the duration of the Millennium (Rev.
appearance the locusts were like horses arrayed for battle; on their heads were
what looked like crowns of gold;
their faces were like human faces, 8 their hair like women's hair, and their teeth
like lions' teeth; 9 they had scales like iron breastplates, and the
noise of their wings was like the noise of many chariots with horses rushing
into battle. They have as king over them
the angel of the bottomless pit; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek he
is called Apollyon. (RSV)
Abaddon Is The "Beast" Who Ascends From The Abyss.
In Revelation 9:1-11, Abaddon is clearly identified as the
king of the evil spirits released from the Abyss. Twice specifically, and once symbolically,
Abaddon is referred to as the "beast" who is to come up out of the
REVELATION 11:7 When they [the two witnesses] have finished
their testimony, the beast that comes up out of the Abyss will
make war with them, and overcome them and kill them.
REVELATION 17:8 The beast that you saw was, and is not, and
is to ascend from the bottomless pit and go to perdition . . . (RSV)
REVELATION 13:1 Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea .
. . (NKJV) {Is this related to oil, see
previous post.}
Revelation 11:7 and 17:8 are clearly referring to Abaddon as
the "beast" who will ascend from the "bottomless pit." The
New Unger's Bible Dictionary says:
"The LXX renders Heb. tehom, 'the primeval ocean' (Gen. 1:2; Ps.
24:2; etc.) as 'abyss'" (p. 18, "Abyss"). This identification of Abaddon as the primary
"beast" mentioned in the book of Revelation.
There is one other Scripture that enigmatically mentions the
release of Abaddon from the Abyss. II
Thessalonians 2, where Paul discusses the "man of sin."
II THESSALONIANS 2:1 Now, brethren, concerning the coming of
our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2 not to
be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter,
as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for
that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin
is revealed, the son of perdition, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is
worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing
himself that he is God. (NKJV)
himself that he is God. (NKJV)

And you now know the thing [the Abyss] that is holding back [Abaddon], that he
may be revealed at the proper time. 7
For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only the thing [the Abyss]
which now restrains [Abaddon] will continue to do so until out of the midst [of
the Abyss] he comes.
Paul goes on to say that only after his release from that
which is now restraining him would the "lawless one" be revealed to
mankind (v. 8). (Dan. 7:26; 8:25; Rev.
in, 2017) Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked
with me, saying to me, "Come, I will show you the judgment of the great
harlot who sits on many waters, (New York city/Rome) 2 with whom the
kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were
made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
As you can see by comparing Revelation 17:3 to Revelation
13:1, the "scarlet beast" the "woman" rides looks very
similar to the "beast" which arose from the sea.
REVELATION 17:4 The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet,
and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a
golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. 5 And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF

See past writings on what muse/genius/daemona means.
We must expose the monsters that we live with, and bring down the curtain.
See past writings on what muse/genius/daemona means.
We must expose the monsters that we live with, and bring down the curtain.
(This will happen due to astrological configurations, the Uranus/Pluto squares after Pluto's entry into Capricorn (which rules the hierarchies, corporations, the apex of the PYRE-AMID/mountain, CAPSTONE 'missing because it is the HIDDEN HAND THAT RULES BEHIND THE SCENES, 'OCCULTED') and Pluto rules what is hidden. The upcoming Great USA Fire Eclipse Pyramid (08/2017-04/2024) is the GATEWAY for REVEALATIONS to occur, with the veil being thinned and people seeing what they could not SEE before. Thus...
Now, we see, the curtain coming down. I thought it would be nicer, and smoother for
us. The thing is, while I learned so
many secrets, mystically, and we see so many deep truths being revealed, like
never before, in large part, because of the WWW, World Wide Web.
What we also see, is that the monsters no longer care to
hide, they are coming right out in front of us now. They claim things like, Affluenza, because
they live with ‘INNfluenza’. Donald
Trump said right out in the open, that he can literally shoot someone, in the
middle of Times Square and get away with it, and people will still follow
him. He is a magician with words and
knowing what to say to people. He says
he will ‘BUILD A WALL’ to a crowd of frightened people, worried about the
future, and what they perceive to be deception from government, can you blame
Trump is also a Gemini, which is two people, DUPLICITY...the signs are there my friends.
Trump is also a Gemini, which is two people, DUPLICITY...the signs are there my friends.
He knows enough to talk as though the crowd is only a bunch
of 5th graders, because that simple language is programming. It sinks in and takes anchor. Now, even if you don’t believe in the bible,
or revelations, there are those in power that do. Let that sink in.
I also believe, that if we don’t stop the oil, the black snake from crossing the river (Standing Rock) as stated in the previous post, we will be headed for a nightmare on this planet we will not be able to awaken from. Too many things are converging not to pay attention. That water is life, and all water is the HOLY WATER we need, turning water into wine at the sacred Wedding Feast.
I also believe, that if we don’t stop the oil, the black snake from crossing the river (Standing Rock) as stated in the previous post, we will be headed for a nightmare on this planet we will not be able to awaken from. Too many things are converging not to pay attention. That water is life, and all water is the HOLY WATER we need, turning water into wine at the sacred Wedding Feast.
Yes, we still need to use oil, for how long, I do not know. But pipelines across rivers/lakes is terribly dangerous, and it also creates a target for attack in the US, do you realize that the proper detonation of a strategic pipeline can destroy the fresh water for the US, or at least from the Missouri westward?
They can do this to the eastern states too. Why help compromise the very thing we all need to live?
They can do this to the eastern states too. Why help compromise the very thing we all need to live?
That is also in previous posts. It is up to us, to stand up together, or fall forever, and by fall, I mean…THE FALL. Trump is the 'Lawless One".
That is also in previous posts. It is up to us, to stand up together, or fall forever, and by fall, I mean…THE FALL. Trump is the 'Lawless One".
People need to research who Roy Cohn is, that mentored Donald Trump, and was DISBARRED.
He was into young boys, was caught. Or, his minister (Trump's) growing up, Norman Vincent Peale, who started the conflation of 'spirituality and money/things' and like Cohn, re-enforced the teaching to NEVER ADMIT DOING WRONG, TO HIT BACK TWICE AS HARD, and Donald even wrote this, only I believe he said, he 'hits back three times as hard'. Peale reinforced, 'instant gratification' and helped the growing false teaching of spirituality that has led to the plague of 'spiritual bypassing'.
He is OWNED by the ELITE MONEY CHANGERS, even when he filed his early 90's bankruptcy with the Rothschild's bank, the executive handling that dissolution FORGAVE TRUMP 1.2 BILLION and is quoted in many articles as saying: 'Trump will be very useful to us in the future'.
Well, I guess they are calling in their investment. Trump has to be a puppet at the VERY LEAST.
Who owns CASINO'S, that are notorious 'money laundering machines' as Trump himself was brought to court with charges about this. Yeah, the day his top three executives were set to testify? The plane Trump rented, to replace Trump private jet, that MYSTERIOUSLY needed mechanical work all of a sudden, THAT VERY DAY, could not take them, and the one that Trump rented? It crashed, killing all three. THEY NEVER GOT TO TESTIFY ON TRUMP'S CASINO MONEY LAUNDERING.
IMAGINE THAT? If this was the Clinton's, people would have torches out. But not with the MAGICIAN TRUMP, HE IS TOO GOOD AT THE JOB HE WAS HIRED TO DO. HE PLAYS THEM WITH HYPERBOLE, AND TERMS LIKE 'THE SWAMP'. Notice he really doesn't mention names, save for those who personally cross him? Then he labels them like he is in kindergarten. Worse, he gets his 'followers' to repeat the labels. The slander. He tells them, point blank how much he is in control of THE FOLLOWERS, saying' I can shoot someone on 5th avenue and my followers would still follow me.'...BLATANTLY TELLING THEM, AND THEY CHEER HIM ON.
Because this 'golden boy' born with the silver spoon, has convince them, 'that he cares about the little men and women' who WILL NEVER AFFORD A CONDO. He OWNED A MISS TEENAGE PAGEANT...friends with Casablanca, and other known pedophiles like Jeffrey Epstein. Yet, they buy every single excuse he makes and angrily defend him against anyone who dares to contradict the story he concocts.
Even George Soros forgave him UPWARDS of 300 million for the loan for Chicago Trump Tower.
Trump has been Clinton's friends for life and donated to their own political campaigns, generously.
But you see, with everything being REVEALED, they needed someone who could masquerade and confuse the waking public. He is the PERFECT MAN FOR THE JOB.
They know YOU. The bots are reading everything we say. Trump just spits it out in that hypnotic way and the MEDIA assists him.

He was into young boys, was caught. Or, his minister (Trump's) growing up, Norman Vincent Peale, who started the conflation of 'spirituality and money/things' and like Cohn, re-enforced the teaching to NEVER ADMIT DOING WRONG, TO HIT BACK TWICE AS HARD, and Donald even wrote this, only I believe he said, he 'hits back three times as hard'. Peale reinforced, 'instant gratification' and helped the growing false teaching of spirituality that has led to the plague of 'spiritual bypassing'.
He is OWNED by the ELITE MONEY CHANGERS, even when he filed his early 90's bankruptcy with the Rothschild's bank, the executive handling that dissolution FORGAVE TRUMP 1.2 BILLION and is quoted in many articles as saying: 'Trump will be very useful to us in the future'.
Well, I guess they are calling in their investment. Trump has to be a puppet at the VERY LEAST.
Who owns CASINO'S, that are notorious 'money laundering machines' as Trump himself was brought to court with charges about this. Yeah, the day his top three executives were set to testify? The plane Trump rented, to replace Trump private jet, that MYSTERIOUSLY needed mechanical work all of a sudden, THAT VERY DAY, could not take them, and the one that Trump rented? It crashed, killing all three. THEY NEVER GOT TO TESTIFY ON TRUMP'S CASINO MONEY LAUNDERING.
IMAGINE THAT? If this was the Clinton's, people would have torches out. But not with the MAGICIAN TRUMP, HE IS TOO GOOD AT THE JOB HE WAS HIRED TO DO. HE PLAYS THEM WITH HYPERBOLE, AND TERMS LIKE 'THE SWAMP'. Notice he really doesn't mention names, save for those who personally cross him? Then he labels them like he is in kindergarten. Worse, he gets his 'followers' to repeat the labels. The slander. He tells them, point blank how much he is in control of THE FOLLOWERS, saying' I can shoot someone on 5th avenue and my followers would still follow me.'...BLATANTLY TELLING THEM, AND THEY CHEER HIM ON.
Because this 'golden boy' born with the silver spoon, has convince them, 'that he cares about the little men and women' who WILL NEVER AFFORD A CONDO. He OWNED A MISS TEENAGE PAGEANT...friends with Casablanca, and other known pedophiles like Jeffrey Epstein. Yet, they buy every single excuse he makes and angrily defend him against anyone who dares to contradict the story he concocts.
Even George Soros forgave him UPWARDS of 300 million for the loan for Chicago Trump Tower.
Trump has been Clinton's friends for life and donated to their own political campaigns, generously.
But you see, with everything being REVEALED, they needed someone who could masquerade and confuse the waking public. He is the PERFECT MAN FOR THE JOB.
They know YOU. The bots are reading everything we say. Trump just spits it out in that hypnotic way and the MEDIA assists him.
@Glow Sangreal All rights reserved, may NOT BE COPIED
Share, but share with full credits and direct link. © 2016
Additional Information found recently: 2024
The character, Alexander Cullen is based on Trump. The condo used, is actually, Trump's condo.
Trump is born on a LUNAR ECLIPSE.
Gemini: Duality
Trump Card: Not to be taken at face value.
Trumpets....the little horn.
Also see the Sibylline Prophecy's about the America' Apollo is predicted to rise in power at the END OF TIMES.
I think its more likely Trump is the good one, and he will destroy the evil that has reigned on earth for far too long.
ReplyDeleteYes, there are many who agree with you.
DeleteHE IS abaddon the cosmic destroyer of worlds & prime daemon of the book of revelation ~destroyer of all life
ReplyDeleteYou got it, the destroyer is a divide and sews confusion.
DeleteI agree Donald Trump is A Bad Don, that is his real name and whom can deny the man his rightful name, note which is not Cyrus.
Delete#45 is not just a golden apollo...his true identity is ABADDON primary daemon of armageddon, in the book of revelation & Job 28:22 ; a diabolic infestation of chaotic destruction...the god of death~! Just say'n
ReplyDeleteYes, thus that is part of the title also. We agree
DeleteI was newly returned from a 2 year tour in Munich Germany.The long transatlantic flight was exhausting & we were too tired to eat out. I shopped for a few groceries. I had to visit a quick stop, corner store & as I stood in the long check out line a tabloid headline grabbed my eyes & shocked me awake~!The artist's sketch of a middle aged man looked like the typical overfed businessmen we see world wide. The headlines read of his real estate holdings as a tycoon, casino, golf courses, resorts, various businesses, a college or school in his name & his golden palace in a high tower. That he was foretold in John's book of Revelation as the Destroyer, who would bring about Armageddon...ABADDON~destroyer of worlds. It was Trump & it was to happen after 2015 to 2025. He was also spoken of in Jobe that was winter 1980/81. That demonic image has haunted my dreams ever since. The Globe or Star not a bigger name like the National Enquirer. I did not buy it but came back the next day & it was sold out.It really was Him~!
ReplyDeleteWow! Thanks for that confirmation! Someone is paying attention, it amazes me how people are so spellbound by him, but that is part of the power Abaddon has. Thanks for sharing and sorry I did not see this comment until now.
DeleteMy late husband watched the Apprentice but I never could...the boss who fired people, looked way too much like that evil destroyer on the prophetic tabloid cover ; years before, that gave me nightmares & still does, especially since 2016.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments. And look where we are now! Hang on! Here we go....swoosh.
DeleteWe are, as a democracy,being destroyed~! Autocratic coup #45 happened in 2016 & Russia another Autocracy helped~! If #45 & the complicit, enabling republicans win in 2020 unopposed...we will lose our nation to Autocracy for good~so stock up on your chains & cages ; you'll be expected to provide your own~!
ReplyDeleteWe still have hope, his job is to wake people up to their soul's true light, by being lawless and exposing the darkness through his own illicit and duplicitous actions.
DeleteLet's SayTSay thaththat youlyou people are right. Trump is notanot savior,sites but in fact destroyer.
ReplyDeleteHere are links for Belly of the Beast. The thesis is that DC was built by Babylon influence to resurrect a president to reincarnate Lucifer into a human.
If Trump is Too of Spear, what if he receives deadly head wound and us laid in state of GW tomb under Capitol and comes back to life???
This is critical to understand!!!
I always dismissed the idea of America being Babylon partly because relation talks about the woman the harlot sitting on a city of seven hills and I knew that was Rome... as I say do your own research bring your own research to the party Washington DC is built on seven hills!
"Washington, D.C., built on Capitol Hill, Meridian Hill, Floral Hills, Forest Hills, Hillbrook, Hillcrest, and Knox Hill."
I don't know what all that means and of course many people you look at Jeremiah 51 there are many characteristics mentioned there that fit America. so it's not a shallow it's not a simple shallow topic you can just dismiss easily.
Justen and Wes Faull join me the discuss their powerful new film 'Belly of the Beast' Director's Cut which you can watch here:
Or order here:
SGT Podcast:…
SGT Patreon:…
SGT Bitchute…
The destruction is already well underway. The energy of divide and conquer...people literally worshipping Trump still, falling right into the little plan, thinking they have a hero that is going to save them.
DeletePutting Trump before God...having him sign their bibles, and his past is a living example of how he breaks every single one of the seven deadly sins almost on a daily basis, the GREED alone should be a BIG SIGN FOR PEOPLE TO SEE, THE CHEATING ON EVERY SINGLE WIFE. Stealing from charity's, I mean, who does this? The whole family had to take classes about not stealing and none of them are allowed anywhere near a charity for the rest of their lives. That is pretty sad. Yet, people still believe, 'they are just attacking him'...Trump has used the media his entire life, taunting them and always attacking public persona's to get the media attention. He just used that same M.O. and used it to his advantage and people bought it all, hook, line and sinker. They still, think he is somehow going to save them, while he lies about the election.
The elections where stolen from the citizen in the begining. Electoral colege, voting, executive priviledges, under seal of the state, imunities are all hidden secret society elites who deny the messiah, who sits on the mercy seat of Government. I pray that Yeshuah Ha Mashiach will come straighten out this mess and he ckenses my wretched soul from all these things I have been taught by men. I loatb myself, a fool and a sinner, I pray his holiness is stronger than my sins. I am lost in the leviathan chained to addiction which has destroyed my life, forgive me father for I know not what I do, I pray in Jesus name, life has no value what Trump must Do to me, do it quickly I am a bastard having no fatger, I am a walking dead man, and repent in dust and ashes, for me to die for Christ is gain, I don't want to live in this dark world any longer, you can have this world, even if I do not rise on the last die, which is highly probable looking back through my history, I have grown to loath my self and knowing nothing is far better than what I know today. I've never seen God , only a breaze that files my lungs and sustains my life, I am not worthy for that breath or this life. I tried by t not hard enough, I prayed and return to my inisuity, I can not live with my savior, my king, and my friend, Yeshuah Ha Mashiach is his nale, I have not seen him but I know he is there, whether he does or does not do what I believe he will do, is irrelevant because he gives me hope and peace and just for the faith that I recieve from ready his word, in that I commit my soul into his faithful hands trusting him beyond death and the grave that one day I will see him eye to eye, that is all that I can hope for that not my will but his Wil be done. He who has an ear let him hear what the spirit says. Amen.
ReplyDeleteMay you be filled by the Holy Spirit and lifted by the grace of God.
DeleteI believe you're right on... here's an old post of mine regarding DJT from Jul/Aug 2015. Time is truly short!